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DMSO: Dimethyl sulfoxide: Ingested or used topically


Question 20 May 2022 03:38 #75314

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For haemorrhoids ozonated olive oil will help. And for the colon issue that you mentioned, either ozonated olive oil suppositories or ozonated water enema might help. Some consume ozonated olive oil on an empty stomach in capsule form too. Rubbing ozonated olive oil on the stomach is said to help too. This is another very powerful oxidation theraphy. It healed my gums where MMS failed.

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Question 20 May 2022 19:16 #75324

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why not follow what humble says ? clearly he has more research on it, and is the inventor.

you want someone who says " go for it ?" basically you just need a confirmation on what you want to do so you feel less guilty doing it.

as for me , I have haemorrhoids and an ibs issue from time immemorial, and im 33 now . mms has helped me with everything from breath to dandruff to bad body odour to even gout and bleeding gums.

I can say from personal experience, it does nothing to improve my haemorrhoids and it does nothing substantial about my ibs. using mms, when I get the shits too often, it even makes me bleed and makes my haemorrhoids crazier than they actually are.

so trial and error is best for you and your body.

I'm sorry for your troubles with health, but  your choice to inform yourself BEFORE chasing ghostly thoughts in your mind is the way to go, when you want to keep a balanced lifestyle in body and mindset. Reading the list of health-issues in your comments, there seems to be a number of ailments all connected to each other, which is an issue to address in itself, I presume. Why not go to the root of these first, before working on the outskirts of your

You'll probably find much benefit from working on what's at the core of your health-issues, instead of paying attention to the outer planets of your private solar system, imagining what hazards and plagues they may bring one day, in close encounters. That sort of attention may keep you in an eternal trial and error I'm afraid. Your biggest problem seems to be a misdirected imagination, and not paying attention to where it's needed. Keeping it simple. 
Don't get me wrong, I've described what my gut feelings show me, without sugaring it. I'm not a people-pleaser, far from it. When you receive my
comment as incorrect or offensive, so be it. But I will appreciate correction when my gut feelings were off key.


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Question 21 May 2022 00:44 #75329

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I go into the Potato Mono-Diet pretty well on my website. And I have links to McDougall information and others.
It's really good for losing weight, too. At some point you will reach a weight that is naturally the weight you are
supposed to be at, so you generally don't have to worry about losing too much weight.

Since the potato is literally a "perfect food", and you can live off of them exclusively with perfect health,
it's a good way to go. The only thing they do not have is Vitamin B12, which you can usually easily not worry about
for at least a year, if not longer, and Vitamin D, which you get through sunshine exposure.

There are other carb Mono-Diets, like corn, and beans, but I think the potato is the way to go.
You don't even need to eat other vegetables, but you can. Some people eat only potatoes, and
some also eat sweet potatoes for variety. You can eat them mashed, boiled, baked, and roasted.
And fried, but McDougall is 100% ANTI-OILS, because they are cancer causing and cancer promoting
and poor health causing and poor health promoting.
He also suggests very low sugar and very low salt. And no processed or concentrated foods.

I call it McVeganism. (very "strict" Vegan with no oil and low salt and sugar with no processed or concentrated foods)

You can eat as many and as much as you want, because they are very filling, so you can only eat so much.
For breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. The different cooking methods add variety. So if you cook up big pots
of mashed potatoes, and some boiled and baked and roasted, they are just there for you to grab and eat.

Remember: Nothing "bad" on the potatoes, like butter or margarine, or sour cream, etc..
You will get REALLY tired of just eating potatoes.
But if you put A1 sauce on them, A1 sauce makes everything taste good.
And spices, like onion powder, garlic powder, nutritional yeast, etc.

I would do it for at least 2 weeks as an eating habits RESET.
(and it WILL majorly reset your eating habits and taste buds and cravings)
3 or 4 weeks would be better, but it is not easy.

And then you can eat mostly potatoes and add vegetables at some point, for as long as you can do that.
Then, if you want, add other stuff if you don't want to be as strict. Play it by ear.

