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A possible new way to take MMS, the importance of an empty stomach. 16 Jul 2012 05:50 #19951

  • Lopez
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Here I submit a scientific point of view on why it is important to use the right capsules when taking MMS2 and a new way of taking MMS.
I know I am 100% right in this scientific point of view, and wish any chemist in the group to prove me wrong or right.

If I am right there is no need to wait 3 minutes, there is no need to use an activator and there is better absorption for oral intake.

1. I submit that there is no need to take a activator ie Citric Acid. The reason is that gastric acid is already Acidic enough to produce the desire results.
2. I also submit that the MMS/CLO2 needs to be processed in stomach so I it can enter the blood stream through the Stomach lining and at the entrance of the small intestine.
3.I also submit once passing to duodenum all action will be nuetralized by the natural sodium bicarbonate produce there which brings the PH back up to 7.
4.I submit only use gelatin capsules, do not use vegetable or time capsules as they pass the stomach and you will not get the results and efface value needed.

The amount of MMS solution needed to produce the CLO2 in this manner will be absolutely cholrine free and will not cause any cholrine side effect it will minimize nausea by the only chemical reaction that does not produce any chlorine. NaClO2 + HCl → NaCl + ClO2 + H2O

A healthy stomach has an acidity level (pH) between 1-2, that is around one million times more acid than pure water. The digestive process takes place as food passes through the mouth, stomach, small intestine and large intestine. At the stomach, the gastric acid helps to break down proteins for further digestion at the small intestine.
The amount of gastric juice normally secreted per meal is about 700 mls. and about 1-3 liters per day. The juice is not made entirely of HCl, as gastric juice contains several other ingredients including water, electrolytes, digestive enzymes and some mucus.

The stomach usually requires about 4 hours of both mechanical (with the help and movements of their muscles) and chemical action on food to complete its function. From the stomach the partly digested food passes into the small intestine, where both the mechanical and chemical actions continue. By other hand after one hour digestion the food begins to enter the small intestine.

Do not use enteric coated capsules: they are soft gel pills that is coated in a manner that do not allow the capsule to break down until after it has passed through the stomach and reaches the small intestine. Enteric coated capsules is used when the medicine is intented to act at the intestine only and if it was released at the stomach would interact with the gastric juice and finally would prejudice the stomach lining.

1. Stomach acid is hydrochloric acid at a pH of 1, which means that it is at a concentration of 0.1 moles/liter.

2. When MMS is swallowed, it reaches the stomach within seconds, and will interact with HCI and produce CLO2, in the best reaction that exists. This is nothing more acidic than your Gastric Acid other than Battery Acid.

3. Stomach acid does not dissolve enteric coatings. That's the whole point of an enteric coating; it doesn't break down until the small intestine. In fact, there's a really interesting picture in a recent (I don't think it's earlier that August 2000) New England Journal of Medicine of an enteric-coated aspirin lodged in a stomach ulcer. The coating was perfectly intact, so that you could still read the printing on it.

4. In the duodenum, gastric acid is neutralized by sodium bicarbonate.

In hypochlorhydria and achlorhydria, there is low or no gastric acid in the stomach, potentially leading to problems as the disinfectant properties of the gastric lumen are decreased. In such conditions, there is greater risk of infections of the digestive tract (such as infection with Vibrio or Helicobacter bacteria). Therefore having a high Acidic low PH in your stomach is good for you.

How acidic is the stomach acid supposed to be? Acid is measured using the pH scale.

The stomach is a major protein-digesting organ made up of the fundus, antrum, and pylorus. It has a capacity to hold 2-3 quarts of liquid or solid material at a time, secretes up to 2 ½ quarts of digestive juices daily, and has a normal pH between 1.5-3. There are about 35 million glands in the stomach. Stomach secretions include pepsin, hydrochloric acid, mucus, a small amount of lipase (a fat digesting enzyme), and intrinsic factor.

