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Recent Update From My Doctor (Cancer Situation) 29 Sep 2011 23:30 #5845

  • Erico
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From my earlier post regarding my situation since Marchl when I was given a death warrant, I decided to re-visit my Doctor today.. I had posted my status from my diagnosis from Colon retal cancer a few months ago.

Well, this time I notice a lump where the incision for surgery was done in 2007. I taught I should check with my primary care physician because I was thinking this could be a hernia..

Based on my previous history with colon rectal cancer and what he have on the computer, he told me that I need Chemo.. There is no doubt in his mind that this is not Cancer. He said, he had wanted me to do Chemo in June this year... I thanked him for informing me about having cancer and left..his office and said to myself I will take care of this myself...

I have been very aggressive with MMS1, and MMS2 taking 50 drops daily every hour since March 2011..I was told then that I have six months to live..My energy level is normal.. except the turmor where they had the incision..

In addition, to MMS1 and MMS2, I also do the Rife Machine (GB 4000), daily consumption of the Budwig protocol.. I completed 4 rounds of the India Herb from Kathleen in TEXAS, recommended by Bishop Jim Humble..I am also on a high dose of juicing.. and my deit includes most cancer fighting food.. raw cabbage, including some vegetables.

My long term goal is to get well so I can advocate for alternative treatments using MMS1, MMS2 ETC,, with hopes of moving back to my Country in Cameroon, Africa so I cab be helping helping other people get well from the illness..

I am wondering where, I my going wrong with my treatments? Your views, suggestions, opinions or ideas to help me stay focus will be helpful. I have completely ruled out going in for Chemo...

Is there anyone out there who knows someone who have been in my situation @ stage 4 colon rectal cancer and survived without Chemo? Is it possible to please put me in touch with a stage 4 cancer survivor? Here is my cell phone Number: 703 895 8595..

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Re: Recent Update From My Doctor (Cancer Situation) 30 Sep 2011 00:10 #5846

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You should check this out for your condition, in addition to MMS -
The following user(s) said Thank You: paul

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Re: Recent Update From My Doctor (Cancer Situation) 02 Oct 2011 20:03 #5905

  • Jim Humble
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Glad you are doing so well. In my opinion the cabbage and juice do little or no good. Do the opposite. You need lots and lots of protein to really clean the cancer out. No one has proven cabbage is a cancer fighter. Lots of alternate health people write up their opinion and possibly a number of medical people who want to lead you astray. I have treated many people for cancer and in my opinion, probably as good as anyone, you need at least a pound of red meat a day and lots of fat to go with that, and don't worry about the vegetables. Eat a few, but the fat and protein are what is going to do the job of getting you well along with MMS, and the Rife machine.

However, don't jump right into the red meat. Take about two weeks to be eating that much a day. Consider that when you weigh the red meat that a pound of red meat is actually 80% water. Water does not cook out, that is what you are eating when you eat it. Thus you are actually eating 12.8 ounces of water when you eat a 16 ounce steak. So in actual fact you are only eating 3.2 actual ounces of meat. You need up to twice the 16 ounce steak but a lot of it can come from other animal sources such as cottage cheese, fish, eggs, full fat yogurt.

Get the book "The 24-HOUR DIET" by Brian Scott Peskin as it will tell you exactly what you need to kill the cancer if there is any left, but you still need that protein for health. Sorry, there is really no actual clinical trials anywhere proving vegetables fight cancer, and with the millions of people who have tried to fight cancer that way, not many success stories. I say less than 1% success stories from those who tried.

As always with love,
Bishop Jim Humble
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Re: Recent Update From My Doctor (Cancer Situation) 02 Oct 2011 23:27 #5906

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From my earlier post regarding my situation since Marchl when I was given a death warrant, I decided to re-visit my Doctor today.. I had posted my status from my diagnosis from Colon retal cancer a few months ago.

Well, this time I notice a lump where the incision for surgery was done in 2007. I taught I should check with my primary care physician because I was thinking this could be a hernia..

Based on my previous history with colon rectal cancer and what he have on the computer, he told me that I need Chemo.. There is no doubt in his mind that this is not Cancer. He said, he had wanted me to do Chemo in June this year... I thanked him for informing me about having cancer and left..his office and said to myself I will take care of this myself...

I have been very aggressive with MMS1, and MMS2 taking 50 drops daily every hour since March 2011..I was told then that I have six months to live..My energy level is normal.. except the turmor where they had the incision..