After a few weeks or so, we also ended up doing a Sunday Funday, where on that day you can splurge and
eat processed foods and such. (for us, mostly Vegan, but at least Vegetarian)
But they ended up not tasting as good as they used to because we had gotten used to eating so simply.

I think you will be surprised in more ways than one what it does for you.
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CHP – The Clean Health Protocol

You will find info there regarding Jim Humble's "MMS Health Recovery Guidebook".

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Question 21 May 2022 01:56 #75334

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Thanks much for info. Will be starting sunday.  We don't eat processed food and never cook with veg oils.  All my potatoes will be organic.  Haven't had fast food in yrs. I eat healthier than most but want to give this a shot.  Kind of exciting in a way,  ttys cheers

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Question 21 May 2022 05:58 #75339

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That's unfortunate that you already seem to eat pretty well, but still have gastrointestinal issues.

What about probiotics?

I don't know much about those. I've though about taking them off and on.

If it's not diet, and you are taking MMS/CD, there must be some underlying issue that you aren't seeing and addressing.

I know stress can be a big factor. And I've read about things like "leaky gut" and some other things like that.

Make sure, when you take the MMS/CD that you aren't also consuming the things that prevent it from working.
And maybe do a mold/fungi Protocol with Bentonite Clay just to rule that out.
Or, maybe the HCL & SCS, or CDS, will give you better results.

There is also Protocol 2000 with MMS2 in case you do have something "really bad" going on that MMS1 can't quite take care of.

I hope you figure it out.
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mentions, replies to inquiries about, and/or involves a discussion of, the information on my website,
ASpoonfulOfMedicine.com, falls under the Disclaimer on my website.

CHP – The Clean Health Protocol

You will find info there regarding Jim Humble's "MMS Health Recovery Guidebook".

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Question 21 May 2022 12:36 #75354

  • 74 bronco
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I have been on a low carb diet for yrs. Whole foods is not a bad idea. I don't eat junk food..  I've read tons about how the body needs certain fats to stay healthy. Ur organs need fat to cover them not just plant fats. I don't want to get into the whole fat thing cause it can go on forever lol  I have had hemorrhoids in the past but never bleeding. This has been going on for over 2 months. Not a lot of blood but blood period is not normal. It has been so much better in the last 4 days since I've went to 1 drop a hour because of the citric acid annoying my issue. I should have the hydrochloride acid soon.  Mms like I said before has changed my life absolutely no chronic sinus problems all gone!!  I don't want to stop taking mms I think this is just the beginning of good things happening.  I've been a runner for many yrs, I take care of myself! So why the bleeding lol. I am going to still do the potatoe thing what do I have to lose. Maybe it is the high fat diet?? Switch it up for a bit see what happens.   I must say though been reading about the potatoe holy cow it had a lot of great stuff!!!!!   Cheers

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Question 21 May 2022 12:47 #75355

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With mms For me everything is 2 hours before and after.  I mix my own mms and have tested it. When I mix I get the brownish amber.  I really starting to think that the citric acid was keeping the mms from healing my issue. What else!!! I was 3 drops a hour with dmso for over a month something should of happened. . Again looking forward to the 5% hydrochloric. I do have the mms2 ingredients if need be.

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Question 21 May 2022 12:50 #75357

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Thank you. I've never heard of that type of olive oil.  Cheers

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Potato eaters by Vincent van Gogh 21 May 2022 13:34 #75359

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It's the first time I've heard of a potato diet, interesting. Just for fun, I've attached the painting of the potato eaters by Vincent van Gogh.
For a period of time, Dutch people were eating potatoes only. He painted these farmers in 1885, at dinner in a time of poverty and hard work.The potato belongs to the nightshade family, of which belladonna is the most well-known species. Never eat potato raw or when it has
changed to green, under the influence of sunlight, and don't eat the sprouts growing from an old potato, due to the
toxic substance solanine.

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