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Diet whilst using MMS/CDS 09 Nov 2012 03:12 #26161

  • AmandaMary
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I have received many email enquiries re diet whist using protocols, i have made a short list to assist in the hope that it helps many:

Eat as part of your diet raw or soft poached farm eggs up-to 6 daily, drink raw milk from the cow but chill first, cow liver, red meat, beef is best, raw honey comb, sheep yogurt, raw cheese etc this will help build your immune system at cellular level. Hemp oil is best to cook with or put on salad (no tomatoes) no alcohol and no oranges etc. No coffee or tea or carbinated drinks, no chocolate during the protocols. No bread or processed food. Drink plenty of bottled water at room temperature. Fish is good all types. Use only sea salt in your diet. You can also eat organic Fruits that are Low in Vitamin C, pears are the lowest. Apples, avocados, bananas, blueberries and cranberries. Vegetables that are Low in Vitamin C, cucumbers, eggplant, raw mushrooms, garbanzo beans, great northern beans, kidney beans, pinto beans, navy beans, carrots, asparagus, small red beans, corn, squash, raw onions, string beans. Low PH foods and drinks, check your PH if lower than 6.5 take one tea spoon of bicarbonate of soda with a little honey and warm water to make more palatable and retest in 5 days.

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Diet whilst using MMS/CDS 09 Nov 2012 06:23 #26170

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hi, i was told to eat bread, and meat while taking mms2..is this not right?

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Diet whilst using MMS/CDS 09 Nov 2012 10:26 #26173

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bread is a PROCESSED FOOD, NO PRCESSED FOOD, I don't know where you have been receiving your information but i have 8 years experience.

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Diet whilst using MMS/CDS 09 Nov 2012 11:34 #26178

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Avoid The three major antioxidant vitamins which are beta-carotene, vitamin C, and vitamin E.Tea and coffee is a high antioxidant. You may ingest antioxidants two hours after your daily last dose of MMS/CDS

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Diet whilst using MMS/CDS 09 Nov 2012 13:43 #26184

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Hello Amanda mary.You say ...Hemp oil is best to cook with or put on salad.

I have read where all oils when used for cooking, the heat alters the oils molecular structure allowing it to build up plaque in our arteries. Which nobody wants.
Coconut oil being the exception when heated does not alter its molecular structure.
All COLD pressed oils, and I see there is a cold pressed Hemp oil, can be used on salads and this does not get caught up in the artery walls.
However if cold pressed oil is heated for cooking the heat will in turn change it also.
For years I use cold pressed oil, usually in a darker bottle, for salads and coconut oil for cooking.
Also I note on the protocols that you say .. low vit c
What is the reason for this.
I had just finished watching on utube a farmer from New Zealand who was on life support and they were to shut this down after the weekend as there was nothing else that they could do for him but the family learnt of intravenous vit c which after much persuasion convinced the hospital to administer IV-vit c which saved his life. There is now Lypo-Speric-Vit C which is supposed to be 6 times better than IV. A very interesting story.

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Diet whilst using MMS/CDS 09 Nov 2012 17:06 #26197

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Could you please supply a link to that youtube story?

I recently came upon MMS and FGHP therapy at the same time. And NOW more recently, I stumbled into old therapies, like turpentine!
And I always support peoples right to choose whichever therapy they see fit to take!
youtube- daniels, why turpentine is good for your health most excellent info with instructions and warnings for proper preparation prior to using turp should you choose to do so.
diamond g in georgia was the best turp I found.
also check out the borax conspiracy about arthritis, worth your time to read.


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Diet whilst using MMS/CDS 09 Nov 2012 17:19 #26198

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Hi Woofy, re the vitamin C, I understand what you are saying, I also agree with ingestion of Vitamin C, but not during the hours of taking MMS/CDS. I always request people wait 2 hours before and two hours after to avoid weakening the full benefit of the protocols. This is how I get the best results. Re oils Hemp oil have half the cholesterol of olive oil, also it depends on the temperatures in which you cooking food in, a low heat is preferable. We do not offer fried food at all in the centre to those in which we are restoring health too but if you have to choose between olive oil, sunflower oil and hemp oil etc go Hemp oil. Also Coconut is not as readily available as coconut oil in Europe. I once read a story on the internet where sucking coal cured someone of cancer! I can and will only speak from my personal experience of restoring health for 8 years.

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Diet whilst using MMS/CDS 09 Nov 2012 20:46 #26211

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Thank you AmandaMary

Hi Kenneth

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Last edit: by woofy.

Diet whilst using MMS/CDS 11 Nov 2012 07:28 #26289

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went to jimhumble.biz and sent an email, and a man by the name of bruce responded back, and actually reccomended bread, so im a little confused..... :S

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