The content of fluid in your stomach should average between 20 and 100mL with a pH of 1.5 to 3.5,

Depending on the quantity and contents of the meal, the stomach will digest the food into chyme anywhere between 40 minutes to a few hours. This is why take MMS on a empty stomach and do not eat any thing for about 40 minutes.

Also known as chymus, it is the liquid substance found in the stomach when food is processed before passing through the pyloric valve and entering the duodenum. The duodenum also produces the hormone secretin to stimulate the pancreatic secretion of large amounts of sodium bicarbonate, which raises the chyme's pH to 7 before it reaches the jejunum. This is why we need to absorb the CLO2/MMS before the small intestine.

I would like to say at this point you do not need an activator based on the understanding of the gastric acid and how digestion function. I also want to say instead of a activator what is needed is a acid booster, this can be drinking Diet Coke, as lemon juice contains vitamin C.

Therefore I see no reason in drinkink just MMS, with a booster like Coke or even just distilled water.

The math of 15 milligrams or 3 drops of MMS with the .1 mole/L of HCI in the stomach and how much CLO2 is produced on contact, I leave to anyone who knows chemistry unfortunately it is not my degree. My degree is in research and technical writing, but I know I am 100% right in that the best way to absorb every drop of CLO2 into the blood stream in in the stomach.

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Re: A possible new way to take MMS, the importance of an empty stomach. 16 Jul 2012 06:31 #19952

  • Macaddict08
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Thanks for the interesting read.... you bring up some very good points to consider. Can't say though that I agree with the Coke suggestion, as I am sure there are better things one can take as a booster than a (toxic, non-food) like Coke. Plus, there are probably unknown chemicals in the coke (that aren't on the label) that might interfere with the MMS's job

Also .... I agree that one's own stomach acid can be used as an activator for the Sodium Chlorite, but .... that is assuming that the person ingesting the MMS/CDS, etc... has good digestion already, and no parasites in the stomach or digestive issues. Wouldn't it be better to activate the Sodium Chlorite first, and have it going into your system, guns a blazing, ready for battle .... killing pathogens on contact ?

Just a thought...


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Re: A possible new way to take MMS, the importance of an empty stomach. 16 Jul 2012 07:02 #19953

  • Lopez
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I agree that diet coke would not be the best, but although it is a great booster, I will retract that statement and replace it with.
"All you need is to drink MMS straight with a acid booster, no need for activator".

You can use Vinegar, Lemon juice or nothing at all because you stomach acid is the best activator.

For the part of guns blazing in the use of the activator, it would be more like letting a bullet fly before the ambush.
Why produce CLO2 outside into the environment letting the precious CLO2 waste, when your throat, esophagus will not take advantage
or the CLO2, only the stomach is of value in oral intake. You stomach will enjoy the reaction for well over one hour before it reaches the
small intestine.

The stomach gastric acid will take care of changing every drop of MMS into CLO2 it will do this faster than the three minutes, it takes for to watch it start to happen in a glass. The reason for this is Gastric Acid in more Acidic than 50% citric acid.

The perfect booster if you really wanted to get down to perfection would be to swallow Betaine Hydrochloric Acid (HCl) Supplements with MMS in distilled water, and forget about the lemon, vinegar or diet coke.

Here you would be true to the only prefect way to produce CLO2 chlorine free, while boosting the acid in your stomach.

MMS and CLO2 has nothing to do with digestion, it has to do with the chemical reaction between sodium chlorite and HCI.
Digestion only plays a role in that where do want to produce the largest quantity of MMS/CLO2 , in the stomach before the small intestine.

