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Re: DMSO and MMS/CA spine rub gone wrong...has burned my back 30 Jul 2012 01:56 #20572

  • Blessed/smartyme
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ufff, Pam I'll be sure to ask him... :whistle:

it seems complex enough for me. :-)


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Re: DMSO and MMS/CA spine rub gone wrong...has burned my back 29 Oct 2012 17:45 #25694

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May help.Just hold the points until you feel a pulsing in both hands and untill they pulse in sync. Should help with the depression also. Acidity is an invitation to a breakout. Even just coffee will do it, and you are using ascorbic acid right? I this know from experience. I had to eat yogurt to get my body back to a decent level after upping my drops to 10. If you have a friend to help, there is a very powerful acupressure routine that takes about 5 to 10 minutes that will bring the PH back to normal:

Lie on your back on a couch or bed and have someone sit in a chair on your right side. The helper will put his fingers on the two points on the back and on the one point on the pad of the palm just under the thumb. Don't rub them. Just place the finders there and wait until the helper feels the points pulse. After they pulse for a little while, they will begin to pulse in synchronization.
I'm sure Betsy Ruth Dayton won't mind me using her copyrighted picture for this forum.
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Last edit: by Michael Marsdale. Reason: Spelling errors

DMSO and MMS/CA spine rub gone wrong...has burned my back 06 Nov 2012 19:45 #26020

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ok, I have been taking mms2 and drinking iodine, I am still getting outbreaks.
This is so devastating.... how can I live like this. every time I get a menstrual cycle an on is sure to come. I don't now what to do. I want to do the John D protocol again but now I have no time. what in the world can I do to stop these ob. I feel like killing that asshole that did this to me or ending thins with myself. it is so darn painful. I get so much nerve pain God what kind of fucked up punishment is this.

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DMSO and MMS/CA spine rub gone wrong...has burned my back 06 Nov 2012 21:45 #26026

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ok, I have been taking mms2 and drinking iodine, I am still getting outbreaks.
This is so devastating.... how can I live like this. every time I get a menstrual cycle an on is sure to come. I don't now what to do. I want to do the John D protocol again but now I have no time. what in the world can I do to stop these ob. I feel like killing that asshole that did this to me or ending thins with myself. it is so darn painful. I get so much nerve pain God what kind of fucked up punishment is this.

how long have you been doing the John d protocol?

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DMSO and MMS/CA spine rub gone wrong...has burned my back 06 Nov 2012 23:45 #26028

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Jim Humble iirc recently suggested that Vit B12 is lacking in some who are having a hard time healing using MMS.

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DMSO and MMS/CA spine rub gone wrong...has burned my back 06 Nov 2012 23:52 #26029

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ok, I have been taking mms2 and drinking iodine, I am still getting outbreaks.
This is so devastating.... how can I live like this. every time I get a menstrual cycle an on is sure to come. I don't now what to do. I want to do the John D protocol again but now I have no time. what in the world can I do to stop these ob. I feel like killing that asshole that did this to me or ending thins with myself. it is so darn painful. I get so much nerve pain God what kind of fucked up punishment is this.

Dear smartyme,

I usually dont do this, but since you are in agony, here goes:

If you are willing to pay some thousand dollars for a specific protocol delivered by The Underground Cure, whom apparantly cure Herpes in one week, then you should definitely try that.

Their protocol persists of MMS, DMSO, Silver, certain Vitamins and a strict diet. However they stress that they have it cured in ONE WEEK. From what I understand, you can buy everything from them in a single package (MMS, Silver, DMSO, Vitamins etc) at www.theundergroundcure.com

The folks at "The Underground Cure" are specifically about curing Herpes.

Looking at their site right now, their Herpes kit is $580 usd.
Make a habit of two things:
to help; or at least to do no harm.
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Everything in excess is opposed to nature.
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DMSO and MMS/CA spine rub gone wrong...has burned my back 06 Nov 2012 23:56 #26030

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This is the guy who started The Underground Cure.
He too suffered from Herpes and decided to find a cure.

