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Re: My Progress So Far 16 Sep 2012 14:37 #23502

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Thank you all for sharing your wisdom. Scott, this thrombosis thing may be an issue for me. I've been seeing some ads on TV for a birth control pill -- Yaz -- that is now making headlines for causing this very thing. I only took it for about 2 months, but it may have exacerbated some deep-seated existing problem. I'll definitely look into it. The thing is, there is some overall swelling, but there are also distinct and definitive tissue masses over the bones of the arch of the foot and the big knob of the ankle bone on the outside of the foot. Also in and above my knee. I'd always heard that cancer/tumors didn't hurt, but that's not always true so I can't make any correlations based on that either. This thing, whatever it is, hurts like holy hell.

I think I'm going to bite it and get an MRI this week to try and get some more info on what exactly is going on. My concern is that afterwards, I'll get minimal information and more referrals for more expensive tests, as in, "Yes, looks like there's swelling there (duh). Now go see this expensive doc for the next expensive test..." That type of thing.

Today the pain isn't as bad as yesterday. The swelling is still there. Yesterday my whole left side just felt... thick, like cotton was stuffed into my whole leg. It reminded me of systemic candida die-off, but now I just don't know what to think. I'm going to up my dosage of the MMS today as see if that helps any.

Let me just run by you what I've been doing to make sure I'mgetting the math right (not my strong suit).

I doubled your recipe for 3 drops per hour, Scott, so instead of making 168 drops activated MMS, I've been making 336 drops. I measured this out to be about 18 mls. I rounded that up to 20 to make it easier to measure out, so I know it's a bit more, but hopefully that's ok, I probably really need it. I measure out the sodium chlorite into the container, then in a different container I measure out the citric acid and add 10 mls of hot water, then add that mix to the sodium chlorite and shake it for 1 minute. Then I add in the rest of the hot water, about 250 mls, and close the container and put it in the fridge overnight. In the morning I was making my daily amount using 60 mls of that. That should be about 9 drops per hour, if not a little more because of the extra MMS in doing 20 mls instead of 18 at the beginning, right? Today I am trying 90 mls for the day. I think that's going to be about 12 drops an hour. Is that right?

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Re: My Progress So Far 16 Sep 2012 15:26 #23504

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Hi KJ,

First, I think that the MRI is a good idea. Hopefully it will shed some light on what's going on and hopefully it won't be too ambiguous.

Now, on to the 7 Day Fridge mix. First off, everyone's drops are a little different it seems. I think that I found that it was something like 11.5 of MY DROPPER'S drops to 1 milliliter of mms. So, for me, 24 drops times 7 days equaled 12.5ml of mms. So to double that, you would have 25ml and not 20ml as you have been doing. Again, this is using my drop size which may be a little big, but it was what it was and so that's what I used to make the recipe. Then, if you are doubling it, you should use around 14ml of hot water to go with the citric acid in the initial 1 minute mixing time. AND, and this is important here, I just continuously swirl the combined mms/citric acid/water mix for 1 minute. I purposely do not cause it to splash in any way as I am trying to not allow any of the CLO2 to escape into the air if possible during this 1 minute mixing time. So no shaking, no splashing of the mix in any way - just a gentle swirling of it. Then, after the minute you'd add the doubled amount of very hot water which would be 108ml times 2 or 216ml. (see page 22 of the 7 Day Fridge thread for these measurements - the top recipe is for the 3 drops per hour mix). Then, after putting the cap on tight, shake it vigorously. Really give it a good mix while there is no place for the CLO2 to go and it's very hot. Then, I now leave it out over night and don't put it in the fridge until the 1st time that I use it. This, I feel, gives it even more time to fully activate. Again, there is no place for the CLO2 to escape to, so no need to refrigerate it until you use it the 1st time. That's it. All these directions are there on page 22 of the 7 Day Fridge MMS thread though.

Well I hope that helps a little. And I hope the MRI reveals some useful info for you.

May you be well KJ.
I'm Scott McRae, creator of "The Antidote" & CDH with CLO2's help (Charlotte Lackney)

- I did a CDH injection / Chlorine Dioxide (CLO2) injection / IV push of 10ml of dilute 50ppm CDH / CLO2 into my blood 3 times in 11 hours & did before & after blood tests that showed that it did NO HARM to my blood, liver or kidneys. This suggests the possibility that CDH / CLO2 is a potential LIFESAVING MRSA cure, VRE cure, CRE cure, AMR cure, Ebola cure, HIV cure, Cancer cure, etc., since it appears to be safe intravenously at 50ppm.

- Join our group on MiWi (was deleted off of Facebook): mewe.com/join/coronavirusebolasolutions
- Every ml of CDH contains 1 drop of MMS, so 1 drop of MMS = 1ml of CDH
- MMS is 7 to 10% activated in 30 seconds while CDH made with 4% HCl is about 50% activated in the bottle. This is why CDH is far less nauseating than MMS drops

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Re: My Progress So Far 17 Sep 2012 14:25 #23563

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Thank you, Scott! I appreciate your clarifications and will make some changes next time I make up a batch of MMS. No nausea yesterday. Today I am taking a bit more and pushing to see how much I can take without herx reaction. Using the new measure of 25 mls from your email, I figure I am taking 15-17 drops per hour today over an 8 hour period (135 mls), and will supplement with two more regular dosages afterward.

