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Diet whilst using MMS/CDS 12 Nov 2012 04:43 #26358

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Buying meat , buy GRASS FED only. Aldis have it. Grain fed is the worst. What is in the grain? Do the taste test between the two. There is a huge difference in taste.

Beef liver has 3% vit c beleive it or not.

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Diet whilst using MMS/CDS 12 Nov 2012 07:36 #26373

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John D, you wrote: Another problem is that for so many 8 doses in NOT enough for many disease's such as Herpes, Aids, HIV, Cancer, Candida, Lyme, etc. So people are basically taking doses from the time they get up to the time they go to bed.

My question is how many people have you personally restored health back too with Herpes, Aids and HIV? 8 doses is enough for all of which you list above! Therefore diet should not be an issue here, this is about restoring health with people suffering terrible diseases and viruses not a food eating competition, we eat to live not live to eat!

JD wrote: Basically 95% of America can not get milk from the cow, or Organic Meat, etc, etc, etc. So many take 8 doses per day and get no results. Others do, however for those who are taking doses from Morning til night really want to get some wholesome food in them so they don't have the bloated, empty, or sick feeling. Eating nuts and liver does not work for around 80% of America, that food in itself cause many to vomit just thinking about it, lol. In the U.S. we basically have to try to eat the best we can while on a protocol and at the exact some time be able to feel full and have strength.

I comment: if they stick to my protocol and diet but with none organic meat, pure honey from grocery store, sheep yogurt, free range eggs from the grocery store, liver from grocery store, fish from grocery store. They only need to this to be included with in the daily diet. We are talking about just lunch being Vit C free or low and no antioxidants, with a large breakfast of what you like within reason and large dinner in the evening, a lighter lunch should not be a problem after all people should be resting as much as possible for the 3 weeks, people need to take their restoration very seriously and not eating like a horse at lunch time, over eating causes obesity which will cause other medical problems. So you see no need to take MMS2 on an empty stomach.

JD wrote: Its not hard, we realize this however for many who have actually ate well, and drank well, have taken so many doses of MMS or CDS and MMS2 and DMSO, etc - they still have symptoms, many don't after 2-4 weeks however some have taken the protocols very seriously and there between 4-6 weeks still having symptoms, and when a "person" gets to that many weeks they want to be able to eat a bit more and actually should be encouraged to do so especially with a obvious diminished Immune System.

My comments: no symptoms if they did my protocol after 4 weeks, it takes 3 weeks to restore health after flush and building up immune system. Do it right the first time and it will not need to be repeated.
l.j.l. wrote: its a releif to know we can eat these foods while on protocol...who expects everybody to be able to get poached eggs, and raw milk from a cow?? lol!! i dont have any chickens, and cows running around outside!! i live in atlanta.

my comments: you do not buy poached eggs, you boil water and crack an egg into it, yes you can really do that in all corners of the world. Maybe Atlanta is the exception lol If you don’t know anyone who has free range chickens buy free range from a grocery store, I am assuming that there grocery stores in Atlanta!

JD wrote: Be sure to get your rest, very important, a TROPICAL ISLAND would be nice but until then turning the light off at 9pm will work just fine with a cozy blanket. The true paradise and relaxation will come when the Virus is gone - anything til then just is .....who care's. Only a Virus Sufferer knows how awful this is and nothing else matters as far as luxury things goes until this thing is gone. Until then cherish the sweet moments in your mind and stay strong.

I comment: without relaxation you will nor restore your health, I care, I want to restore health hence I say rest, no work, no physical exercise including intercourse and masturbation, people need to retain their energy levels to allow them best fight their illness. This is how I get results and the end result is what matters or they will be cherishing any sweet moments! If I had herpes, HIV or aids I would eat horse shit and travel anywhere in the world to eat if it was going to restore my health, so nayyyyyy lol I do not agree. JD do you sell the MMS etc? also when did you last attend a seminar or apprentice program? When did you actually restore health to these ailments? I really can not see how your protocol would actually completely restore health, it would actually make me violently sick and believe me I have taken MMS1, MMS2 and CDS and I work soaked in it daily.