Make a habit of two things:
to help; or at least to do no harm.
Walking is man's best medicine.
Everything in excess is opposed to nature.
-Hippocrates, Father of Western medicine

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DMSO and MMS/CA spine rub gone wrong...has burned my back 09 Nov 2012 15:43 #26189

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The problem with the protocol is you cannot take silver with MMS or CDS. The inactivate each other. The next problem is that the diet is full of Antioxidants and strong ones that inactivates the MMS. The third problem is no MMS or CDS is applied to the spine only DMSO. The fourth problem is it costs a thousand or more which Jim Humble recommends all MMS products be sold for 25.00.

Basically the products consists of MMS/Citric for 25.00, DMSO- 5-20dollars, silver -20 to 40dollars and oxy-powder for 20-40 dollars, vitamins and minerals - 10-20 bucks. So total costs of everything tops should be 135.00. Then you get the 3 E-books which consists of pages that extend 4pages long.

The fifth problem is MMS is only to be taken 7 times per day.
The Sixth problem is it consists of spraying your whole body with a DMSO spray which is very diluted and weak and the whole body? I dont understand

Seventh Problem is it will state when you get the book that the claim is that the Herpes will die in 7 days however Ob's will occur for it least 2-3 months after the 7 day protocol. However be sure to get tested after the 7 days?

The 8th problem is oral doses are mainly silver which many many many people have taken the silver for herpes all day long - morining til night for months and still have herpes. MMS is much more effective than silver in my opinion as well as Jim Humble's.

In saying this I dont see how a 7 day cure is even remotely possible. Also the Herpes Virus lays dormant, MMS kills the Virus by oxidizing the body for when it does wake up it cannot exist. The problem is when the Herpes does "wake up" did all of it wake up? half? some? all? we dont know, this is why it is best to saturate your body with MMS or CDS and stay "saturated" for it least 2-3 weeks once you reach that point.

Jim Humble has stated on many occasions it is a very stubborn disease and is tricky to over come however it can be overcome. I would only assume that if MMS products could kill Herpes in 7 days Jim would be telling everybody like he tells everybody Malaria can be cure in 4 hours.

Herpes can be killed however it takes some time and you will get there. The body must be saturated.

Many many people have taken this 7 day protocol and call me months later asking about the John D. protocol or Jim Humble protocol and so on because it did not work. And tests are reading positive months after the protocol however within 30 days of the protocol the end up being negative.

I am only stating this because of these facts, I think it is unfair to charge so much for Free Information and not cure the problem. Information should always be free unless supporting a cause such as Jim Humble's Book - such as proceeds healing people and keeping the movement going. If the protocol worked then I would say go ahead and pay 5thousand if it worked in 7days. However with a Virus it is a very tricky situation that takes time however can be done.

Just my opinion, I hope I haven't offended anyone, it just hurts to know so many people calling us have said it does not work and they spent there money which for most people is a lot and they didn't end up well.

For those of you who are on this forum that have done this 7day thing and have moved on...now is the time to speak up.

Jim Humbles ways are always the best and have been done over and over again. They are traditional however they work.

The John D. Protocol takes Jim Humble's Protocol and enhances it for the optimum results however is all from Jim Humbles methods and teachings.

Take Care,

John D.

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DMSO and MMS/CA spine rub gone wrong...has burned my back 10 Nov 2012 10:35 #26234

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First of all, we dont know if they are taking the MMS and Silver at the same time.
Secondly, I imagine since they use DMSO and we know the virus lays dormant in the spine, they use DMSO with MMS on around that area, oftenly, and probably drink DMSO as well.

As far as diet and vitamins or whatever else they use, I dont know.
I dont see it as impossible to cure Herpes in 7 days given the reality we find ourselves in.
Much is possible, and here are some MMS testimonials with "Herpes = negative" results.

There are more videos like that.

Totally Healed From Herpes - 7 Day Protocol - MMS Testimonial

From what I understand, The Underground Cure folks are good people, but yeah,
I too would be interested in hearing from someone on this forum whom have gone through this protocol properly.
Make a habit of two things:
to help; or at least to do no harm.
Walking is man's best medicine.
Everything in excess is opposed to nature.
-Hippocrates, Father of Western medicine

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