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We need to consider what we have eaten before we consume MMS 03 Oct 2011 01:10 #5908

  • Bill
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Possible Incompatibilities

There are important substance-oxidant incompatibilities which must now be addressed. Various classes of substances must not be present in the stomach at the time of the acidified sodium chlorite treatment, if any beneficial results are to be expected. Of paramount importance is the avoidance of antioxidants together with the treatment. Antioxidants are usually thiol compounds or phenolic compounds, which can specifically eliminate chlorine dioxide. Chlorine dioxide is used in industry to specifically target and to destroy thiols and phenols, because they readily react together and destroy each other. Examples of chlorine dioxide quenching compounds are: N-acetyl-L-cysteine, glutathione, alpha-lipoic acid, ascorbic acid, polyphenols, tocopherols, bioflavonoids, anthocyanidins, benzaldehyde, cinnamaldehyde, juice concentrates and many herbal remedies. Most fruits especially grapes and berries are rich sources of polyphenolic antioxidants. Examples of herbs rich in antioxidant polyphenols are: chocolate, tea, coffee, turmeric, silymarin, licorice, ginkgo, olive. Sulfur rich foods also eliminate chlorine dioxide if present in the stomach at the time of treatment. Examples include: garlic, onion, leek, asparagus, beans, peas, egg, milk and even white potatoe (due to alpha-lipoic acid). Protein must also not be present in the stomach at the time of treatment. Proteins are made of amino acids which present an abundance of phenols, organic sulfides, thiols and secondary amines, which react with and eliminate chlorine dioxide on contact. L-tyrosine has a phenol group. L-methionine is a sulfide. L-cysteine is a thiol. L-tryptophan, L-proline and L-histidine have secondary amino groups. Certain B-complex vitamins are similarly reactive such as: thiamine, riboflavin, folate, pantothenate. Finally many drugs contain secondary amines, tertiary amines, thiols, sulfides or phenols. Under physician direction these may also need to be identified and withheld on the day of treatment or at least not taken at the time of treatment. While antioxidants and vitamin supplements are generally speaking healthy for preventive and longevity purposes, and while these are beneficial in the treatment of many chronic diseases, these are incompatible at the moment of the acidified sodium chlorite treatment. Therefore, fruit, fruit juices, fruit concentrates, wines, green drinks, herbs, protein, most vitamins and most drugs should not be taken at the time of treatment and certainly not mixed with the acidified sodium chlorite solution. If these principles are not respected, little if any oxidants will survive to kill pathogens and no benefit should be expected.

If a person already ate some incompatible food such as protein or fruit prior to a scheduled treatment, then they must wait at least four hours for these items to pass through the stomach before taking the treatment. The next day after treatment the above described incompatible substances can be resumed. Protein could probably be eaten as soon as 3 hours after treatment.

Anyone who claims success taking fruit juices with acidified sodium chlorite has succeeded in spite of this quenching problem. Higher and higher doses of oxidants would have to be administered to get past the antioxidants. If someone is already apparently tolerating especially high doses of oxides of chlorine, because these oxidants are being taken with antioxidants, then such a person is at risk of oxidant overdose if the concomittent antioxidants are suddenly stopped. The most appropriate action would be to hold the antioxidants and to back down to a much lower dose of the oxidants.

Nutrient poor white starches on the other hand may be present in the stomach at the time of treatment. These may even be taken with or mixed with the diluted solution. These do not react readily with chlorine dioxide. Examples of allowable junky starchy foods are: white bread, casava, grits, white wheat pasta, white rice, saltines. Note that white potatoes are not included in this list because they are rich in alpha-lipoic acid a sulfur based antioxidant. Even though most sulfur compounds react with chlorine dioxide, oxidized sulfur compounds such as DMSO, MSM, taurine or sulfate are probably not reactive. Pending further knowledge it seems likely that carotenoids and polyunsaturated fatty acids do not quench chlorine dioxide.
:ohmy: Please visit www.JimHumble.ca to read the full article--Research & Protocols by Thomas Lee Hesselink, MD good information to consider.

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Re: We need to consider what we have eaten before we consume MMS 03 Oct 2011 02:13 #5909

  • brtanner
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While it's true that you have to use a little common sense in your diet while doing the MMS/Genesis II Protocols, I pretty much categorically disagree with the general thrust of what Bill is saying here.

The MOST important consideration with the protocols is to be regular with intake of activated MMS1/chlorine dioxide and/or MMS2. Having at least a small amount of ClO2 in the bloodstream constantly during the period of MMS dosages creates the environment for cleansing of the body and reduction of toxins and pathogens.

Use common sense but stay the course. Keep the doses regular.


