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My Progress So Far 15 Oct 2012 20:58 #24949

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Still wanting to get rid of all the symptoms I have. It seems the MMS is not working for this particular issue, which leads me to consider the parasite protocol. I've done my research on DE and it turns out the very product I've got for my goats and chickens is a really good quality Food Grade -- so yay on that. I'm going to start slowly with 1 teaspoon Am and maybe PM too, and see if I have any reaction to it. Will keep posting my progress.
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My Progress So Far 05 Oct 2022 08:18 #76957

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I know this is an old thread, but I wanted to add some information for people
who may be going back and reading old information, to correct some misunderstandings
and misinformation and disinformation, etc.

I don't remember Jim Humble saying, "emotions/beliefs don't really play a large part in health crises",
but, afaic, he is COMPLETELY and TOTALLY WRONG about that.

Emotions, Beliefs, Mental Attitudes, and other Psychology play a VERY large part
in healing AND becoming ill. It is fairly well known that a person can literally
"make themselves ill" in a variety of ways via the mind. "It's all in your mind" has
become a very negative and derogatory usage, and it can be in context, but
there is much to the concept in a non-negative and non-derogatory sense.
AND "mindfulness" can also help a person to become better in the same respect.
I am still working on my page about this for my website that will also be posted on this forum.

Here is merely one anecdote of THOUSANDS that you can find if you look:
There was a doctor in the Bay Area (Cali) some years ago (1990s) who did some
very interesting work along those lines. He took it some number of steps further, to the point
of what most people would call "Woo Woo" to put it nicely. I met him and some other
people who had moved up into the mountains of NorCal to create an "health community".
I don't remember his name and lost touch with them, so I don't know the current status.
There was a young man there helping around the place who had a VERY bad back strain
from doing something the day before. Working, or chopping firewood, or stacking it, I forget.
He was pretty stoved up and could barely move and walk or turn his head.
The doctor talked to him about it, discovered that the night before the guy had talked to
his father and gotten in an argument, and that they had a very strained relationship.
After talking to the guy for a short time, the doctor got him to realize that he hadn't
really strained his back, it was from his interaction and history with his father.
His back immediately felt 100% better and he was fine. That's what this doctor was able to do.
I had no reason to not believe this person's story having heard it first hand and seeing
and experiencing the shock, amazement, and sincerity in his voice and words.
Plus I knew something about the doctor's history. This was pre-Internet.

If you don't know about this kind of stuff, you can "do your own research"
('famous last words') about the Nocebo Effect and some other things most
people have probably at least heard of, like "The Power of Positive Thinking",
"You Can't Afford the Luxury of a Negative Thought", "Laughter Is The Best Medicine",
'Mind Over Matter' and The Institute of Noetic Sciences (founded in 1973 by
NASA astronaut Edgar Mitchell and others) that describes Noetic Sciences as
"how beliefs, thoughts, and intentions affect the physical world", and other
similar information.

I think I've related one of my own stories on the forum here somewhere where over
about a couple of months I used "Mind Over Matter" to make several warts on both
of my hands that I had had for years completely disappear. That was amazing
to say the least.

Also, it is CARBS that people SHOULD be eating, NOT Animal Flesh and Products,
the former of which constitute the most healthy and health-promoting diet for an Human Animal,
and the latter of which are the fundamental causes for so many human diseases and illnesses.
See my website, link below, for more information about that.
NOTE: Any and all information supplied in online or offline communications that pertains to,
mentions, replies to inquiries about, and/or involves a discussion of, the information on my website,
ASpoonfulOfMedicine.com, falls under the Disclaimer on my website.

CHP – The Clean Health Protocol

You will find info there regarding Jim Humble's "MMS Health Recovery Guidebook".

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My Progress So Far 08 Oct 2022 15:52 #77004

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would love to hear your warts story if you re-post it - I searched for "wart" and didn't find it.

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My Progress So Far 08 Oct 2022 19:44 #77006

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Where I worked in the mid 1990s, our "Office Secretary" had a child who had a wart
on his hand. They made a doctor appointment to have it "frozen off" (or whatever it is
they do to warts) This really freaked out the kid, especially the night before the

The next morning, the wart was completely gone. Not even a blemish like would be
there if the kid ripped it off or whatever. It kind of freaked out the mother.

When I heard this story, I completely believed it. I have "believed" in Mind Over Matter
for many years, read about it, studied it, etc. The problem is TRULY believing it and
not letting all of the negativity from people and society and "science" and "scientists" and
"skeptics" and people like that beat it out of you, plus your own "adult" doubtful psychology.

I had several warts on both hands, some of which were in positions where it was
painful every time I knocked them into something. I had tried "Wart Remover" a few
times, and it kind of worked, but I never followed through with it on all of them.
(chemical burning) Sometimes they would come back, too.

I figured, if the kid could do it, so could I.

So I picked one wart and mentally and verbally said, "Time for you to go."
And I would do that every day, sometimes multiple times a day when I remembered.
The wart would start to shrink and continue shrinking day by day and then end up
with a little black dot in the middle and eventually would be gone. It took about one
week or so per wart. And then I did it with all the others and got rid of all of them.
I haven't had a wart since.

Unfortunately, still to this day, even though I now KNOW Mind Over Matter works,
those lingering psychological doubts and such interfere with using it for things
I should probably be using it for.

I need to start doing that with the MMS as a Force Multiplier and Health Enhancer
to make the MMS work better. I think I kind of did that the first time I used it (subconsciously)
which might be why it worked better back then. I need to stop being so negative
and such, as well. All of that stuff negatively or positively affects you and your
health more than people know or would like to admit to.
NOTE: Any and all information supplied in online or offline communications that pertains to,
mentions, replies to inquiries about, and/or involves a discussion of, the information on my website,
ASpoonfulOfMedicine.com, falls under the Disclaimer on my website.

CHP – The Clean Health Protocol

You will find info there regarding Jim Humble's "MMS Health Recovery Guidebook".

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Last edit: by BillPopMMS.