How Acidity is Effecting You
Ever wonder how your body naturally combats acidity? The number one way for our bodies to neutralize acidity is by leeching calcium from our bones or by us eating alkalizing foods. The countries with the most animal product intake have the highest rates of osteoporosis. An increase in acidity in the body can also lead to increased body fat, reduced levels of human growth hormone, kidney stones, and loss of muscle. When we increase acidity we decrease cellular health making our immune systems weak.
Research shows that cancers can’t develop in an alkaline environment—that alone is a pretty compelling reason to take control of your pH. Raw green veggies are one of the best foods for making our bodies more alkaline. pH test strips do not test adequately because your body goes to combat the second acid enters your body by leeching the calcium from your bones to neutralize.
Alkaline-forming food choices that will help you achieve your optimal pH are listed below; you will notice that some of these foods are naturally acidic—citrus fruits, for example. “Alkalizing” here refers to the effect foods have once digested (not their pH level outside the body).
What Causes Us to be Acidic?
What you eat directly causes our body to be alkaline forming or acidic. The reason acidosis is more common in our society is mostly due to the typical American diet, which is far too high in acid-producing animal products like meat, eggs and dairy, and far too low in alkaline-producing foods like fresh vegetables. Additionally, we eat acid-producing processed foods like white flour and sugar and drink acid-producing beverages like coffee and soft drinks. We use too many drugs, which are acid forming; and we use artificial chemical sweeteners like NutraSweet, Equal, or aspartame, which are extremely acid forming. One of the best things we can do to correct an overly acid body is to clean up the diet and lifestyle. The overall pH of the body and blood normally must be maintained within a narrow range of alkalinity pH 7.30 - 7.45
To test this by using pH strips in our saliva or urine are not very accurate. We would die if our acid got too strong and therefore our bones leech calcium in order to start neutralizing quickly every time we eat acidic foods.
Every animal product (whether organic or not) you consume over time makes you acidic and lines your internal organs with plaque slowly. The animal fat we consume gets stuck in our blood and forms internal clots eventually too.
Why pH Balance and Acidity are so Important
Most of what we drink and eat in the normal American diet is making our bodies into an acidic environment which makes cancer cells grow at the fastest rate imaginable, not to mention tanking our immune systems. Your partner may be squealing at your possible acidic breathe while kissing you, or you might experience heart burn pain (GERD) if it gets bad enough. Coffee, alcohol, animal products, processed sugar, many cooked foods, etc….makes us acidic among many other horrible effects, and is not good for us even though marketing may try to spin it another way.
Your body is able to assimilate minerals and nutrients properly only when its pH is balanced. It is therefore possible for you to be taking healthy nutrients and yet be unable to absorb or use them. Most people who suffer from unbalanced pH are acidic. This condition forces the body to borrow minerals—including calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium—from vital organs and bones to buffer (neutralize) the acid and safely remove it from the body. Because of this strain, the body can suffer severe and prolonged damage due to high acidity—a condition that may go undetected for years. Even if you just did a pH test and it showed normal, chances are that your body has already pulled the calcium from the bones to neutralize. Try eating more neutralizing foods in the charts below.
Mild acidosis can cause such problems as:
· Cardiovascular damage, including the constriction of blood vessels and the reduction of oxygen.
· Weight gain, obesity and diabetes.
· Bladder and kidney conditions, including kidney stones.
· Immune deficiency.
· Acceleration of free radical damage, possibly contributing to cancerous mutations.
· Hormone concerns.
· Premature aging.
· Osteoporosis; weak, brittle bones, hip fractures and bone spurs.
· Joint pain, aching muscles and lactic acid buildup.
· Low energy and chronic fatigue.
· Slow digestion and elimination.
· Yeast/fungal overgrowth.
Antacids: If you take antacids…really listen up. There is no reason to be acidic if you eat properly and flush your body with plenty of water. Foods that neutralize are important to consume such as greens and bananas are two examples. Our bodies have a hard time breaking down meat in our stomach, and when it sits for a while it becomes painful as it is rotting and not passing.
We need to be aware of what our bodies are telling us. Heartburn or burping excessively, etc. can mean that you have an excess build up of acid. If you get this after eating certain foods….stop eating them. Your body is screaming help and telling you it raises your acid levels to a point your body cannot handle. Masking the process by pills will not help your future. An ulcer is formed when we have ignored your body’s signs over and over, yet not wanting to change you’re eating patterns. Remember, when we are acidic we catch more diseases and flu’s. Acidity weakens our bodies if we cannot neutralize it.
Introducing as many new raw plant based foods into your consumption will be rewarding to your body. Health was made to be quite simple. Mother earth provides us with minerals, nutrients, plenty of digestible protein, and vitamins in raw nuts, seeds, legumes, grains, vegetables, and fruits. Of course being careful of what we put on our skin or soak in as well because our skin is the largest organ in our bodies that absorbs most anything we put on it.
Ghandi-"I don't understand why asking people to eat a well-balanced plant based diet is considered drastic, while it is medically conservative to cut people open and put them on cholesterol-lowering drugs for the rest of their lives."