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is mms affecting my adrenals? 15 Aug 2012 11:09 #21249

  • sharon
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I have adrenal issues and am taking hydrocortisone for it,but the last few days my adrenals are really painful,mostly first thing in the morning and wondered if its the mms causing it.The pain is also accompanied with higher fasting blood sugars too and must be connected.

Any idea if the mms is the cause,its already raised my overall blood sugar levels,but this pain and more elevated levels is concerning me. Thankyou kindly.

best wishes sharon

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Re: is mms affecting my adrenals? 15 Aug 2012 13:59 #21254

  • Macaddict08
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Are you ssssure it's you adrenals, and not your Kidney's ?!?!

If it is the kidney's, try to not drink as much water after 6pm so the kidney's aren't working all thru the night (when they should be resting) so they are strong and ready for the next days filtering.

The adrenals sit atop the kidney's, (as I'm sure you know).... and can be lightly massged by doing kidney taps...
Every morning, make loose fists with your
hands and gently tap the kidney/adrenal gland area.
This will help stimulate the kidney and adrenals.

Also... here's a few suggestions while on an MMS program:

Suggestion #1

NEVER have a meal or eat any food 4-5 hours before going to sleep. This is one of THE worst things you can do if you have cancer, or are in recovery from an illness.
Your body regenerates and cleanses at night time when you sleep, and to eat a large or small meal before you go to bed is literally robbing yourself of that precious healing time. The body needs gravity to digest food properly, and, if you lay down, it takes 5 times the energy to push the food in your stomach through your digestive tract, and THAT TAKES ENERGY. Energy that would normally have gone to healing and regenerating yourself now has to go towards food that needs digesting.

Suggestion #2

ALWAYS drink a 12oz glass of room temperature water, before you get out of bed in the morning.
Drinking this water immediately upon awakening initiates a cleanse in the bladder and bowels, and you will start your day off hydrated. While you were sleeping, your body had been regenerating and cleansing for the last 8 hours. You want to help this process by immediately eliminating the accumulated toxins via the bladder and colon. The water going into the stomach creates peristalsis reaction to the intestines, and evacuating the bowels first thing in the morning is essential.

Suggestion #3

NEVER put cold food or iced drinks into your stomach at mealtime, AND don't drink liquids of any kind during mealtime, only warm liquids after.
Putting cold food or iced drinks not only paralyzes digestion, but (heat) energy has to come from your kidneys and adrenals to warm the cold stuff up. Plus, the cold liquid will solidify any oils that you have consumed with your meal. This results in the solid oily stuff being absorbed faster by the intestines than your actual meal, which will then line the intestines … and this is not good.
Drinking liquids of any kind during mealtime will disturb (paralyze) your digestion and dilute your digestive juices, which can result in belching and gas, ending up with you losing valuable regenerative energy.
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Re: is mms affecting my adrenals? 16 Aug 2012 06:48 #21290

  • Evanir
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I also thought I had pain in the adrenals when I first started taking MMS 1 and 2, but it was the kidneys. I wasn't drinking enough water. When the pathogens get killed there is so much stuff to get rid of, and we need much more water.

I have to take prednisone because hydrocortisone was not enough for the auto immune disease and asthma. But I'm decreasing the drug very slowly, super slowly I must say, because now the adrenals are not working.

I like what Macaddict recommends and I would add, sleep in a very dark room and if it is not pitch dark, wear an eye mask.

About the blood sugar, I read that MMS lowers blood sugar and it is even very good for diabetics.

I am also trying very hard to build the adrenals as I lower the medicine.
Best wishes for you, we are on the right tract!

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Re: is mms affecting my adrenals? 16 Aug 2012 11:32 #21293

  • sharon
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Hi macaddict and thanks for your post.

I find it hard to drink any more than about 2 litres a day and thats more than I used to drink.My 2 kids drink loads more than me and definately after 6pm and they have no problems at all,in fact,if my daughter doesnt drink at least 5 litres a day,she feels really ill.

I'm sure its my adrenals,but maybe its both I dont know and I've tried massaging and it doesnt help.

I dont understand the not eating 5-6 hours before sleep,as I have been advised that its bad for your adrenals if you go to bed hungry and you should eat some good fats before bedtime,as if you are hungry it raises your adrenaline which drops your cortisol levels and stops you sleeping.I have had this many times,if I go to bed and am hungry I cant sleep.

I cannot drink anything before getting out of bed,its hard enough to drink a mouthful of water with my meds first thing,to drink a certain amount would give me awful stomach ache and make me feel sick,my stomach is so delicate!