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Re: A possible new way to take MMS, the importance of an empty stomach. 16 Jul 2012 14:13 #19958

  • pam
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Ah, for me, not going to work. My digestive system is rerouted so that I have no access to the stomach, digestive "juices" (the non-scientific term <G>) are "hit and miss" - and there are a lot of us out there, I'm no longer a "rare" case. Lopez, maybe you could put your brain around that for those of us dealing with these issues - I have some theories, just not the scientific bent to "prove" them, which you do so well. I hesitate to take mms straight, because it's highly alkaline. And I'd just as soon not have that much alkalinity hitting up against the esophagus or large intestine walls. (no access to duodenum, either)

Do I regret my 10 year old surgery? Yes. Can I undo it? Financially, not at this time. I'm definitely a poster girl for why, when working with another person, that we get as much information as they can on the history - because the history may well change the thrust of the treatment - and if I can serve that purpose, and be of help in that way, then I'm glad.
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Re: A possible new way to take MMS, the importance of an empty stomach. 16 Jul 2012 17:52 #19969

  • Lopez
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Yes Pam,

When I meant drink MMS striaght up, I meant with only some water 3 to 4 ounces, I totally agree not good idea to drink it pure striaght out of the MMS bottle.

This is real spin obstucle in drinking MMS with water and just allowing the best activator for producing CLO2 HCI from the stomach do it job.

Pretty hard to do that when you have non-functioning stomach or reduced gastric juices.

I must say that it is a interesting problem, currently Gastric bypass it is not a average problem, and does borderline casual cause .

Gastric bypass procedures is usually for treatments from morbid obesity.

I will address this problem in more detail in a later post.
For now, I will suggest that anyone for whatever reason can not produce HCI in the stomach, that they stick with activating the MMS with Citric Acid.

My suggestion still stands anyone with a normal digestion system, with normal Gastric Acid can simply drink MMS with a little water, the stomach will take care of the rest in the best way possible, with the only reaction that does not produce any chlorine.

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Re: A possible new way to take MMS, the importance of an empty stomach. 17 Jul 2012 02:00 #19983

  • jemco
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Thank you for a very informative post.

Jim Humble wrote in his first book (referenced here: www.master-mineral.org/products/the-miracle-mineral-solution-of-the-21st-century/) that he tried early on to give his guides in the jungle the sodium chlorite and only observed a 70% success rate.
When he began using it with the activator, the success was much higher. He may have said close to 100%, but I forget.

So, I am not an authority on this subject, but there is his experience.
I am not sure what he said the concentration of NaClO2 was in the jungle. He wrote about stabilized oxygen, which is a low concentration, but not sure what other concentration he tested.

I apologize for not researching as thoroughly as you, but I thought I'd shoot this post off with the time I have tonight.


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Re: A possible new way to take MMS, the importance of an empty stomach. 17 Jul 2012 02:59 #19990

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Jim Humble wrote in his first book (referenced here: www.master-mineral.org/products/the-miracle-mineral-solution-of-the-21st-century/) that he tried early on to give his guides in the jungle the sodium chlorite and only observed a 70% success rate.
When he began using it with the activator, the success was much higher. He may have said close to 100%, but I forget.

And that's correct.
The reason drinking sodium chlorite is not as effective, is that once it reaches the stomach, it's already too diluted so it's far less chlorine dioxide being generated.
As opposed to generating the chlorine dioxide in a small amount, and then drinking it.
Much more efficient.

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Re: A possible new way to take MMS, the importance of an empty stomach. 17 Jul 2012 04:36 #19994

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If we look at the scale of PH, we could use many liquids that will create the chemical reaction that will release CLO2.

We could use COKE, Lemon Juice, Citric Acid, and yes the perfect Acid HCI.

Now Jim used for a long time lemon juice and cured thousands in this manor, before switching to Pure Concentrated Lemon Juice "called Citric Acid".

What I am suggesting here that we must find a way to use the prefect activator and the best activator is HCI,

Why is It, because it gives the perfect byproduct, Salt, CLO2 and Water.

There is no other Compound or Chemical that give exactly this perfect byproduct.

I trying to achieve perfection and that is not easy, but using the stomach acid which occurs naturally in the human body, is very good start, just look at the PH scale.

if we need to add a little more HCI booster via HCI supplement then so be it, at least it is closer to best reaction and it is the least toxic formula possible.

