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We need to consider what we have eaten before we consume MMS 23 Feb 2014 06:23 #40382

  • Rev Ray
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Earlier we felt that night time is best time for MMS, to do drops before bed.
In those days I was doing 12-15 at a time in water :sick:
This gives MMS a chance to work while you sleep and the body cleans and heals as you sleep.
You need rest so rest. But if you find yourself up, do some more MMS for sure.
But let your body rest and heal is my thought.

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We need to consider what we have eaten before we consume MMS 23 Feb 2014 10:10 #40383

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There is a similar dosing schedule in Kerri's book: mmsautism.org/

72/2 Protocol (Weekend Protocol)
When we give a child eight oral doses of CD throughout the day we are killing more and more pathogens. But at night when we sleep, the pathogens don’t. So in order to get ahead of them, we can dose throughout the night. Imagine the progress we can make if we don’t give them the chance to gain strength overnight! Hence, the 72/2 Protocol, which involves giving one dose of CD every two hours for 72 hours straight—including the middle of the night. Here are some additional thoughts and guidelines:

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We need to consider what we have eaten before we consume MMS 23 Feb 2014 10:21 #40384

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pat.chris, storing strong HCL is a problem. I keep my plastic 1 liter 37% HCL bottle inside a half gallon plastic Igloo cooler that has a plastic lid. I only open it when outside and mix 4% HCL outside as well. The white paper label on the 1 liter HCL bottle has turned black. Nasty stuff, that strong HCL!

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Re: We need to consider what we have eaten before we consume MMS 02 Mar 2014 06:21 #40740

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I need to eat fermented vegetables as part of my healing protocol, I'm also in a grain-free, casein-free, and low sugar diet. I was wondering if the fermented vegetables would cancel the MMS. I couldn't eat the so called "trash" diet as it would really affect negatively my energy level. Will extra-virgin olive oil, coconut oil, walnut oil, avocado oil, organic butter, heavy cream, lard, and other animal fats not interfere with MMS? What about if we eat just a little animal protein?

I would really appreciate any your thoughts. thanks.

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Re: We need to consider what we have eaten before we consume MMS 02 Mar 2014 07:18 #40743

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I wrote this "poetry" in a moment of clarity earlier that might help explain some of your questions

there is much speculation but the fact remains, people and cats eat.
People and Cats get ill.
People who are ill, eat.
People who want to heal using MMS, eat and heal despite their eating habit most times.

In a perfect world however, the comments of the author may be quite valid.
Out here in the field of experience I am finding people (and cats) heal, using MMS and eating.
Yes, it's true Cats should not drink coffee or caffeine products, should avoid hi antioxidants, Cats should not drink OJ and neither should people when using MMS for the short period of time MMS is used to re-mediate a condition.

Many of the non ill have plenty of time to examine MMS from a distance.
And postulate and hypothesis,and at end of the day, MMS will be deterred some by antioxidants and food. But the evidence remains, many/most heal using MMS while continuing to eat.
In fact, the Vegan and Vegetarian community have a more difficult time healing is what we are seeing. That some animal fats and proteins are required. Or at least benevolent despite my Love for Life's furry feathered friends. I suppose this is where the Indian tradition of paying homage, thanking the creature who gives its life for our own originates.

So no caffeine, no high anti oxidants, no OJ pretty much covers it and you will still get plenty of results.
You see, if MMS is diminished by X food, we can do more MMS to compensate.
Caffeine cancels out MMS but OJ and MMS creates vomit and anyone doing the therapy would soon realize a mistake here.
Pretty much everything has a ying yang to it.
We know the majors to avoid, the rest is manageable.

So to the naysayers who expect no return on a partial stomach of nutrition,

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We need to consider what we have eaten before we consume MMS 02 Mar 2014 19:01 #40764

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I guess I need some help before I give up. I took pills for parasites for 4 weeks, then mixed up some CDH (as suggested on this forum), and took 1 ml. for abt. 3 days on empty stomach (as I saw suggested at that time), then 2 ml. for the last few days. At first I thought I had intestinal flu (quite violent cramping) but now recognize that it's once/day and probably from the 'cluster' taking of the CDH (every hr. for 4 hrs. straight in the morning to stay away from food). Now I even have blood spotting from my anus.