I'm not a lover of cold drinks as they upset my stomach,so I never drink them and cant with food anyway as theres not enough room for food and drink!Lol!

best wishes sharon
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Re: is mms affecting my adrenals? 16 Aug 2012 12:15 #21294

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Hi Evanir,thankyou for your post.

I really do think its my adrenals,but it could be both and I just cant get any more water in,my stomach wont have it.

What autoimmine disease are you taking pred for? If your adrenals arent working you shouldnt be reducing your dose,if anything you should be increasing. Cortisol is the ONLY hormone in the body that you HAVE to have,no cortisol means you are dead,literally.We can make do with little to no other hormone,but cortisol is essential for life.

I do have curtains they are not particularly dark,but I cant sleep if its too dark,I used to sleep with my curtains open.

Pam said diabetes and candida are probably the 2 hardest things to get rid of and I have both! MMS doesnt get rid of everyones either and I bet I'm 1 of them too! I think it was Pam that also said the MMS can raise the blood sugar too,while its doing its job,I just hope its doing its job.

I am up to 70 drops a day and no diarrhoea,not that it bothers me,as it clears me out! I find the MMS hard going,it tastes disgusting,burns my throat and can make my stomach burn too,kind of defeats the object really:(

I sincerely do hope we are on the right track,I feel very dispondent most of the time and wonder if Im doing the right thing spending all this money I dont have,if its not going to work.

best wishes sharon

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Re: is mms affecting my adrenals? 17 Aug 2012 00:18 #21320

  • Macaddict08
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Thanks Evanir, you've just helped me with #7 (there's 6 Suggestions in all) .....

Sleep! SO Important !


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Re: is mms affecting my adrenals? 17 Aug 2012 02:17 #21325

  • Evanir
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I have been taking prednisone for Hyper Eosinophilic Syndrome and asthma. The Eosinophils got very high and were destroying the lungs, digestive system etc..

I have 4 different doctors, general practirioner, pulmonologist, endocronologist, and naturopath/chiropractor. All of them want me to decrease the prednisone, but super
slowly ~~only 1mg every month to start with, but when I reach a certain amount, I have to stay at that for longer than a month. If the adrenals don't come back to "life",
then I should stay at the very minimum dose for life. Our bodies make about 5mg of cortisol a day, and it might be that's my minimum.

I agree with you about having a little bit of fat, like almond butter on a cracker, closer to bedtime. I also have a hard time falling asleep if my stomach is totally empty.

I didn't know MMS could raise the blood sugar, for me it is staying at around 88 to 95 fasting.

Would it help if you put some heat over the adrenals and also get massage over the area, that might relieve the pain.
Wishing the very best of health!

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Re: is mms affecting my adrenals? 18 Aug 2012 12:35 #21449

  • sharon
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Hi Evanir,

Wow,I havent heard of that syndrome before,but I know what eosinophils are.I will look it up to educate myself;)

I am a member of an adrenal/thyroid/hormonal forum and it has been very helpful and I would follow what the owner says over a doctor any day,as doctors dont know a lot about adrenals etc,or how to treat them.Its on that forum that I was advised to eat fats,which help keep the adrenals going too.

I was told the mms might raise my blood sugars temporarily as a symptom of getting better,as mms can cure diabetes in a lot of people.My fasting bg has gone down the last couple of days and my back isnt hurting as much,which is good and I hope it stays that way,or gets better.

I love massages but I'm not in a financial position to have them at the moment,but I used to and they did help.
Very best of health to you too;)

best wishes sharon

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Re: is mms affecting my adrenals? 18 Aug 2012 16:28 #21455

  • Evanir
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I wish I could take hydrocortisone, it is so much better, I tried several times but my lungs would get worse every time, and I would retain water and get swollen ankles and kidney pain.

I understand that Hydrocortisone can be taken for life without so many side effects as prednisone, is that right?

The reason these 4 doctors want me to decrease is because I have now severe osteoporosis from prednisone, also I am bruising so easily it is not even funny, can't touch anything.
I also got cataracts in 2 years and already had surgery. Too many side effects, but at least I can breathe!

The Naturapath/chiropractor put me on a auto immune disease product, that it is not an antioxidant, so I am still taking it. It is called Nitric Balance from Apex, recommended by Dr. Kharrazian
who is doing major research on thyroid and auto immune diseases. This product was already helping before I started the MMS products. I was able to decrease from 20mg to 12mg of pred.

Hydrocortisone is 4 times weaker isn't it? that's why 30mg of Hydro wouldn't touch it, and my lungs would deteriorate so much, it was like I was having 7.5mg of prednisone.

Would you give me the link to the adrenal/thyroid forum? thank you

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