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Re: DMSO and MMS/CA spine rub gone wrong...has burned my back 06 Jun 2012 03:35 #18328

  • Blessed/smartyme
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Last year, when I used on my lower spine, I did know that I was suppose to wash it off after 30 minutes. So, I had it day by day. I could not take longer than 10 days. Of course, the MMS protocol was different, too. So, I lost my faith and I stopped. When I start this again, I will do with the latest protocol.
I do not have oral herpes.
Talking about the nerves. I have never felt any twitching anywhere, except at the genital area, where the OB occurs. But it is interesting what you say about to follow the nerve route down on your legs. I will remember it. Thanks.

This is so weird, I feel the same effects as Delite, nerve twitches and sometimes it feels like bugs crawling on my skin. when I spray it it moves around I am not kidding ..loll I always get it on my left leg like in the inner thigh and when /i spray it goes to my lower leg and sometime on the groins ..loll I feel it I spray everything its scary it feels like this weird itch but not quite is like if I try to scratch there is no place to scratch adn some times my legs actually hurts is really annoying I just want this out of me. I will fight . i have been waiting to know about the zapper, let you try it and see if its good I;ll do that too..loll but I have been waiting to see how it works on you.


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Re: DMSO and MMS/CA spine rub gone wrong...has burned my back 06 Jun 2012 04:43 #18332

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Today I did my 12 doses no herx but I did not have time for the sprays I was so busy I have to finish a paper by Friday.

I still feel nerve pain etc.. on my left inner thigh, nerve twitches on the legs an feet and on the face but less than usual... (I think I didnt get much nerve twitches because of the spray believe the dmso make the parasite go crazy) the mouth sore I had yesterday went away, the genital OB is getting better but still painful.

I do feel pain on my back I was wondering if it is my left kidney its pain on my back but inside..loll a little low but not quite... dont know if to post every day, I think I will post if something mojor changes. I will do a 7 hour for day every day body spray in one week since this week is almost over and I really have no time.

will keep you posted

Good night

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Re: DMSO and MMS/CA spine rub gone wrong...has burned my back 06 Jun 2012 16:59 #18357

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I always did the DMSO/MMS after shower. I do that in the morning, so, this is when I applied the mix, but only once a day. It was itching a lot and later my skin was very sensitive. I used undiluted 99% DMSO. Again, this was a very new idea to me, at that time. If I start this again, I will be more careful.
Remember, having pain will cause stress and frustration. That does not help your goal to cure. The more stress you have, the more OB will occur. Few months ago I went through a very difficult time in my personal life. I admit, I fell into the trap of food. I drank a lot of coffee because I could not sleep and I ate everything, including chocolate stuff, which I rarely eat otherwise. Immediately, after a week, I had an OB. At this time, I was only drinking CDS. Either the CDS was not strong enough, or, as it was suggested, CDS does not penetrate deep enough to reach the virus. This was in February. Now, I am taking CDS only and waiting for the new OB. However, I sleep well and I don't eat chocolate or tomato anymore. Sometimes I feel some tingling, but only in the genital area.


I have started the zapper two weeks ago. The problem with the zapper that there is no way to see if it worked or not, until a new OB comes. Theoretically, the zapper should kill the active virus. This has to be the goal with zapping. If you can kill the out coming virus continuously, you might prevent the replication and the virus will die out because none of them survive to hide back in, where they were coming from. This the same theory with the MMS, with the help of DMSO. The difference is that the zapper does not result any discomfort. However, there is a problem with the zapper, too. You either buy a frequency generator, which can generate the precise kill frequency for the herpes virus ( it is around 320 KHz ), or you buy a cheaper model, which can only generate few frequencies and you can hope that either the length of the zapping will kill the virus, or, you generate the closest frequency in the right time, when the virus is active. Zapping is used for different purposes, but the broad usage is parasite killing. Thousands of parasites have thousands different kill frequencies. So, only a sophisticated device could give you a definite result. I cannot afford the expensive device, so, I am just zapping everyday with the 7/20/7/20/7 minutes program. (read more about this from Dr. Hula Clark). Once my next OB comes, I will try to zap more, or all day, to achieve the possible, continuous killing. I will report this, when it comes.
I understand that you have a specific deadline to kill the herpes, but if you are stressing out and cannot sleep, it will not work, no matter how much MMS you consume or how much DMSO you pour on yourself. Every healer is very specific about this; the most important part of healing is peace inside your body and soul. This is when your immune system the most effective. We must not forget about this.

Has any of you incorporated the bath soaking in MMS/DMSO ? I have not done it, yet, but I am willing to try it, mainly because of the convenience. Again, peaceful healing is more effective than forced, stressful struggle.

