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Diet whilst using MMS/CDS 12 Nov 2012 19:37 #26420

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Hello,(sorry all my comments are in brackets, Hello)

I don't understand why you say my protocol would make you sick. Let's dig a litter deeper.
(1000 plus with DMSO will alleviate the feeling of nausea)

Let's take my protocol being a 12dose day.

6doses are MMS- taken every 2nd hour which causes nausea to be reduced if any greatly instead of hourly. (8 doses of 1000 plus and DMSO with 4 doses of MMS2 starting at sixteenth of a cap between every 2nd dose is easier on the stomach)

6doses of CDS - which if you ask Jim Or Andreas or myself have 0% side effects 0%nausea etc (agreed)
4-6doses of MMS2 - the correct size which is 3 not size 0 -causing lil to none side effects especially after food.
DE- no known side effects (agreed)
Calcium Bentonite Clay - no nausea or side effects however helps many with stomach issues while on MMS - easy bowels. (would not need with CDS)
DMSO- no known side effects or nausea only a bad body odor (drinking sea water with mineral water helps alleviate odor)

Pre Protocol- Monolaurin or DE or Bentonite - no known side effects or nausea or anything. (agreed)

So how would one be sick.

Some doses I have stated can be switched out for enemas or baths however more beneficial with a dose simply because it by passes the stomach were most nausea or sickness comes from. (best to saturate your system by doing daily enemas, vaginal douches, topically apply, baths twice daily, inject into muscle and fat)

Tell people to eat well and eat more. (we all know my thoughts on diet plan)

I don't understand your reasoning. Maybe you can explain why it would make you sick?

Regardless - I have a protocol that is working for many, and for some few they are having a rough time getting rid of the herpes- can you imagine if they cut back on these doses and just did 8 doses of just CDS, Wow I don't think they would be happy campers. (herpes is indeed the toughest, that is why you need to saturate your body and your largest organ is your skin, I therefore cannot express the importance of soaks, topical application etc The problem area is so much CDS/MMS is used and it works out expensive, but you only need to do it one time. This is what I am trying to explain, doing things over and over will make you feel sick).

I'm sorry you don't like the protocol, I hope yours or anyone elses works faster or better for these people but until I see reasoning of Why i must persist that I thing this protocol is by far superior. ( I am sure you can see that my protocol is heavy and this virus cannot take such an attack, not when it is being attacked so heavily)

I hope you can see past our differences and move on, try to stop being mean to people would be nice,(I don’t want to be mean, I want to help you perfect your protocol so it works quicker and without people feeling nauseous, it just requires tweaking) and there are many other people with many other ways of doing things which you may not see right- however when people get results they share what works. (yes agreed it is results that matter) Everybody's method or way will not be the same depending on the disease or person however we are all trying to reach the same goal. (indeed, I apoligise if I hurt your feelings, I am very blunt, ok let us work together on helping people to be free of herpes as comfortable and quick as possible).

Let's move forward, bickering does not help anyone, I'm sorry if I have cause an issue on here, I didn't think by posting a herpes protocol that has worked for many would cause an issue,

keep Truckin, (you know what they say about women drivers! And it was mainly based on mine :cheer: Happy days)

John D. (Mary)

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Diet whilst using MMS/CDS 12 Nov 2012 20:57 #26425

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Diet whilst using MMS/CDS 12 Nov 2012 21:25 #26429

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You must alot of time on your hands to sit, and requote everything people say. lol....i think you should go help people, and leave our Coach John D alone....his protocol makes more sense, and it attacking the virus more aggresively. Seems your just looking for an argument. And, theres a difference between being blunt, and just being rude. Then, your on here advertising your products...that's a no no...sit down please..... B)

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Diet whilst using MMS/CDS 12 Nov 2012 21:59 #26434

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OK, guys, gonna chime in here. Amanda Mary uses a particular protocol, John D. uses another. Both utilize MMS. John's is more agressive than even Jim Humble calls for - I'm not going to call right or wrong on this, but I know how sensitive those who are dealing with HSV feel regarding their issues. They want it gone NOW, :) . Let's not get involved in "mine is right, yours is wrong" - the only true measure, ultimately, will be the medical testing that those who follow the protocols go through afterwards.

I suggest that those who follow either protocol send their testing results back to the forum. That is truly the only way we will know "which is most useful" - and that's what we want to know - what is most useful.

