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Re: DMSO and MMS/CA spine rub gone wrong...has burned my back 16 Jun 2012 02:39 #18775

  • Blessed/smartyme
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@ Jhon D.

Thank you for your encouraging words they help me keep fighting, sometimes I feel like giving up but that is not an option, I refuse to live my life with this nasty virus. I have not been able to live a normal life since. I have started again with the John D protocol from the beginning and I will run out of cds and mms2 so I might be a few days without it but I will continue to take the 3 drops. even the 3 drops make me want to puke now, why now? I will try to do this and see it to the end. Just to let you know I am taking the mms in veggie capsules because I can no longer take the taste, maybe a week from now I will try to do what you suggested with the with baking soda. I have discontinue the topical mms till next week due to burns, my skin looks really dark but it doesn't hurt anymore... I will resume this Monday..loll

@ Research

thank you for the link I think it is allergies the reason why my eye twitch, which happens very ofter and it is the top eye lid not the bottom as the article explains that it is the most frequent one to happen. I think it might be either nutritional deficiency or the allergies, I was diagnose as having high cholesterol which is weird sine I am very fit even my stomach toned I am telling you slim and fit, but I guess what can I do. I also have low calcium and vitamin D, and low red and white blood cells. I think my hsv case is really bad for hsv1 it was 8.22829 something like that and hsv2 4.75 I think, I tested twice and both negative although I was clearly sick. Research, I wonder why are yo not cured? 3 year on mms although in low doses would be enough.... I dont want to be negative but honestly if I dont get rid of this virus I cant live.

@ Zoray

thank you for you message, my protocol requires mms1 3 drops/ mdso for the first hour and mms2/cds for the second hour, alternating the hours for 12 hours so I am using every resource available. Please tell me, be honest has the person you helped gotten rid of this nasty thing?

I cannot do undiluted dmso I dont know if you saw the pictures that is what happed so I am diluting it a bit but doing it at least 3 to 4 times per day starting next week. I also do both about 2xs per week.

thank you all.
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Re: DMSO and MMS/CA spine rub gone wrong...has burned my back 16 Jun 2012 03:42 #18777

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With this virus I want to be absolutely sure it's gone, that's why I'm doing protocol 1000+ even being on low dose mms for 3 years+-.

I absolutely don't want to pass this on to anyone and I want to feel better no b/s obs.

Therefore, after finishing the protocol I'm getting PCR blood test within 30 days. I'm looking at this test as a preliminary step not an absolute negative because of the dormancy/hidden in the nerves issue, then after another 60 days i'm getting an antibody test as they should be reduced to negative by then. if positive, I'll redo protocol again and again until it's gone.

all the best.
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Re: DMSO and MMS/CA spine rub gone wrong...has burned my back 16 Jun 2012 03:58 #18778

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Thank you, I get down but seeing you struggle for many years tells me that I must continue as well. I have a question regarding thyroid, I was advised to do the iodine test, can I still take iodine regardless if I am not deficient. Some lady claimed that she got thyroid problems from using mms.

so, Can I take iodine regardless?


P.S John D's protocol is easier than 15 drops for 4 hours, but a bit inconvenience if you travel a lot, I am currently doing this protocol.
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Re: DMSO and MMS/CA spine rub gone wrong...has burned my back 16 Jun 2012 04:03 #18779

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I just noticed did you see how many people have read this thread created by you? over 3,200 people...that's alot of people getting good help...

...ohh and when I get tested for antibodies, I will post results of a negative antibody test.
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Re: DMSO and MMS/CA spine rub gone wrong...has burned my back 16 Jun 2012 04:12 #18780

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Not sure about iodine although I have that sympton of something stuck in my throat. Like my name states i'm "researching" that...i believe from my yearly check-up my doc checked thyroid and said it was fine.

maybe type in thyroid in the search box or google iodine and see what comes up...that's what i'll be doing.

Thanks and take care.
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Re: DMSO and MMS/CA spine rub gone wrong...has burned my back 16 Jun 2012 04:30 #18781

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Hi Sally
Last I heard from Sue she was not getting any outbreaks. That was a few months ago and I've lost touch with her.
I don't think she had it as bad as you, yet she had it bad. So bad her mood would grow dark 3 days in advance of an OB
we used DMSO/MMS rubs and internally MMS activated. this was last summer.
It actually cured her snoring too.
Also used Lugols and she was careful with her diet.

Pretty sure I read on this forum before I was a member that using MMS in a bath for at least 30 minutes also helps.
I used it for years in my small Jacuzzi tub and this I believe helped me in several ways. One skin tags were gone after a while.
I know how hard MMS is to take internally..so I recommend CDS, baths, any alternative to drinking it.
And citric acid rather than lemon juice.


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Re: DMSO and MMS/CA spine rub gone wrong...has burned my back 16 Jun 2012 04:36 #18782

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@ john

Dear John;

Question, can I use stevia, can I eat little bretzeln while taking my daily dose of mms and how about plain carbonated water?

thank you

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Re: DMSO and MMS/CA spine rub gone wrong...has burned my back 16 Jun 2012 04:40 #18783

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Hi Sally
Last I heard from Sue she was not getting any outbreaks. That was a few months ago and I've lost touch with her.
I don't think she had it as bad as you, yet she had it bad. So bad her mood would grow dark 3 days in advance of an OB
we used DMSO/MMS rubs and internally MMS activated. this was last summer.
It actually cured her snoring too.
Also used Lugols and she was careful with her diet.

Pretty sure I read on this forum before I was a member that using MMS in a bath for at least 30 minutes also helps.
I used it for years in my small Jacuzzi tub and this I believe helped me in several ways. One skin tags were gone after a while.
I know how hard MMS is to take internally..so I recommend CDS, baths, any alternative to drinking it.
And citric acid rather than lemon juice.


Yes I am sorry Zoray, I forgot to answer this I do use citric acid not lemon juice, can I ask you? is eoman bad for herpes? currently my protocol call for no antioxidant food. s no vegies tec for me or fruits unless its 2 hours or 1 1/2 before of after my dose, which is had sine I am on this 12 hours per day.

May I ask you, how did she watch her diet, regardless I dont eat chocolate, gummy bears, nuts of any kind or coffee.

thank you

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Re: DMSO and MMS/CA spine rub gone wrong...has burned my back 16 Jun 2012 05:22 #18784

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it's not that Lemon is bad for Herpes, just that you get a more powerful solution from citric acid

like you, Sue refrained from the same things you do but she didn't have it as bad as you.
In those days she was getting a lot of info from www.earthclinic.com/
I read that putting Logolls directly on the OB stops the OB and she also would add some Lugols to water and drink.

you are quite wise to stay away from caffeine.

keep at it,


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