The fastest activator although should not be used is battery acid (Sulfuric acid), by the way it is less toxic then MMS, Sulfuric acid LD50 = 2140 mg/kg,
although you should never use it as it is very corrosive the byproducts are not desirable, it is the best fastest activator and would not kill you in tiny amounts..

Citric acid is a weak acid. that means unlike the strong acids,HCl, H2SO4..in water, it doesn't break up 100% into ions. With citric acid only a fraction of the citric acid molecules react with water to form H+ ions and citrate ions.

Therefore I submit that the fastest reaction is not what is of concern, the best byproduct reaction is what should be of concern. I trade 3 minutes for 20 minutes any day to have perfection.

I also submit that Chlorine dioxide is approximately 10 times more soluble in water than chlorine. Therefore even a small amount of water will dilute the 3 drops or the 10 drops or the 15 drops of MMS tremendously if activated in the glass. I would rather have the stomach be the glass if possible, again perfection.

Sodium chlorite is less soluble therefore will be suspended until it reaches the stomach, and with an empty stomach and in the time that sodium chlorite will be in the stomach approximately 40 minutes.
All the sodium chlorite will be converted slowly and be allowed to be absorbed slowly. At the end all the sodium chlorite will be converted , it has no choice in the manner, no other reaction can take place.

as for efficacy there is no better efficacy than the entire chemical reaction occurring the stomach, does not matter if it takes 3 minutes or 30 minutes.

Please understand I submit this to be the prefect way and have the most prefect reaction for oral treatment, I did not say it is the most practical in all cases, for those looking for perfection there
is always a trade off.

I am a big believer that IV and trans-dermal is the way to go but this subject is about oral treatment.

Anyways you can boost the HCI in your stomach for faster results in striving perfection by taking HCI supplement 15 minutes before taking the sodium chlorite solution.

Finally I want to say If you stomach can turn to pulp, a full meal 12 oz steak, one potato with sour cream, some steam vegetables, all will turn to chyme in 2 hours.

Imagine what it will do to 15 drops of MMS on a empty stomach, and the final conclusion come straight from wiki. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chlorine_dioxide

All three sodium chlorite chemistries can produce chlorine dioxide with high chlorite conversion yield, but unlike the other processes the chlorite-HCl method produces completely chlorine-free chlorine dioxide but suffers from the requirement of 25% more chlorite to produce an equivalent amount of chlorine dioxide.

So all you need to do is add a few more drops big deal, you then have the prefect reaction, in the prefect place.

I hope I make some sense, I will not debate this topic anymore, I know I am on the right track for oral treatment.

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Re: A possible new way to take MMS, the importance of an empty stomach. 21 Jul 2012 06:25 #20195

  • Truthquester
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I took 3 drops of "raw" mms with water 2 times and both times I ended up running to the toilet and throwing up within about 20 minutes. So for me anyway, it doesn't work. Like you, I thought that the acid in my stomach would do the job, but for some reason it didn't. Pam mentioned that it may have been because how alkaline mms is.

All the best,
I'm Scott McRae, creator of "The Antidote" & CDH with CLO2's help (Charlotte Lackney)

- I did a CDH injection / Chlorine Dioxide (CLO2) injection / IV push of 10ml of dilute 50ppm CDH / CLO2 into my blood 3 times in 11 hours & did before & after blood tests that showed that it did NO HARM to my blood, liver or kidneys. This suggests the possibility that CDH / CLO2 is a potential LIFESAVING MRSA cure, VRE cure, CRE cure, AMR cure, Ebola cure, HIV cure, Cancer cure, etc., since it appears to be safe intravenously at 50ppm.

- Join our group on MiWi (was deleted off of Facebook): mewe.com/join/coronavirusebolasolutions
- Every ml of CDH contains 1 drop of MMS, so 1 drop of MMS = 1ml of CDH
- MMS is 7 to 10% activated in 30 seconds while CDH made with 4% HCl is about 50% activated in the bottle. This is why CDH is far less nauseating than MMS drops
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