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Re: DMSO and MMS/CA spine rub gone wrong...has burned my back 06 Jun 2012 17:11 #18359

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Do you drink coffee, these days?
I do, but only the morning latte with espresso. However, I use something to reduce the acidity of the coffee. It is called Alkalife. You need to use 2-4 droops into a cup of coffee and it eliminate the heartburn what some people always experience.
I wonder what the experts say about this option?

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Re: DMSO and MMS/CA spine rub gone wrong...has burned my back 06 Jun 2012 18:35 #18362

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Excuse me for interrupting this thread a bit. You mentioned a zapper. What kind/brand do you have? I am looking into them and am throughly confused!
Thank you for your time and patience and all the best to you all!

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Re: DMSO and MMS/CA spine rub gone wrong...has burned my back 06 Jun 2012 18:43 #18363

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nope no coffee no nuts no nothing.. do I have the worst herpes strand from hell.. ?

I just eat break that I bake myself... pasta no tomatoes.. etc I am fallowing the John D protocol no antioxidants I have 4 more weeks to go and after that I am doing the 7 days protocol which is torture and then if God doest intervene who knows.. but yes this is what i am doing.


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Re: DMSO and MMS/CA spine rub gone wrong...has burned my back 06 Jun 2012 19:13 #18364

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I cannot give you any model or maker info, because I cannot advertise them. I have bought two different models. The simple one is a small box with two copper electrodes on the box and you use it with an arm band to wear it. It works with a 9V battery and very simple. It can produce only one frequency the 15 Herz. This frequency is consider the ' good mood ' frequency. I did not know this, before I bought it. So, this can be useless to me. Although, Dr. Hula Clark claims that any frequency is good between 10 - 30 000 000 Herz to kill parasites, if you are willing to treat yourself for long time. But others claim that the original method she recommended was more productive. This is: 7 min. treatment/20 minutes break x 3. This will kill the parasite in multiple stages. First session kills the parasite, the second kills the parasite on the original parasite (bacteria, virus, fungus, etc.), and the third session kills the rest, surfacing parasites. You suppose to do this for 7 days, or longer.
Now, this all sounds good, but how do I know, if I hit the herpes virus? I don't. So, it is a hit-and-miss method, because my device cannot generate the kill frequency of the herpes virus. It might hit with a 'harmonics' frequency, but it is hard to tell. So, the only option I have is to practice with different frequencies, which are available and I can afford to buy. The second device I bought can do 6 different frequencies. Among those the 2.5 KHz. and the 30 KHz. are the most promising to catch the herpes virus, when they come out. These are the two frequencies I am focusing on now, because all the other available frequencies are for different purposes. Like I said before, zapping can be used for other goals, not just parasite killing. Regardless, I started using it because any parasite kill will help my immune system to overcome the virus, when my next OB starts. The first device cost me around $50 with shipping, the second device was around $110 total. The second device has the handheld copper tubes, which I use now. It is said that the connectivity between the device and my body can be improved with wet paper towels around the copper tubs. I am not doing this now, but I will try that in the future.
Meanwhile, I continue with the CDS daily, but just small amount with lots of water. The real test with the zapper will happen when I get another OB.
If you have more questions, let me know. I am not an expert in zapping, but I try to educate myself on this subject. It is just very easy and convenient method to kill parasites.
PS: I have an engineer friend who is willing to alter the first device and make it producing 20 KHz. frequency. Some of the parasite killing zappers use this and I want to test that too. So, if you buy a zapper, try to get one with 2.5 KHz, 20 KHz, and 30 KHz, or all three.
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Re: DMSO and MMS/CA spine rub gone wrong...has burned my back 06 Jun 2012 20:36 #18366

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@ Lacika13

"Now, this all sounds good, but how do I know, if I hit the herpes virus? I don't. So, it is a hit-and-miss method, because my device cannot generate the kill frequency of the herpes virus. It might hit with a 'harmonics' frequency, but it is hard to tell. "

I have been waiting to see how it works on you, I will not give up because if people hiv has been found undetected then this herpes schiesse will not be easy but i will get rid of it.

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Re: DMSO and MMS/CA spine rub gone wrong...has burned my back 07 Jun 2012 14:32 #18385

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AGAIN another OB, wtf

I got an OB with many little blisters, I wonder what in the world am I doing wrong and I got it in a place where I usually don't get OB's .... It has been a MONTH already on mms.

I am thinking that somehow the mms is not reaching the herpes... I am using DMSO too ...

I need faith and patience... I don't know what I will do if I cannot get rid of this nasty thing.

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