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What about diabetes, does MMS cure diabetes? 19 Nov 2010 19:28 #66

  • brtanner
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What about diabetes, does MMS cure diabetes?
People don’t like me to use the word cure as it upsets some people to even have the concept that something can be cured so I won’t say it very often. A group of researchers in Canada have stated that all persons with diabetes have an inflamed pancreas. Many doctors have said that, so it’s really nothing new. What is new is MMS. The Chlorine Dioxide created by the MMS overcomes the inflammation of the pancreas and guess what, the symptoms of the diabetes.
Yes MMS works really well on people with diabetes. I know of a lot of people who are off their insulin, I also known of people who have gotten their sight back.
Just take your insulin four hours after taking MMS and you should be fine. Visit www.miraclemineral.org for the MMS book and DVD.
We have known people who had diabetes and where on insulin and when I say where is because they don’t use insulin anymore and they also tell us that they feel much better. I think he should do the standard protocol which is on my web page.
My husband has Diabetes, should he stop taking his insulin when he starts taking MMS?
He does not have to stop taking his insulin until he feels good enough that he does not needed it anymore have him take the MMS and wait 3 to 4 hours to take the insulin, remember to start at 1 activated drop (per hour) and increase it by 1 (drop) per day till you get up to (3 drops per hour).
Generally, what is involved with the diabetes is the pancreas being inflamed; MMS gets the inflammation down, thus the pancreas starts working again. However, it is not a solution for everybody, and only half of the people taking MMS have been helped.
Video of Jim on Diabetes:
From Curezone: curezone.org/forums/fm.asp?i=1606706
I had hoped that MMS would cure my type2 diabetes when I started over 2 years ago, no luck. However what I did find was that it would dramatically reduce my blood sugar shortly after taking it. My neuropathy in my feet greatly improved, it's not totally gone but it became a lot more bearable. Recently I developed deep cracks in my heels which I managed to heal in about a week by bathing them every night in a basin of warm water with 10 drops activated.
Another Curezone post: curezone.biz/forums/am.asp?i=1078236
Note: Once you have (done the MMS Protocol 1000 for a month or more) of the viral, bacteria, mold, and yeast load will be gone from your body. Your body will be clean. You no longer have to worry about feeding the microorganism load. You can base you diet on nutrition, rather than not feeding the load. The diabetes will be gone, thus you no longer need to worry about sugar. You won't have to worry about the pancreas over reacting thus giving you a shock of insulin. Instead it will give you just enough insulin to knock the blood sugar lever to the right level (You won't feel sleepy after eating a candy bar). Your body will then be able to easily adsorb vitamins and minerals and many other nutrients it might have been missing up to this time. You should feel better as time goes by. Do not quit taking the MMS
Hello to you all. I am on this list now because my dad recommended MMS to me as he had borderline diabetes, started on MMS and has had wonderful results. Now he did lose weight and watches what he eats, but added MMS and doesn't even have to take his meds anymore.
From Jim Humble.biz: Diabetes under control

Dear Sir Jim Humble;

It is my pleasure to post the success story i have experienced using MMS2 for my friend.

He had this diabetes for years already without

It takes about a month only. Using gradual increase day by day until able to take 4 caps a day at 2 to 3 hour time frame.

Here is how he achieved it…. he also take enzyme at the same time.

Before he start MMS2. The reading was 7.+, now the reading was 5.+ He never had this reading before. He now taking it daily at 1 to 2 caps.

I am glad to finally obtain the MMS1 25% solution. It does work too. Am having it often now. Will wait the arrival of your DVD to finish my exam on ...

Edwin Tan ( Penang Malaysia ) 11/07/2010 08:06am
So, (Bruce speaking here...) MMS is a very probable remedy for many people with Diabetes. If the chronic inflammation of the pancreas is eliminated, dramatic healing is possible. In one post, Jim says that healing can happen in 50% of Diabetes cases. I would suspect that with enough time more than that will at least be partially improved.

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Re: What about diabetes, does MMS cure diabetes? 18 Mar 2011 03:51 #1600

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Anyone else out there that can guide me further with info on curing different types of DIABETES all help would be highly appreciated, Thanking you all in advance,

God is Great......

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Re: What about diabetes, does MMS cure diabetes? 18 Mar 2011 11:15 #1609

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So far most of my patient with diabetes is doing great.... non have fail.... but all of them did not take i.V types.... I only used MMS2...
Minister of Health, Penang. Malaysia.