Edit: If we want to get clients who are BARELY able to consider actually trying something their doctors didn't sign off on, to begin using these unique and very effective molecules in a disciplined enough way that they will get obvious results soon enough to stay with it, we can't be overloading their minds with digestive biochemistry, at least not right off the bat. "Eat reasonably, but get these molecules into your system on a regular basis, without stressing too much about what and when you ate."
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Re: We need to consider what we have eaten before we consume MMS 06 Oct 2011 07:09 #6026

  • Steven
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Hey guys, I agree with Mr Tanner, it is best to keep the issues simple and easy for people to understand. It is vital importance for people to continue on their nutritional protocols while taking MMS. Taking reduced dosages of your vitamins etc with a meal may help,2 hours after eating is a good time to avoid MMs dosage for 2 hours after the meal. If ones body is accustom to vitamin therapies, stopping or greatley reducing the dose of vitamins would shock the body and cause too much oxidative stress on the body. Use common sense and continue to eat as best as you can. Some vitamins are crucial for the operation of the immune system. Even if some MMS doses do not get to the blood stream some other timed doses will.
Bathing in 30 activated drops MMS gets it into the muscles and blood stream....

Some people are beginning to make income from the making and selling of Sodium Chlorite with activating instructions with Lime Juice or separately purchased Citric Acid from their local Grocery store. Perhaps some of the bigger companies could find ways to experiment on which antioxidant supplements are most interactive with MMS. Selenium supplementation is vital in the treatment of HIV and would not recommend stopping you Multi vitamin and mineral broad spectrum supplement etc. Taking the vitamins with meals is usually recommended and away from MSS.

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Re: We need to consider what we have eaten before we consume MMS 23 Jan 2014 04:29 #39099

  • liinu01
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Thank you for the great info.
White rice & possibly carrots. Got it. Done.

How do we feel about bananas?

(I appreciate the senior boarders' views on not wanting to confuse people or turn them away from MMS due to diet restrictions, but for those of us who wish to optimise the effect, this is fantastic detail, surely. Much appreciated.)


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Re: We need to consider what we have eaten before we consume MMS 23 Jan 2014 15:14 #39114

  • Rev Ray
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How do we feel about bananas?


I recently read to drop bananas tomatoes and more in regards to liver taxing.
My experience with bananas is that they caused me tons of grief in liver area/digestion for many years. I had thought this was due to the green bananas ripening on plane however I have now discovered that at least for my body, I can eat organic bananas but not regular bananas.

So based on my experience I would recommend only Organic bananas if bananas must be part of ones diet

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We need to consider what we have eaten before we consume MMS 22 Feb 2014 19:42 #40350

  • Helsing
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Can anyone offer an opinion about tea?
I've been using it instead of coffee.
Second, flavoring for MMS dosages. Soft drinks like Pepsi and Coke have
"some" caffeine. Question is, do they have enough to seriously interfere?

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We need to consider what we have eaten before we consume MMS 23 Feb 2014 04:50 #40374

  • JB13
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Here are a few short quotes from Kerri's latest autism book:

DOs & DON’Ts of CD (MMS)
DO review all current supplementation that your child is taking and remove all supplements which contain any antioxidants including vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin A, vitamin K, ALA, Coenzyme Q10, and colloidal silver as these will neutralize the CD, rendering it ineffective.

DO dose frequently throughout the day. The less time we leave the pathogens to proliferate the better. Do a minimum of eight doses a day, but try to get in more doses if possible. Go for 16 in cases of PANS/PANDAS and acute situations like colds and flu.

DO activate CD for the proper amount of time for the acid you use. HCl and citric acid both activate sodium chlorite in 60 seconds.

DO completely avoid the following: citrus fruits, corn syrup, fruit juices, green tea, pineapple, vitamins C, E, A, and K. Only give coconut milk and coconut water a minimum of one hour after the last CD dose at night so they will have no chance of affecting the CD. Coconut milk and coconut water are very alkaline.

DON’T give fruit juice of any form—not fresh, organic, homemade or store bought.

DON’T give highly antioxidant foods including chocolate (cacao/cocoa), coffee, green tea, kombucha, citrus fruits, pineapple, mango, or kiwi. Berries (if you have to give them at all) can only be given at night, one hour after the last CD dose.

DON’T mix anything but water with your CD drops.

DON’T give CD with food.

She does allow Sweetleaf brand stevia drops as it does not kill the CLO2.

If you use CDH and make it with 4% HCL, there should be no taste problem. I take 20mg doses and don't have a taste problem. I do add 3 drops of stevia to my 4 fl oz dose, but could do without it.

Even adding lemon juice for flavoring will kill about 40% of the CLO2.
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We need to consider what we have eaten before we consume MMS 23 Feb 2014 05:57 #40379

  • pat.chris
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I understand that storing the HCl can be a problem. I can only find 36% (so use 1/9th as much as the 4%). My son said to put the container inside a large glass (ex: pickle) jar with damp baking soda in the bottom and screw the lid on tight. Otherwise, the HCl fumes pass through the plastic bottle and corrode nearby metal objects. What do all of YOU do?
Thanks, Pat C.

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We need to consider what we have eaten before we consume MMS 23 Feb 2014 06:19 #40381

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Has anyone tried setting a timer & briefly rousing to do an hourly dose throughout the night?

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