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Re: is mms affecting my adrenals? 18 Aug 2012 17:33 #21459

  • Macaddict08
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It sounds like your body (and you) are experiencing a lot off issues... not all of them are good, but merely the bodies reaction to the drugs, and not actual healing.

I know cause I was on prednisone for 4 years (up to 60mg a day) for severe ulcerative colitis, and it did NO good after a while. I took 3 months and weaned off the steroid (prednisone) and started boosting my immune system instead..... cause that is what will ultimately heal you and your condition.

And yes, my adrenals and kidney strength eventually came back.... but it took time.

If it was me, I would get on Calcium Bentonite Clay (CBC) and get your system cleaned out and "moving" again. The clay will definitely detox you of these drugs.

One thing that will help you, if you are able, is Vit.C drips (obviously not the same time as the MMS) but just to get your immune system up, which has been beaten down by the prednisone.

The Hydro-cortisone... are these the cortisone enemas ?... of so.. I was on them for a year...... and they too did nothing.

As for helping your kidneys.... (maybe you've already seen this, but it's helpfull) try to follow all of these to regain your strength back.:

These are very simple lifestyle and eating changes that are common sense suggestions which are extremely critical in a person's recovery. Steps that, if they aren't followed, would make the best organic food, the best quality supplements and treatments far less effective, if not useless.

Suggestion #1

NEVER have a meal or eat any food 4-5 hours before going to sleep. This is one of THE worst things you can do if you have cancer, or are in recovery from an illness.
Your body regenerates and cleanses at night time when you sleep, and to eat a large or small meal before you go to bed is literally robbing yourself of that precious healing time. The body needs gravity to digest food properly, and, if you lay down, it takes 5 times the energy to push the food in your stomach through your digestive tract, and THAT TAKES ENERGY. Energy that would normally have gone to healing and regenerating yourself now has to go towards food that needs digesting.

Suggestion #2

ALWAYS drink a 12oz glass of room temperature water, before you get out of bed in the morning.
Drinking this water immediately upon awakening initiates a cleanse in the bladder and bowels, and you will start your day off hydrated. While you were sleeping, your body had been regenerating and cleansing for the last 8 hours. You want to help this process by immediately eliminating the accumulated toxins via the bladder and colon. The water going into the stomach creates peristalsis reaction to the intestines, and evacuating the bowels first thing in the morning is essential.

Suggestion #3

NEVER put cold food or iced drinks into your stomach at mealtime, AND don't drink liquids of any kind during mealtime, only warm liquids after.
Putting cold food or iced drinks not only paralyzes digestion, but (heat) energy has to come from your kidneys and adrenals to warm the cold stuff up. Plus, the cold liquid will solidify any oils that you have consumed with your meal. This results in the solid oily stuff being absorbed faster by the intestines than your actual meal, which will then line the intestines … and this is not good.
Drinking liquids of any kind during mealtime will disturb (paralyze) your digestion and dilute your digestive juices, which can result in belching and gas, ending up with you losing valuable regenerative energy.

Suggestion #4

NEVER EVER over-eat ! Rather, ONLY eat till you're 80% full. Leave the table still a little hungry.
Relative to eating just before you go to sleep (laying down), it is even more taxing to the digestive system when a person over-eats, as this takes a lot of energy that is normally required to breakdown the large amount of food in the stomach, with little digestive juices to do it. This results in you being tired almost immediately after the meal, and probably wanting to lay down, which is even worse. Again, it robs you of the energy that would normally go toward healing, but can't now, since it will now be working overtime trying to digest a massive amount of food.

Suggestion #5

NEVER eat fruits too close to your main meal. Try to eats fruits 2 hours before or after a meal.
When fruit is mixed in too close to your actual meal, the fruit sugar will stay for too long in the stomach and ferment and fruit contains simple sugars that require no digestion. Other foods, such as foods rich in fat, protein and starch, will stay in the stomach for a longer period of time because they require more digestion.  This is why people experience digestive trouble when eating fruit too close to a meal.

Suggestion #6

NEVER eat a salad first, before your main meal. Have it last!
There are a few reasons to eat salad last, the main reason is, you should always eat from yang to yin, heavy to light, or hot to cool. Also, since you have only so much digestive juices to break down your meal, and you should start eating THE most difficult to digest food first, which would be your animal or vegetable proteins. If you were to eat a salad first, you'd be wasting valuable digestive juices on the salad which would be better spent on the proteins. It makes better sense to end up eating a light dish like salad to finish off a meal, as a palette cleanser.
The following user(s) said Thank You: jbnet, Evanir, Horsefeathers, jescola

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Re: is mms affecting my adrenals? 18 Aug 2012 18:56 #21467

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Excellent post that is most beneficial to any life style.
Extremely well put together.;)
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Re: is mms affecting my adrenals? 19 Aug 2012 00:30 #21487

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Maccaddict, thank you so much for the excellent recommendations. I did clay for a while but ran out of it. The Diatomaceous Earth is not the same I guess, but I need to add the clay again. Thanks for reminding.

I agree with all recommendations except I personally cannot do the first one. With the prednisone making my stomach super acid, I usually have a cracker with almond butter a couple of hours before bed, otherwise the stomach will keep me awake. Before I got sick 4 years ago, I could eat at 3pm and go to bed at 10pm and fall asleep right away, not so after this horrible drug.

I drink quite a bit of water as soon as I wake up and never drank with meals all my life. Being Brazilian we never eat our salads first.