Creator of CDH Plus 1000
A Protocol that can adjust the strength of CD and SC for individual needs.
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Easy way to support Jim Humble, MMS
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Re: What about diabetes, does MMS cure diabetes? 19 Mar 2011 05:41 #1631

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Hi Thanks Edwin, so for any type of diabetes should I recommend to people to start MMS immediately, please run me through your recommendation of protocols for curing diabetes, thanks....

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Re: What about diabetes, does MMS cure diabetes? 19 Mar 2011 17:12 #1661

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If not mistake, all are non I.V insulin types.... I used only MMS2 with slowly ram up to one capsule every two hour 4 times a day. That all... it takes weeks to a month to get the reading down... then daily only one capsule at nite.... they not just improved on diabetes but overall health....
Minister of Health, Penang. Malaysia.

Creator of CDH Plus 1000
A Protocol that can adjust the strength of CD and SC for individual needs.
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Easy way to support Jim Humble, MMS
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Re: What about diabetes, does MMS cure diabetes? 20 Mar 2011 02:24 #1671

  • Michael Harrah
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This is right off of Jim's site.
NOTE: the site appears to be down if you only type in jimhumble.biz, but when I pasted in this jimhumble.biz/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=34&Itemid=61, then it worked, however it seems sporadic. Therefore, they are messing with Jim's site so people cannot get to it. The site is there, I was just at it.

Diabetes under control

Dear Sir Jim Humble;

It is my pleasure to post the success story i have experienced using MMS2 for my friend.

He had this diabetes for years already without

It takes about a month only. Using gradual increase day by day until able to take 4 caps a day at 2 to 3 hour time frame.

Here is how he achieved it…. he also take enzyme at the same time.

Before he start MMS2. The reading was 7.+, now the reading was 5.+ He never had this reading before. He now taking it daily at 1 to 2 caps.

I am glad to finally obtain the MMS1 25% solution. It does work too. Am having it often now. Will wait the arrival of your DVD to finish my exam on ...

Edwin Tan ( Penang Malaysia ) 11/07/2010 08:06am

Good job Edwin!!
The following user(s) said Thank You: ZnzMagic, Peter Mican, MMS User, Horsefeathers, secretariat1844

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Last edit: by Michael Harrah.

Re: What about diabetes, does MMS cure diabetes? 08 May 2011 18:42 #2492

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My name is Diana and I'm diabetic (type I) since i was two. Do you think is better the MMS2 for the diabetes than MMS? How do you take it??

Thaks for your help


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Re: What about diabetes, does MMS cure diabetes? 09 May 2011 21:32 #2508

  • Michael Harrah
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Welcome to the forum Diana!

In my opinion at this time we don't know if MMS1 or MMS2 is better. Jim says in his new book (Get it now www.miraclemineral.org/newebook.php) they work equally well. MMS2 has not been studied as much since Jim has been focused more on perfecting MMS1 protocols.

So in his book Jim recommends starting with protocol 1000 (jimhumble.biz/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=34&Itemid=61) which is MMS1 for diabetes. Or you could try MMS2 if you like and the protocol for that is near the bottom of that same web page.

You can see on the prior page of this topic, Edwin had good success on diabetes with this protocol for MMS2: "It takes about a month only. Using gradual increase day by day until able to take 4 caps a day at 2 to 3 hour time frame."

So it is up to you which way you want to go, maybe just try whatever seems easier for you.

If you have any further questions, please ask. Sorry about taking so long to respond to this one, we should be quicker next time!

Healing wishes,

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Re: What about diabetes, does MMS cure diabetes? 10 May 2011 15:02 #2518

  • Edwin3110
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Go for it at the protocol post by Michael Harrah use by me... it should be a good protocol if you are comfort with MMS2. I had good experienced with it and it should work for you.

If you happen to have some effect on lightly blur eye view... go for antioxidant or Vitamin C at nite before bed time should help balance up this effect if not stop MMS2 few day, go for high antioxidant or high dose Vitamin C should improved this slight side effect.... but very seldom people had it...

As a rule.. any abnormal one might face in using MMS is good to go for high antioxidant or high dose Vitamin C for few day then start back again your MMS Treatment. MMS cannot harm if you know how to control your oxidation stress your body may happen but only very minority people will have this problem. Only one person i seen have this problems with the eye so far but is no harm at all.

Feel your body organs abnormality not cause by J-H Reaction may be a signal of needing a high antioxidant or high dose Vitamin C. So far, my advice to those with this symptoms can improved their intake of MMS.
Minister of Health, Penang. Malaysia.

Creator of CDH Plus 1000
A Protocol that can adjust the strength of CD and SC for individual needs.
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