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Diet whilst using MMS/CDS 12 Nov 2012 08:02 #26376

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Well, thank you for pointing out what we all know we said already, lol. :cheer: This forum is for people to try and help each other; not a competition...So, people will have there opinions, and there differences, but we are entitled to that. I'm not sure what type of proof you have that your methods work, byt John has a couple people on this forum that have posted there testimonials, and results showing NEGATIVE results..i respect people trying to heal others, but realistically, there is alot of people in the world that cannot afford thousands of dollars to fly across the world to a clinic to be treated, taking a chance...8 years experience or not. I'd rather try this out for a couple hundred bucks...but maybe thats just me. :whistle:

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Diet whilst using MMS/CDS 12 Nov 2012 08:25 #26378

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I have read this forum for some time. I am only interested in helping restore health and informing people of the right way which have been tested and proven many times by our health ministers here including Jim Humble himself. Opinions and differences you are entitled to, I am blunt yes, but i really do know what i am doing and talking about. I come on this forum to help those that can not come here to Bulgaria for restoring their health. I also answer with factual information. Many can be put off by trying or continuing because of poor advice read here and they will suffer the consiquences and this is best avoided, some is so bad it makes me cringe. I not only have 8 years experience but i have given up my life to restore health to others at my own expence. Remember if money is tight a few hundred bucks could not be waisted by taking poor advice, do it right the 1st time and it will be a few hundred bucks well spent. Not everyone can afford to get it wrong 1st time as money or time is not on everyones side. I read on many forums about MMS/CDS not working etc but when when i get to the nuts and bolts, it is because they were advised to administer it incorrectly or by not taking note of avoiding VIT C,and anti oxidents during protocol. I am not here to make friends, just to give well tested and documented information on restoring health to those that need it.

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Diet whilst using MMS/CDS 12 Nov 2012 08:43 #26379

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thanks AmandaMary....i'm listening, since i started the parasite protocole and taking CDS now.

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Diet whilst using MMS/CDS 12 Nov 2012 12:14 #26388

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Hello Amanda Mary. You wrote... if they stick to my protocol and diet but with none organic meat, I think you meant SOME organic meat. You may want to go back and edit that if that is correct.
I love your dedication as I also do Pam's.
Cheers, Roger

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Diet whilst using MMS/CDS 12 Nov 2012 13:07 #26392

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You must have a lot of time to re quote everything I said, but whatever.

Ok so your protocol consists of 8 doses per day, mine is more, you say it would make people sick, mine is designed to get all the MMS solutions in you at proper times to do away with being sick.

You say you cure everyone within weeks taking 8 doses a day, WOW JIM HUMBLE AND ANDREAS KALCKER can't even do that. You must be very good. And you cure people in a couple weeks when my protocol is way more intense with more doses, different ways at attacking viruses or disease's- most ways backed up by people who've done it.

The Protocol was designed as many know by users who all basically chit chatted together to get the best results.

Yes, we have cured many of Herpes, Cancers, Candida, lyme, Cancer but of late our main focus has been Herpes and Cancer. Many Many people have done the Herpes Protocol and received negative results, I either talk on the phone or email people basically all day and late evening. For Example from 7am til 1:39pm was my day yesterday alone.

So if a person takes less doses, and weaker spine applications, and nothing to battle lipid coatings but DOES fly to Bulgaria then they'll be healed from you. Does not make sense.

I'm pretty sure people know how to take MMS and CDS especially when they ask and I send detailed instructions.

I don't think your blunt - I think for the most part you are trying to do well however AMANDAMARY is not the Alpha and Omega of MMS nor does YOUR WAY Cure Everybody in 2-3 weeks. If you don't like me or my topics or my posts then simply stay away. Meanwhile on average we are interacting with hundreds of people on protocols daily while maintaining other duties.