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Re: My Progress So Far 17 Sep 2012 22:08 #23595

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Just re-read the cancer protocol (2000) and JH says not to go over 12 drops of MMS1 per hour. Tomorrow I'm going to back off to the 12/hr and start upping my MMS2 dosages. I've been dinking along at 1-2 size 3 capsules a day. Maybe that's why my progress has not been as effective or rapid as I would like...

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Re: My Progress So Far 17 Sep 2012 22:59 #23596

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It is not sugested any more to use baking soda, as it has a counter effect, go with CDS instaed. Good luck!
Best regards and good Health

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Re: My Progress So Far 17 Sep 2012 23:31 #23598

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Hi Peterjurt,

I'm not using baking soda at all in my MMS preparations -- right now I'm using distilled water and a splash of grape juice over the top to mask the taste (no vit c or ascorbic acid added). Thank you for the Good Luck wishes!


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Re: My Progress So Far 21 Sep 2012 19:03 #23791

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It's been a bit since I posted here so I thought I'd give an update. I had an MRI on Tuesday (what a freaky experience that is...) and am still waiting to hear back the results. My QT practitioner found a virus in my joints and when she cleared it, wow that made a difference in a big way! I'd say the swelling is down about 50%, but the pain is still there so there's still more going on. I'm doing the 12 drops per hour of MMS 10 hours a day, and also size 3 capsules of MMS2 4-5 time per day. Also the Borax (about 25 teaspoons a day for the systemic candida), and the Lugol's, 3 drops per day. I forget what else -- it seems that there are a million things to remember every day, every hour, every half hour what to take next. Overall I feel pretty good though. Still eating meat, which I never thought I would do or be able to tolerate as well as I have. I'm learning how to cook it by recording Ina Garten's cooking show. Love her! She's my new surrogate mom :P

Just working every day to stay focused on what needs to be done next...
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Re: My Progress So Far 21 Sep 2012 21:04 #23806

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Hi KJ, You've really made progress on your doses. Well done you, i know exactly what you mean about trying to remember it all, phone alarm forgotten to be set and it's all out of whack. I've had to chill out about it all really and not feel it's all gone wrong if I've missed a dose or so. From all the varying protocols or experiments on different doses times a day if I'm still getting it in me regularly that still doing something. I saw one study on people with cancer working on getting up to 15 drops 3 x a day and some of them still made progress.

I am amazed at how well you've got it all regimented down. I pickled myself one dose of MMS2 so ended up taken 2 x size 3 capsules within 10mins. I was fine. I have a chart i keep on the fridge or take with me so i know where I'm at with everything sort of. LOL

Living in between dosing is a little like those short tea breaks at work. LOL

I've been taking Kelp for supplementing iodine. Would kelp not give enough then? I've heard about iodine, medical that if it's injected directly into the tumour over a 3 week period the tumour will be gone. I haven't been able to find out the amount or anything and can't remember if that was once a week or daily.

The food thing is a biggy, sounds like your doing well. I was a meat eater but for a while now even before all this i've been really not wanting to eat meat. I kind of figured from looking into Brain Peskins the hidden story of cancer he's talking about getting essential fatty acids (EFA's) into the body. The Budwig protocol is doing that also as flaxseed is a parent EFA and more so then fish.
I'm getting that in my ever day and on top of the quark mix i sometimes ground up a tablespoon full of whole flaxseed and put it in a smoothie and it's actually really nice.

I remember reading that Jim had said to build up to the MMS2 for 12 hours bi-hourly which to me was 6 a day. My head does spin with all this information.

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Re: My Progress So Far 22 Sep 2012 02:03 #23830

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KJ and LL (Utopia)

Thank you for keeping us informed on how you are doing. I know what you mean about keeping an eye on the clock and get all the work
done in between. I also have a chart on the fridge to keep good track of things.

I posted my latest report on the Testimonials: Asthma thread.

I had to switch to CDS because the MMS1 and 2 were giving me horrendous nausea and diarrhea. I had no desire to do or eat anything anymore.

For 2 weeks or so I have been doing the CDS the "shot glass method", which is super easy to make. I am still doing very well, breathing has been
very good, I can walk fast uphill even, I can laugh and not cough anymore, lots of energy.

Even with all the wildfires in the state of Washington and Idaho causing so much smoke in the valley, I am still breathing ok. In the past I would have
to travel somewhere else because no steroids would mask the severe wheezing and suffocating feeling.

KJ I hope you get a good result from your MRI, and I am glad your QT practitioner cleared your virus.

I also eat meat but I used to be vegetarian, doing green smoothies and juicing etc. and getting worse and worse...

Best wishes to both of you! Evanir

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