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DMSO and MMS/CA spine rub gone wrong...has burned my back 03 Jun 2012 02:36 #18171

  • Blessed/smartyme
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hello fellow mms-ers

I am currently on a protocol for hsv 1 and 2 and it is advised to use undiluted mixture of activated MMS1/ DMSO. I have been doing this in rubbing it in my whole spine including the lower back and upper back in the back of the neck which is suppose to target the oral herpes. My lower back is burned as well but I did not take pictures of that..loll because its by my butt clack and those would be rated R pictures. I have been on the protocol for 3 weeks and my last genital OB was on Thursday May 24th it was really bad and full blown OB. I have been pretty sick from the mms this week so I have missed morning doses but I have never stopped taking it. I have missed almost the whole day but I have always managed to take at least 5 doses as oppose to the 12 per day recommended. Today is one of those days in which I feel so sick that I can only take 5 doses also I woke up late.

In the past I was able to take up to 15 activated drops although the protocol I am doing calls for 3 drops with dmso and then cds with mms2 and so on... the problem is that my body has siad enough, I stopped the oral dmso because it was making me sick but I continue with the regular dose of the protocol. then I got really sick and cant even stand the smell of mms so I am doing the capsule way, this has helped a lot yet i hate the smell of it in the cds.

I continue to have mouth/oral OBs under my tongue and on the inside of my cheeks. I don't know what to do, it is annoying I have attached pictures of my back as it has been burned from the DMSO. It hurst and burns i can't really flex my neck because it hurts. I am so having lower back pain but I figured that it is due to the herpes. I keep getting nerve twitches on my arms and legs I describe it as "bugs crawling on my skin":unsure: . I feel them a lot on my face and around my eyes, I some times get scared because I feel that is moves around when I do the mms spray an I hope it does go to my head since I have been having a few headaches and that is not typical of me to get headaches.
I have been on mms for a little over 1 mouth for two weeks i took about 1 drop for 8 to 5 hours. One week 3 drops for 8 hours and I have been on this protocol for 3 weeks after tomorrow sunday. I just wonder why is it taking me sooo long as oppose to other hsv people treating them. nevertheless I will continue to take it, i have no other way of living a normal life and free from this God awful nasty virus. I have postponed all trips and I dont go far from home as I dont want to miss a done, the smell of mms is not really cool in public. I just wonder how long will it take me to get rid of this ... :pinch:


P.S the mms is bleaching my hair if you can see in the first pic
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Re: DMSO and MMS/CA spine rub gone wrong...has burned my back 03 Jun 2012 02:54 #18172

  • Macaddict08
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You are fine.... your skin is not damaged. I've put 10 drop doses of MMS on my skin a few years back, and had way more damage, and it came back in a few weeks.

Just be sore to put aloe on it at night tome before you go to bed as a balance.

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Re: DMSO and MMS/CA spine rub gone wrong...has burned my back 03 Jun 2012 03:21 #18173

  • Blessed/smartyme
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You are fine.... your skin is not damaged. I've put 10 drop doses of MMS on my skin a few years back, and had way more damage, and it came back in a few weeks.

Just be sore to put aloe on it at night tome before you go to bed as a balance.


my main conern is that I wont be able to continue my protocol by rubbing the mms on my back :-(... I just want to get rid of all this HSV once and for all... I keep getting OBs,

I am thinking that the metal tooth filling might not be helping. but yes... I want to continue my protocol.. I just really want to get rid of this painful thing. iI dont care much about the burns, I always kind of imagine it will clear.


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Re: DMSO and MMS/CA spine rub gone wrong...has burned my back 03 Jun 2012 03:29 #18174

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My girlfriend JUST had all her mercury fillings out (second round) yesterday ... I really do thing this a pivitol move Sally in getting rid of the HSV. For the simple reason that it will boost your immune system once all the mercury is out of your body... and thr vapors are not allowed to spew from each filling, into your digestive tract.

I had mine out over 20 years ago, and I did feel different from them.

Are you watching you diet ( i.e... no brown rice.. lemons, nut butters, etc....)

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Re: DMSO and MMS/CA spine rub gone wrong...has burned my back 03 Jun 2012 04:46 #18178

  • Blessed/smartyme
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It is confusing, I was first eating lots of green but then I was advised to absolutely not eat food containing antioxidants. I started this no antioxidants basically pasta, bread, tuna chicken breast, white rice no potatoes :-( or greens etc. Since I was eating healthy and 2 weeks in s and till getting OB I figured the greens were killing the mms.

I am currently having the nerve problems like pins and needless and nerve twitch.. awful how can herpes cause this, I am tired of this parasite. I also get lots of muscle ache.

but yes I am eating mainly that right now I also eat iceberg lettuce and cucumber with lemon and sea salt since cucumber and lettuce are the lowest inf antioxidants when it comes to salad that I could find.

So it isnt good to eat lemons? and why?

thank you

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Re: DMSO and MMS/CA spine rub gone wrong...has burned my back 03 Jun 2012 05:06 #18180

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I know how you are feeling, it's awful and painful when you can't move and flex your neck.

My neck, back and butt crack are also sore from the DMSO rubs to the point I dread doing the application. So this week I will dilute the DMSO with equal amount of water and apply it 4-5 times a day instead of 2. Maybe you could try diluting the DMSO and doing more application instead of stopping the DMSO rubs.

Please don't give up, just hang on. It will be over in a few more weeks.
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Re: DMSO and MMS/CA spine rub gone wrong...has burned my back 03 Jun 2012 05:25 #18183

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Thank you

I will try that thanks for the suggestion good idea. I wonder why the symptoms of herpes are going crazy, these itchy nerve things are soooo annoying.. loll It's like when your annoying big brother messes with you and you can't reach and kick his butt because you are still little..loll ufff I will continue I BELIEVE!! if it words for other why not for us, I guess the herpes must have spread more in me.

but I will continue. :-)

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Re: DMSO and MMS/CA spine rub gone wrong...has burned my back 03 Jun 2012 06:57 #18184

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You're doing great !! Keep up the good fight....

One of the reasons you might be having serial flare-ups, is because your system is very acidic ...... and one of the things that can help is clay ...(calcium bentonite clay i particular)

This clay has a Ph of 9.7.... VERY alkaline .... and should be drank a few hours away from the MMS to help to alkalize you system. Also......

You can put the clay mud on your break-outs and it will make them going away very quickly. I know this from experience.

If it was me, I'd be drinking the clay on an empty stomach.... 2x's a day.... right when you get up... and right before you go to bed.

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Re: DMSO and MMS/CA spine rub gone wrong...has burned my back 03 Jun 2012 09:27 #18185

  • Bagalamukhi
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Hi Sally

Jim Humble says you can eat food with antioxidants. Just don't take any supplements. I take mms all day, I drink alkaline water, juices, both green and vegetables and I eat all kind of veggies.

You need nutrition. Nowhere did he write to avoid any food besides from oranges and this ascorbic acid. And also coffee I think its good to avoid.
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