I was fortunate to have parents that were health conscious and taught me natural ways of healing.

But after moving to this agricultural area 9 years ago, I started with severe allergies from all the chemicals used in the farming around the valley, the air gets trapped here quite often.
Besides we are downwind from a coal power plant with emissions of mercury, lead, etc.. My body just couldn't take such an assault. Allergies, Asthma next, and then auto immune disease.

For 20 years prior to moving here, I always had green smoothies, took antioxidants, went gluten free, all raw for quite a while, juicing almost regularly, etc... anyone that watched me would say I should never have gotten this sick. Never took any drugs until 4 years ago.
I was so against drugs and a bit self-righteous for not needing any, paying for it now....

A couple of years ago I went to a doctor that gave me several Vit. C IV's, even H2O2 IV's, vitamin/minerals all intravenous. I tried just about everything I thought might help, nothing touched it until now.
I also bought an infra red sauna, an all body vibration equipment called Sonix, because with asthma I could not exercise.

I have a good support system, starting with my husband and most of all a strong faith in God. I know I am on the right track, and it is so good to be part of this forum. So much good advice from people that really care, such as yourself.

I encourage everyone to keep taking these products, eat good organic food as you said, and forget about supplements. Be patient and have faith.

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Re: is mms affecting my adrenals? 19 Aug 2012 01:51 #21492

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Your very welcome !!

Am glad you are ON IT regarding the particulars of your condition.

And yes, the Diatomaceous Earth is VERY different than the Calcium Bentonite Clay (CBC). The CBC has a Ph of 9.7 a very high alkalinity, and is great for getting rid of an acid condition. People say other clays are ok to use, but I disagree... I feel it HAS to be the CBC, cause of its purity, it's high Ph level, and it's magnetic charge that it possesses. It will draw out gunk from your system that other clays won't.

Hope yours is a good source.

G;ad you got a good support system ... its a LOT easier that way!! :-)

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Re: is mms affecting my adrenals? 19 Aug 2012 03:17 #21493

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the clay I got was called European green clay. I don't know if it is good but a health clinic I know recommends it.
Which one do you prefer?

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Re: is mms affecting my adrenals? 19 Aug 2012 03:19 #21494

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I take it you are healed of the ulcerative colitis. I am so glad for you, that you don't need to take prednisone anymore. I will get there someday!

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Re: is mms affecting my adrenals? 19 Aug 2012 03:34 #21496

  • Macaddict08
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Thanks Evanir,

The clay mmmay be the same thing/kind, I'm not sure.

Maybe find out its real name ?......... Calcium bentonite Clay is the beter stuff for internal use (careful, cause there is sodium bentonite too)

I buy mine from here... (Janet) very good prices, and a reputable product:


As for the colitis... yes, it's all gone, and am normal again ... with very healthy adrenals.
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Re: is mms affecting my adrenals? 23 Aug 2012 09:38 #21715

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Hi Evanir,sorry for the delay in replying,have a bit of stress lately.

The links I have are:-

This is Vals website who owns the adrenal forum.



Yes,pred is much stronger than hc,but I really dont know much about it,I just take whats been advised for me on the adrenal forum,they have been very helpful for myself and my family.

I have mentioned mms to Val,but she doesnt agree with it and I'm not allowed to talk about it on the main forum,but it may be because Val just doesnt know or understand what it is,she just thinks its just chlorine or something,which is very bad stuff!

I would say that your easy bruising is caused by HIGH cortisol levels mostly caused by the pred and you will be advised to get some bloods done too for specific things like vitamins and minerals,especially a full iron panel.You would normally be advised to have an adrenal saliva test to see what your cortisol levles are,but that wont be possible when taking pred.

You say that you dont think people should take vitamins etc,but if you are defficient in something it is absolutely essential to supplement with it as it can make you very ill to be defficient in something and can affect your organs in so many ways. Just the same as being too low in thyroid hormones,as well as any other hormones,its very important to be optimal. Being low in thyroid hormones is terrible,especially as you need thyroid hormones in EVERY cell in your body,not enough means that your organs will not funtion properly.

I hope the adrenal forum will be helpful for you,as it is for so many of us and I hope to see you there! Good luck!

best wishes sharon

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Re: is mms affecting my adrenals? 23 Aug 2012 21:09 #21754

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thank you Sharon,

I was once in that foruma and remember Val's story now that you mentioned it. It is too bad she is not open
to MMS, because it seemed that she was always struggling with health issues, in spite of knowing so much.

I do take thyroid hormones and T3, my naturopath believes I could go on T3 alone eventually. The good
news is that I am on 8mg of prednisone, which in Hydrocortisone would be the equivalent of about 40mg.
His goal for me is to go down to 5mg but super slowly and only if I can still breathe well. The MMS2 is doing
the trick for the lungs and I am breathing so well, I can hardly believe it. So pleased :)

I am trying to follow Kerri and Andreas Kalcker advice about vitamins that they say feed parasites.
About 5 years ago I had food poisoning from contaminated water and must have some bad pathogens.
In a month or so I want to do the parasite protocol.

About vitamins and minerals, according to Jim Humble's advice, we should keep taking calcium and magnesium, so I do
and also vitamin D3. He does say to take vitamin C 2 hours after the last dose of MMS.

My naturopath did a thorough blood test vitamins and minerals included and everything showed very good, he knows I am taking MMS and
really likes it. I don't dare tell the other doctors though.
Thank you for the links and all the good advice!

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