We are not suppose to advertise business's or products, or services on this particular forum. It has been a general rule for sometime so I will continue to not answer your other question.

I think you do a lot and thus far as you've said your 10 people over in Bulgaria must be getting good treatment. But as far as Herpes and Cancer's - basically I/we deal with it all day all evening every day. Kinda know the ends and outs.

Sorry my posts upset you, and no one else. I hope you can look past whatever problem who have with me and we can move forward helping others.

John D.

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Diet whilst using MMS/CDS 12 Nov 2012 13:30 #26394

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I don't understand why you say my protocol would make you sick. Let's dig a litter deeper.

Let's take my protocol being a 12dose day.

6doses are MMS- taken every 2nd hour which causes nausea to be reduced if any greatly instead of hourly.
6doses of CDS - which if you ask Jim Or Andreas or myself have 0% side effects 0%nausea etc
4-6doses of MMS2 - the correct size which is 3 not size 0 -causing lil to none side effects especially after food.
DE- no known side effects
Calcium Bentonite Clay - no nausea or side effects however helps many with stomach issues while on MMS - easy bowels.
DMSO- no known side effects or nausea only a bad body odor

Pre Protocol- Monolaurin or DE or Bentonite - no known side effects or nausea or anything.

So how would one be sick.

Some doses I have stated can be switched out for enemas or baths however more beneficial with a dose simply because it by passes the stomach were most nausea or sickness comes from.

Tell people to eat well and eat more.

I don't understand your reasoning. Maybe you can explain why it would make you sick?

Regardless - I have a protocol that is working for many, and for some few they are having a rough time getting rid of the herpes- can you imagine if they cut back on these doses and just did 8 doses of just CDS, Wow I don't think they would be happy campers.

I'm sorry you don't like the protocol, I hope yours or anyone elses works faster or better for these people but until I see reasoning of Why i must persist that I thing this protocol is by far superior.

I hope you can see past our differences and move on, try to stop being mean to people would be nice, and there are many other people with many other ways of doing things which you may not see right- however when people get results they share what works. Everybody's method or way will not be the same depending on the disease or person however we are all trying to reach the same goal.

Let's move forward, bickering does not help anyone, I'm sorry if I have cause an issue on here, I didn't think by posting a herpes protocol that has worked for many would cause an issue,

keep Truckin,

John D.

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Diet whilst using MMS/CDS 12 Nov 2012 19:20 #26416

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Wow this seems to be getting more and more confusing for us newbies. The food part keeps changing so much I just stopped my protocol. So many different posts that are completely different on what's okay to eat or not eat and when it's okay to eat at all. Two people on another post continue to say no vit c but okay to drink green smoothies and antioxidants but others say eat meat and eggs but the antioxidants will hurt the MMS. ugh. I'm lost. I rarely eat much meat so I do not even know what I should have purchased at the store before beginning the MMS. I have read so much although it seems like maybe I have not but I stopped after 3 days until I have the food and supplements down. Now I'm reading besides supplementing Vit C at night 2 hours after last daily dose (1,000mg)one should highly consider not only ProBiotics but 1-2 grams of N-Acetylcysteine should be taken.

If I had the money to fly to one of these MMS clinics I would but unfortunately I'm not working due to my health and struggling to do the protocol and try and eat decent. Liver, tuna, eggs and much talk about raw milk and raw eggs and then poached eggs. I'm sorry to not understand I really thought I did. I have no idea how to rework my diet at all. I was about 90% or so meat free but some dairy. I do not smoke rarely drink any alcohol and just gave up my only treat(morning coffee) and apparently green smoothies (spinach, water frozen fruit) or juicing contain antioxidants so I need help on what to eat daily for 3 weeks. Looks like my whole regime diet contains antioxidants or vitamin C so I will like I cannot eat.
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