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DMSO: Dimethyl sulfoxide: Ingested or used topically


Question 15 May 2022 13:44 #75185

  • 74 bronco
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Hi everyone, I am one of the many who is enjoying success with mms. Been using mms1 for almost 2 months it has wiped out my sinus issues Its changed my life. I have another issue which is kind of private I'm trying to get rid of. Jim humble says don't put dmso directly in colon because it can carry toxins out of colon into body.. My issue is a colon thing so is it safe to use 1000 plus protocol??  If demo goes through tissue why is it safe to even put in stomach it could carry acids out and into body??  Just need to make sure its safe to keep using dmso with a IBS - colon issue??   Thanks, steve

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Question 15 May 2022 15:19 #75186

  • Montyniranjan
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why not follow what humble says ? clearly he has more research on it, and is the inventor.

you want someone who says " go for it ?" basically you just need a confirmation on what you want to do so you feel less guilty doing it.

as for me , I have haemorrhoids and an ibs issue from time immemorial, and im 33 now . mms has helped me with everything from breath to dandruff to bad body odour to even gout and bleeding gums.

I can say from personal experience, it does nothing to improve my haemorrhoids and it does nothing substantial about my ibs. using mms, when I get the shits too often, it even makes me bleed and makes my haemorrhoids crazier than they actually are.

so trial and error is best for you and your body.

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Question 17 May 2022 21:05 #75235

  • BillPopMMS
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Jim Humble says:

"Never add DMSO to an enema solution. The colon contains many toxins the body is flushing out. If you put DMSO in the colon, you can return some of those toxins back into the blood stream."

So you are using enemas?

I've never done that. And I would probably never use DMSO in an enema, anyway, even if I hadn't heard the above.

Theoretically, oral MMS is what you need. It does eventually get into your colon, but through your stomach and general spreading as it does.
I think the problem as noted is more along the lines of "direct and immediate 'raw' contact".

But you "should" follow the protocols as noted in his MMS Guide Book.
Wherein Protocol 1000+ is "fine" when you get to that point. (and probably necessary)

The other person who is having issues probably needs to follow the protocols more closely and FULLY.
That is, going and getting to Protocol 2000 with MMS2.

AND probably a change in diet, as well. Check out the "The McVegan Dietary Lifestyle" section on my website.
That will most likely get you quite a bit of Health Restoration (in and of itself).
Even if you only do it for a few months, or a year, if you "can't do it permanently".

I would be VERY surprised if that was not the case.
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CHP – The Clean Health Protocol

You will find info there regarding Jim Humble's "MMS Health Recovery Guidebook".

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Question 18 May 2022 03:38 #75241

  • 74 bronco
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Hi and no I'm not using enemas!  I do follow protocols as the book says. Was just wondering about dmso and I see what you mean about direct contact makes sense.. I did 1000 plus for over a month and it got rid of my sinus problems I've had most of my life I'm 53yrs. I'm very happy!!!! I'm a runner and stay in shape. I always used to cough a lot after a hard run but never anymore.  I'm still taking it daily but only only drop a hour now all day. My other issue is I believe is hemorrhoid which I've had in the past. But never bleeding and been on going for a while.. I tend to stay out of doctor offices. I stopped the 3 drops a hour 2 days ago thinking it was working against my bleeding issue. So the past 2 days have been much much more pleasant I think the citric acid is annoying my issue see what happens.  What do u think?  thanks for your time, cheers

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Question 18 May 2022 07:11 #75243

  • BillPopMMS
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Are you using Citric Acid with SCS to create your MMS?
I could see where that might 'mess things up' as an irritant with something that you are having a problem with already.
Citric Acid is kind of "old style" methodology.

I used Hydrochloric Acid (4% or 5% solution), which I think, and most people agree, is MUCH better, in taste and efficacy.
Also, you can MUCH more easily take more drops all day long and it is a lot easier. (mostly because of the taste)
I never used Citric Acid, but I've heard it is pretty nasty.

Although, if you use 24,000 ppm CDS (Chlorine Dioxide Solution), there is no mixing.
You just take one-for-one drops. I finally went that route and it is working much better for me.
I was hesitant at first, but now I am a firm 'believer' in it and probably won't mix anymore.
(I will be adding more information about that on my website soon)

One drop an hour is probably okay for "maintenance", but, if you are still sick, you are not really following
the protocols correctly.

Right now I am on 4 drops with 4 drops DMSO.
I will be increasing to 6 drops DMSO tomorrow, and then 9 drops a few days after that, and increasing
to 12 soon thereafter (4 x 3 = 12). Then I will increase to 5 drops and increase the DMSO accordingly.
Until I mostly feel well, or thereabouts. I'm guessing a month or so, hopefully less.

I have what I think is undiagnosed throat cancer. (or something really bad like that)
I'm not bothering going to a "real doctor" because I will never do chemo or radiation.
I do go to a good acupuncturist, though, who does help some. (Japanese Meridian Acupuncture)

Then I plan to use Protocol 2000 with MMS2. I made the mistake last time of stopping at 1000+,
because I was feeling so good, when I should have kept going to MMS2. Unfortunately, I was living in a
MOLDY mobile home, which was at least part of my health problem, and eventually made me regress.
But I have moved now, so I'm hoping to finally get well and stay well.