About 5 years ago I had to give up from nausea, etc. I hate to have to give up again (especially since my flower beds are the neighbor cat's toilet). Now I see opinion of not needing to keep it 4 hours after food? What would you recommend I try?

Or perhaps I should just go to the bath soak. Can you soak in CDH?

Thank you very much.

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We need to consider what we have eaten before we consume MMS 02 Mar 2014 19:37 #40765

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Hi Pat
If you give up the battle will most likely be lost.
Persevere and eventually what you are battling will be defeated.

Course I do not know what it is you are fighting.
So is a bit hard to offer suggestions but I will do what I can with what you have told us and what I am intuitively guided to write for you.
It does not matter how much MMS you use, it will not be the direct cause of bleeding.
However what MMS removes may cause bleeding as body heals.
Sounds like an intestinal issue, maybe Cancer maybe parasites.
Maybe both.
When cramping take less MMS drops. MMS in bath works, add DMSO to CLEAN tub NO soap.
Protocol 1000 is 3 drops MMS activated hourly 8X a day.
Protocol 4000 is addition of MMS2.
Protocol 3000 the addition of DMSO
Protocol 2000 is for Cancer and Life threatening disease
see www.mmswiki.is for full descriptions of Protocols and Maladies.

It is NOT important to stay away from food but to keep doses apart from meals, best taken before food.
It IS important to avoid caffeine Vit C OJ and any hi antioxidant therapy.
Drop supplements too.
Focus solely on MMS OXIDATIVE therapy as OXIDATION is the answer.

If there is one sentiment many who recover from illness using MMS empart to me, is that, It is best to continue with MMS. Yes there may be breaks and healing crisis along the way however, staying with MMS long term enough to do it's work free's many/most of the condition they are battling.
Persistence with the right chemistry is key.
Chemically you want to elevate low PH areas in the body by removing the acidic environment and there are MANY ways to do this and MMS is a very powerful agent being a germicidal/antimicrobial solution, a very good choice.
Remember MMS can be taken in capsule form to avoid taste aversions. MMS/CDH both can be taken in capsules.
CDH Activated with HCl does not have the same taste aversion for new users but am betting no matter how "sweet" the new recipes may be, those of us who have Chlorine Dioxide Aversions may now be able to return to MMS Oxidative therapy due to the new Capsule methods being discussed currently on this and I suspect other forums/boards.
There is information that suggests activating SC with CA (Sodium Chlorite, Citric Acid) is cause of nausea, that longer activation times (CDH) leave less residual inactive SC thought to cause the nausea.
I am getting feedback also that nausea is reduced simply by using Gel Capsule method. See MMS now has Zero Taste thread.

You have the most powerful healing agent known whether you decide MMS, CDS, CDH, CA or HCl Activations, Topically, Internally from either direction or in baths.
No matter what route one decides MMS, actually I am going to start saying CD, Chlorine Dioxide, as CD is actually what we make in all f these formats.
So CD, however delivered will be of help to you no matter how small quantity one takes.
The trick is to find where one gets too much CD, an indicator being nausea, and back off from that threshold,kill off the pathogen and again find the threshold of nausea, back off and continue.

Even if you decided to do a small amount CD/MMS each night before bed, this will help you.
But our hope is that you find an acceptable delivery of CD into body in as many directions as possible w/o causing more illness so that you overcome quickly that which has long held you down.

Kerri's Protocol/s for Parasites may be the best in the World.
One does not need to have Autism to have Parasites, or remove them

We are here to help so if you need to ask, Ask.

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Last edit: by Rev Ray.

We need to consider what we have eaten before we consume MMS 02 Mar 2014 19:54 #40767

  • Sid Kassidy
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If someone could make a list of various things we could eat during a cure it would be fantastic! I think it would be less complex to focus on eating white rice and carrots for exemple like Liina said.

If someone has the knoweledge and time I would really appreciate! Including some veggies, meat, cereals, fruits and even some condiments that would be ok would make it so much simpler! And we could find some great receipies working with the permited foods.


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We need to consider what we have eaten before we consume MMS 02 Mar 2014 19:58 #40768

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Oh and also, I usually don't eat much during the day. So I could easily pass the day fasting on water after having only a cereal coffee in the morning. Cereal coffe in the morning the 1-2 hours later 3 drops per hour and at 9pm eat a normal dinner.
Would this be ok?

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