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Re: DMSO and MMS/CA spine rub gone wrong...has burned my back 13 Jun 2012 21:46 #18708

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Hi sally,

Try a protein based breakfast, eggs, sausages, bacon. It doesn't sound to healthy but I find protein is better to help the MMS down, but that could just be me.

I just have eggs for breakfast.

The same thing happen to me with the MMS. I was taking 6-drops hourly for weeks and had no problems, then all of a sudden I was getting watery diarrhea, nausea and general malaise. So I cut back on drops, went to 3-drops hourly, but I wasnt happy with it cos I felt I wasnt getting a strongest enough dose, but the above mentioned symptoms stopped.

I have now gone back to 6-hourly drops with no problems.

Maybe you should decrease the number of drops for a week or so. Basically listen to your body.

As for the nerve twitches, the nerve twitches in mt cheek stopped since using the DMSO topically.

I still have the twitch in my knee and in my other foot now but I have been applying the DMSO to those areas too since I notice the difference it made to my face.

I dilute my DMSO and spray it more frequently rather than using it undiluted and causing skin irritation. Using it undiluted caused my skin to burn, scab and then feel like sand paper.
So I rather spray 3-4x daily with a weaker dose that I can manage than 2x a day torturing myself.
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Re: DMSO and MMS/CA spine rub gone wrong...has burned my back 14 Jun 2012 03:21 #18723

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I also have had sharp deep pains in both feet that blistered than the 2 blisters went away after a month, same on my left leg near my ankle...and they have never come back.

I agree with Delite's response to you.
Keep eating lots of protein - this helps me keep the mms down too...now if only the nausea, fatigue, potential obs and dizzyness would go away everything would be all right lol!

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Re: DMSO and MMS/CA spine rub gone wrong...has burned my back 14 Jun 2012 03:26 #18724

  • Blessed/smartyme
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@ Research,
Why caused those blisters on your feet?

I feel really week because I threw up so much today, I drank some water with calcium clay and that helped a bit, just now. I just don't know why after a month and 2 weeks I am still getting OBs, this is ridiculous, I will back down on the dosing. But also this damn nerve twitches, my eyes where moving by themselves and today after I threw up I saw what seem to be a vein in my hand twitching, I mean you can literally see the parts twitching on your body. I some times get nerve pain.


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Re: DMSO and MMS/CA spine rub gone wrong...has burned my back 14 Jun 2012 03:47 #18725

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not sure what it was...maybe a mini ob or hopefully die-off...who knows.

I also get twitches on my legs and arms it`s weird ...your doing something then a twitch comes on and it continues for quite a while amazing....these things never happened to me when i was not taking mms. I believe its a good thing, it has to be the mms duking it out with herpes. The nerve pain is the worst...the pain is brutal!

your eyes were moving by themselves!!...what the heck is that all about!!

Maybe you should cut back a bit...its a nasty thing but you can beat it.
hang in there! You will win.
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Re: DMSO and MMS/CA spine rub gone wrong...has burned my back 14 Jun 2012 04:08 #18728

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lmao...."your eyes were moving by themselves!!...what the heck is that all about!!"..
lol..hahah funny, I mean my eye lids, you know when you feel your eye twitching, well you can actually see it, its funny per se, but it is scary and disappointing when this happens. May I ask you, where you able to get rid of hsv if you did have it? I just wonder because it is taking be long and my symptoms are increasing, as I type I have to stop to scratch my face because I feel these nerve twitches... so annoying.

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Re: DMSO and MMS/CA spine rub gone wrong...has burned my back 15 Jun 2012 01:50 #18754

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If anyone can help me please help me, I am documenting my use of mms of if you can help please do so.

Today I did not take mms, I don't know if you can reach a point where enough is enough because I can't even smell it, I have been taking it in capsules to avoid the taste. Yesterday I was in pain and three up 4 times, I had a horrible night and woke up a lot, I woke up very late today since I was unable to sleep. I had weird dreams involving a colorful snake that bite me while I was trying to give an antidote to some children that where infected and then I tried to take the antidote myself..loll so weird. Also yesterday before bed since I kept throwing up I took organic extra virgin coconut oil and put 2 to 3 drops of DMSO and rub it around my lower back and around the neck and the ganglia where the hsv virus hides, supposedly the this is good against herpes internally but since I cannot consume it due to antioxidant properties I did it topically

As I said I did not take mms today, I have been taking this for over a month, close to 2 months and suddenly I am not able to take the large dose that I worked so hard to try to get up to. I really hope that I don't have to start from the beginning :pinch: ...loll I understand that other people my have more serious illnesses but I just refuse to share my body with this nasty virus, when this was done in such a bad way to me. I have so much nerve feeling all over my face, I feel little bigs or something especially on my legs and face. since I was 7 years of I have always wanted to get married and be a mother, that's why I went into education, I refuse to leave my goals.