I think if you try out the The McVegan Dietary Lifestyle, you will get a lot of good Health Restoration out of that.
It's not easy for some people, but it really helps achieve good health and maintain it.
If you can't handle it "forever", then you can just do it for a year or however long it takes and "regress" back to omnivore.
But the more veg(etari)an you are, the better your health will be. (a minimally balanced diet is already 50% vegetarian and
25% vegan, based on the old-style 4 Food Groups)

You might seriously consider doing the Potato Mono Diet FIRST for a couple of weeks or a month. I bet that would do some
good stuff for you, too.

I encourage you to peruse my website. And feel free and do not hesitate to contact me if you have questions.

I hope you get some relief and Health Restoration soon.
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CHP – The Clean Health Protocol

You will find info there regarding Jim Humble's "MMS Health Recovery Guidebook".

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Last edit: by BillPopMMS.

Question 18 May 2022 13:10 #75256

  • 74 bronco
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Hi, yes I use 50% citrus acid with sodium chloride.  Its never bothered my stomach but like I said I think its raising havoc with my issue. See how it goes today. Yes would love to go to hydrochloride acid but was always hesitate on mixing myself lol. I do mix my mms myself bought all the goodies scale, class tube etc. My wife calls it my science project lol You say I can use 5% I found u can buy it that way but not 4%.  Going with hydrochloric just might fix my issue using it.  Trying to stay positive with the blood in stool thing kind of scary sometimes.  I have been on a low carb thing for yrs. I dont eat processsed foods at all.  Basically a keto style fat for energy. Fat has got a bad rap for yrs u ever read the book  The big fat surprise?  My diet has worked for me for yrs but never hurts to switch things up a tad!             So sorry about your issue!!! What symptoms do u have?  Mms will take care of it along with staying positive!  I wish Doctors of today would work for us it wouldn't be so bad. The last thing I want in my body is pharmacy drugs!!!!!!       Cheers

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Question 18 May 2022 18:08 #75264

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I've never fundamentally mixed SCS or HCl solution. It kind of freaks me out, so I let the 'experts' take care of that.
It's cheap enough to buy pre-mixed. The CDS is more expensive, but so far the $54 bottle I bought is going to last quite a while.
(many weeks or longer)

They used to use 4% HCl but I think they now use 5%. (? -- probably activates more and is just as safe)

But I am a strong proponent of 24,000 ppm CDS now. So I don't have to mix anything.
It's nice being able to just drop the drops in, add water, add DMSO, and drink away.

If you research and study Dr. McDougall (see my website for a quick intro), he is EXTREMELY ANTI-"low-carb".
Human Beings are NATURAL herbivores and should ONLY be eating plant-based foods.
(I won't go into it all here, but that is a fundamental truth, imo -- eating animal flesh and products is a KNOWN
problem with causing and worsening MANY diseases and illnesses in the human animal body ---
McDougall is KNOWN for curing MANY people of so many diseases and illnesses just through his "diet" that
there are too many to list here)

So eating animal flesh is actually probably a basic source of your problems.
I suggest maybe going on a Potato Mono Diet for a couple of weeks, and then McVegan for at least a few months,
although I would strongly suggest at least a year to make sure you are completely well.
Then you can "regress" if you "have to".
I would be VERY surprised if you did not finally see some MAJOR healing.

My symptoms are low energy, not feeling well, and my throat is messed up.
I have finally gotten to the point where it is not bothering me very much again like I did
a couple of years ago. This time I plan on slapping it down completely and totally
Restoring my Health. (stupid MOLD in my old home really wracked me up)

Good luck. Let me know how you are doing if you do change some things.
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ASpoonfulOfMedicine.com, falls under the Disclaimer on my website.

CHP – The Clean Health Protocol

You will find info there regarding Jim Humble's "MMS Health Recovery Guidebook".

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Last edit: by BillPopMMS.

Question 19 May 2022 12:50 #75295

  • 74 bronco
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I found 125 mil of 5% hydrochloric for 17 dollars at Lab Alley.  Going to order so I can get back up to 3 drops and hope no irritation of my issue. Day 3 now of no problems in the afternoon.I'm sure that citric acid is the culprit.  Was talking to my wife about the change up diet thing going to do something Just not sure what yet.  We live up in the mountains and have always lived off the land. Eating venison etc which in turn saves a ton of money.. We are meat eaters but not the McDonald cheese burger type.  We have a big greenhouse  and always eat lots of veggies. Always whole foods at our home. Another words we eat better than most. .I haven't had a candy bar in 4 yrs lol.  Again I want to thank u for your help and insight. Looking forward in trying the 5%.    ttys, Cheers

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Question 20 May 2022 02:55 #75313

  • 74 bronco
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Hey im thinking about potato mono.  So I Googled it some people mix with other stuff to. am I just 100% potato. breakfast lunch and dinner?  Mashed or doesn't matter? 
Sweet potatoes?  No butter I'm guessing lol. They say a little salt is alright? I'm sure all of this is on ur website just haven't been there.  Thanks again, cheers

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