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Re: My Progress So Far 25 Aug 2012 20:23 #21874

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Hi Michael, Hi Megg,

Thank you for the kind words. I have tried so many diets at this point, what's one more experiment? ;) This morning I ate scrambled eggs and bacon and sausage. I dont think I've ever eaten a breakfast like this in my life, but then I've been sick more years than not so maybe there's a clue in that. I am paying close attention to how I feel and how my condition goes. At the moment I can say with complete conviction that the nano-second I went off glutenous grains (which I had started eating to combat the nausea), the swelling started going down and the pain started subsiding in both my foot and knee. Today, after only about 36 hours off the gluten, I have more mobility and when I first got up this morning my foot was sore, but didn't feel like I was walking on a broken bone. Yay for small steps forward -- literally! And with some new methods to mitigate the nausea (CDS and 7 day fridge), I feel good about staying away from the gluten from here on out.

I'll keep you all posted on my diet experiment as I go.

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Re: My Progress So Far 27 Aug 2012 16:57 #21992

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It's sure hard to eat mostly meat. Wowza. Especially for someone who was eating mostly veggies. I noticed right away that the swelling and pain were almost completely gone over the weekend. In fact, Saturday evening I was walking around normally -- no pain at all! Now my fridge is stocked with chicken and turkey. I cannot yet bring myself to eat red meat, but I may try it at some point. This is a challenge: no dairy, no potatoes or starches, no glutenous grains, no fruit (except apples when nausea hits). That leaves: meat, non-starch root veggies, gluten-free grains, and water. Oh, and good oils. No dairy or fruit for me, as it feeds systemic candida. Onward ho...

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Re: My Progress So Far 27 Aug 2012 17:25 #21996

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Afternoon KJ good to hear from you again:) I am so glad to hear that you are doing alot better with the foot and knee issue. I have yet to see some breakthru in reference to my lungs but Im sure It will hit me soon. WIth me it will take some time because I CHOSE to do it this way as to not get sick in any way. As for the swelling in my feet it has been gone since I took CDS so that IS a good sign :) yes i love to eat and meat is one of my favorites so this diet i can do as long as i dont LOSE weight lol

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Re: My Progress So Far 28 Aug 2012 01:13 #22023

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Hi Megg, and good to hear from you. How long have you been doing the MMS protocols? I think I remember you saying that even though you still had asthma/breathing attacks, they weren't as bad or potentially life threatening as they were before you started the MMS. Is that still true do you think? If so, then you have definitely made significant improvement. I know you're talking about a big breakthrough, but at least you know there's movement in the right direction and that's wonderful. I'm really pulling for you, and can't wait for the day when you announce that you're breathing well enough to go outside for a walk, and that you've thrown away all your meds ;)

ps. Patience is not my strong suit either

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Re: My Progress So Far 28 Aug 2012 11:17 #22042

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KJ i started back on july 20th with MMS and had some nausea and wasn't on it very long before Pam helped me with how to make CDS. I have severe COPD..heart problems...thyroid problems ...psoriasis..and a few other minor things. My goal is to be able to breath somewhat again. that is my main issue right now.I was at the drs shortly before that and he told me I was done. That there was nothing more he could do for me. I am at last stages of COPD. I am able to get up and walk a few feet with assistance from oxygen. I guess you can say it has improved some because I have not had gasping for air episodes since i took this stuff. well i think i had one but was a mild one.Well i heard and read so much about the MMS2 really helping with the lungs so I should be getting that package today or tomorrow. I bought the granuales and capsules (0) of Calcium Hypochlorite. i am so excited about this. thanks for the support and wish me luck. I wont take it right away until i read a little more on it but so far what ive read and what Pam tells me to take I should be good to go :)

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Re: My Progress So Far 28 Aug 2012 15:06 #22062

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I remember what it was like when my asthma was so bad I couldn't walk or move around. It's a hard place to be for sure, and not even close to what you're dealing with. My prayers are with you that this MMS2 really pulls the plug on this illness for you.

Last night I had an asthma attack for the first time in a long time and I iced my spine for a while to help it. I totally forgot about this technique, but am going to post it on its own thread as it really is a life-saving technique. You may want to check it out -- it may be able to help your breathing until the MMS protocols really kick in and get the job done :)

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Re: My Progress So Far 28 Aug 2012 21:11 #22102

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I can move around some but not like I would ike t.My lungs are destroyed from yrs of smoking. I have empahsema also so that doesnt help any. the breathing problems is not so much asthsma its like it but they treat it like it is with inhalers and such. When I get short of breath, i get overwhelmed and then that scares me then I go into a panic attack then have a full blown episode to where I feel i cant get another breath. Knock wood i have not had one of those episodes since June. So I think its one in the same. so I can relate. I just wish i knew about this yrs ago. I was wondering something speaking of smoking. Has anyone used this ti qit smoking and is there a certain protocol for it? I sure would like my niece to quit...

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Re: My Progress So Far 30 Aug 2012 14:20 #22235

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Today is a very hard day. Lots of severe pain in my foot -- and in a new place in my foot, like it's spreading. Very hard to get around. Also, the pain used to be only when I walked on it. Now it's all the time.

I am doing the 7 day fridge method, and yesterday took 68 drops total (48 of the 7 day method (doubled the daily dose), and then supplemented with more afterwards in order to take dosages for the final 2 hours of the protocol). No nausea or vomiting from doing the 7 day method or the extra drops afterward. Also took 3 small capsules of MMS2 yesterday. I was really hoping for more immediate relief today. Maybe by this afternoon...

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Re: My Progress So Far 30 Aug 2012 14:27 #22236

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Try not to be in a hurry .... even try less drops, and give your system (your body) more time to get right. The body is ALWAYS right, and doesn't conform to our timeframe, unfortunately it's own.

Have you tried putting 70% DMSO directly on the foot pain area? It should help.


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