I will continue mms for 3 more weeks and them I will be doing one of those 7 days protocols.
I will continue to post my progress, I currently continue to feel these annoying nerves, I feel like I might be getting an OB on my mouth.

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Re: DMSO and MMS/CA spine rub gone wrong...has burned my back 15 Jun 2012 03:30 #18758

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Herpes is one of the hardest to get over. It does take more time with some people.

With MMS try to make a full days dose so you can add your 1/8 teaspoon of baking soda, which will help than taking it without. Also adding your dmso drops will help as well as you are doing.

Try not to do more than 3 activated drops per hour. doing 10 or 15 drops a couple or a few times a day in a herpes protocol will take forever and ever from my results of people who have done this. Herpes needs to be attacked for as many hours per day as possible. Only way to get it gone especially in bad cases. If MMS gets to be too much try to take CDS doses for half your doses per day, keep in mind to always take MMS2 with Herpes if possible. Some people disagree with this and that is fine....many people are different. If ways work for you....then do it!

It seems from your previous statements that you angered the heck out of the herpes to where you are getting horrible breakouts. This usually occurs in the first 2-3 weeks of a protocol depending on the strength of your herpes. However yours came in the 6th week (give or take) which means " You were driving it out " and it cannot stay in your body. You were and are doing so great....do not give up. It is a nasty thing having this disease...you are right.

Stay on your protocol...whichever that may be....but try to take as many small doses per day as possible. When you get up in the night to go to the bathroom or wake up with a bad dream...take another. Gotta get em and get em and get em til they cant take it anymore and you will WIN.

It gets very depressing for some like your self when you've tried so hard for the last 1-2months and you still have OB's. It dose get everyone down. Just keep in your head that this will work and it will. Stay positive. Stress causes your immune system to go down and the herpes will stay strong. Try to be positive and keep up all of your good work! You can do this!

Take Care as always,


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Re: DMSO and MMS/CA spine rub gone wrong...has burned my back 15 Jun 2012 15:50 #18767

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Oh your eye lids were moving lol...I don't have that sympton.

check this out....

You should read the other post on this forum - supplementation with calcium/magnesium on john d. protocol.
twitches may be a sign of magnesium deficiency.

My story?....no it hasn't cleared yet as I have too many symptons. I have known about mms for 5 years and began the old protocol but only reached 13 drops x 3 per day for 2 weeks and had to stop because of side effects.
Also one night I had an experience where i felt an uncontrollable shaking from my waist down my legs, I had to grab a table to stop from falling...weird, but I re-read Jim Humbles book and saw that that when he was treating malaria (a virus) some of the reactions were shaking and then they got well. I regret stopping. but i knew from that experience it could be beat.

I ordered more about a year later and continued taking at a reduced level for the next 3 years (on and off). during this time i also experimented with other supplements.

Fast forward to about 2 months ago I checked the JH site and found other weapons like dmso, mms2 cds, diet, etc. I said now is the time to obliterate it.

Now I am on protocol 1000+ and will not stop until it's gone.
This time my immune system is better, and now I have the tools to beat it.
I find the most important thing is to be mentally tough...because when you are feeling like you want to quit you have to find a way to continue on.

Remember my case is a bit different in that I have had mms in my system for at least 3 years (on and off) now albeit at a reduced level. I still get the terrible obs, muscle twitches and nerve pain, but they are not as bad in appearance or duration as before. I am rooting out the virus. Sometimes i screw up with what i'm eating, but then i scold myself and get back to business.

It's good that you are making a diary...it's good to put down on paper. You will help people reading it and also strenghten and keep yourself
focused on the goal.

Some much for my brief story...lol

Take care.
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Re: DMSO and MMS/CA spine rub gone wrong...has burned my back 15 Jun 2012 20:56 #18772

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Hello all
I have read the entire read and was also going to suggest CDS rather than straight MMS.
I've read CDS is more powerful and less "tasteful" than MMS and I feel that I have more success with CDS than MMS.
I use CDS+DMSO topically 99% no dilution.
Eggs would be the best protein imo, rather than any mammal based meat products.
I don't have HS1 or 2 that I am aware of but have helped one person with 2 last year.
After working w/MMS for 3.5 years I feel Sally is maxed out on what she can take orally with ease.
I now suggest using CDS mixed in iced tea drink and downed as a way to avert the nasty taste one experiences after a long term use of MMS activated on its own.
Sally are you using citric acid to activate the MMS or another like lemon or lime?
Probably citric acid is the way to go.

May I suggest using MMS activated in bath water, soaking for at least 30 minutes.
Either CDS, MMS or either combined with DMSO in bath.

I wish you a speedy recovery from Canada.


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