I will posit that both John D. and Amanda Mary want people to succeed in removing this problem from their system. No one wants you to fail based on their diets/protocols.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Michael Harrah, Researcher, vector, AmandaMary, sankar

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Diet whilst using MMS/CDS 12 Nov 2012 22:48 #26437

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Thank you Pam, John D and I are in contact via private message now.

The team here have had great results, however with HIV and Hepes and the terrible stigma it is too big an ask for testimonials, unless they are nameless and that Defeats the object and always leaves doubt. John and I are both grown up and will resolve our conversation off the forum and will come back with something easy to understand.

I personally do not sell products; I work on a voluntary basis without salary, fuel allowance, food allowance etc for the genesis2church. Whilst visiting between rooms, taking telephone calls, faxes, restoring health at the drop in centre, visiting homes locally to restore health, answering emails, being a Mum to 17 children, a wife, a grandma. My life is dedicated to restoring health and learning more every day. If only MMS could give me another pair of hands that would be wonderful. I try so hard to get on the forum to assist others best I can, but my time is limited, I therefore come across as being harsh and maybe rude at times, but at no time do I disrespect those that are in poor health.
I adore what I do, today I visited a lady whom we have been restoring health to for 10 days, she could not move any part of her body, not one finger for 2 years following an epidural in pregnancy. Today she can kick me and she has a strong kick, she can clasp my hand and pick a small bottle up, her stomach muscles are building as are all of her other muscles. This makes me feel all warm inside and makes me feel so glad to be alive. A lady staying with us with breast cancer after 10 days her tumor has reduced to half its size. We restored complete health to a man staying with us with HIV2. We are restoring health to a young man with MS, lady and child with Diabetes, man with prostate cancer, lady with paralysis, several people suffering from auto immune diseases, a man with brain tumor, skin problems. Rest assured our team does not have alot of free time but our work is so rewarding and we do have some laughs along the way. I feel truly blessed.

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Diet whilst using MMS/CDS 12 Nov 2012 23:41 #26442

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You know, as I see it, we ALL, whether Amanda Mary, with the Center considerations, or John D., who is an authorized vendor or me, who as a minister of health really has no income from this forum - but we ALL want people to achieve health from this technology. There is absolutely no reason to have competition of who is best or what is best. We can talk about our successes, but truly the "proof is in the pudding." John and Amanda Mary both have something to offer to the people on this forum. It's not "either/or" but "both/and" -
The following user(s) said Thank You: Michael Harrah

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Diet whilst using MMS/CDS 17 Dec 2012 03:56 #28256

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I only eat organic Flax seed bread, I would eat Hemp seed bread if i could find it.
Coconut Oil unrefined is good for low to medium heat never, try to fry food , what for ?
Grape oil is great for high heat cooking.

I have never seen a cook book or meal list that Jim H. has or promotes just something from the hotel kitchen .
Maybe if Jim spent some money and had a diet book printed there would be less confusion.
After my many years of being in the health field I admire his work , but some things Jim is Lacking.

These People do have a track record of good meals for many years ,


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Last edit: by cain.

Diet whilst using MMS/CDS 17 Dec 2012 12:52 #28268

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Actually, Jim has provided us with a lot of information about diet, along with the links to studies to back it up. He has not done a cookbook, because IMHO, that is totally a waste of time - he allows each of us to make our own decisions regarding food within the guidelines he has provided.

The Genesis II Health and Restoration Center diet literally is the work of the guidelines in action. It's not just a "hotel kitchen" - There are things that are available in Bulgaria that are not actually available anywhere else, so each of us have to work within the parameters of our own food sourcing.

Cain, I notice that you spend a lot of time on the forum fostering your own beliefs, and often subtly discounting Jim's work. It may be time to think about what you are here for - is it to learn? is it to help? or is it to somehow discount? Learning is good. Helping is good - That was one of the reasons I felt it would be good for you to go to one of the trainings. But, we are a Jim Humble forum, and although we do allow for alternative treatments (in that forum) - most people are here to get additional information on MMS and it's utilization in their own health issues. Which is where we focus.

The following user(s) said Thank You: Steve, Michael Harrah, fourfingerz, Macaddict08, ix

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Diet whilst using MMS/CDS 17 Dec 2012 20:14 #28289

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Hi Pam

I'm sorry for seeming Critical . I do respect Jim in many more ways than MMS.
Learning is life long experience so I do want to repect the knowledge that is here.
Thank you for your Patience.
Apologies to the Genesis II Health and Restoration Center .

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