In addition, to MMS1 and MMS2, I also do the Rife Machine (GB 4000), daily consumption of the Budwig protocol.. I completed 4 rounds of the India Herb from Kathleen in TEXAS, recommended by Bishop Jim Humble..I am also on a high dose of juicing.. and my deit includes most cancer fighting food.. raw cabbage, including some vegetables.

My long term goal is to get well so I can advocate for alternative treatments using MMS1, MMS2 ETC,, with hopes of moving back to my Country in Cameroon, Africa so I cab be helping helping other people get well from the illness..

I am wondering where, I my going wrong with my treatments? Your views, suggestions, opinions or ideas to help me stay focus will be helpful. I have completely ruled out going in for Chemo...

Is there anyone out there who knows someone who have been in my situation @ stage 4 colon rectal cancer and survived without Chemo? Is it possible to please put me in touch with a stage 4 cancer survivor? Here is my cell phone Number: 703 895 8595..


Eric, thanks for posting again with your results.
It would be helpful for others if you could address the following:

1. You are taking 50 drops of MMS1/day. Break it down for us. Is it 5 drops/hour for 10 hours?
2. What happened to the tumours that you had close to your belly button and stomach. Have they vanished?

Once again, thanks for reporting here on the forum and all the best to you and your family.
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Re: Recent Update From My Doctor (Cancer Situation) 03 Oct 2011 00:59 #5907

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:huh: We all must take into consideration when is the best time to take MMS -- I found this article which should help many.


There are important substance-oxidant incompatibilities which must now be addressed. Various classes of substances must not be present in the stomach at the time of the acidified sodium chlorite treatment, if any beneficial results are to be expected. Of paramount importance is the avoidance of antioxidants together with the treatment. Antioxidants are usually thiol compounds or phenolic compounds, which can specifically eliminate chlorine dioxide. Chlorine dioxide is used in industry to specifically target and to destroy thiols and phenols, because they readily react together and destroy each other. Examples of chlorine dioxide quenching compounds are: N-acetyl-L-cysteine, glutathione, alpha-lipoic acid, ascorbic acid, polyphenols, tocopherols, bioflavonoids, anthocyanidins, benzaldehyde, cinnamaldehyde, juice concentrates and many herbal remedies. Most fruits especially grapes and berries are rich sources of polyphenolic antioxidants. Examples of herbs rich in antioxidant polyphenols are: chocolate, tea, coffee, turmeric, silymarin, licorice, ginkgo, olive. Sulfur rich foods also eliminate chlorine dioxide if present in the stomach at the time of treatment. Examples include: garlic, onion, leek, asparagus, beans, peas, egg, milk and even white potatoe (due to alpha-lipoic acid). Protein must also not be present in the stomach at the time of treatment. Proteins are made of amino acids which present an abundance of phenols, organic sulfides, thiols and secondary amines, which react with and eliminate chlorine dioxide on contact. L-tyrosine has a phenol group. L-methionine is a sulfide. L-cysteine is a thiol. L-tryptophan, L-proline and L-histidine have secondary amino groups. Certain B-complex vitamins are similarly reactive such as: thiamine, riboflavin, folate, pantothenate. Finally many drugs contain secondary amines, tertiary amines, thiols, sulfides or phenols. Under physician direction these may also need to be identified and withheld on the day of treatment or at least not taken at the time of treatment. While antioxidants and vitamin supplements are generally speaking healthy for preventive and longevity purposes, and while these are beneficial in the treatment of many chronic diseases, these are incompatible at the moment of the acidified sodium chlorite treatment. Therefore, fruit, fruit juices, fruit concentrates, wines, green drinks, herbs, protein, most vitamins and most drugs should not be taken at the time of treatment and certainly not mixed with the acidified sodium chlorite solution. If these principles are not respected, little if any oxidants will survive to kill pathogens and no benefit should be expected.

If a person already ate some incompatible food such as protein or fruit prior to a scheduled treatment, then they must wait at least four hours for these items to pass through the stomach before taking the treatment. The next day after treatment the above described incompatible substances can be resumed. Protein could probably be eaten as soon as 3 hours after treatment.

Anyone who claims success taking fruit juices with acidified sodium chlorite has succeeded in spite of this quenching problem. Higher and higher doses of oxidants would have to be administered to get past the antioxidants. If someone is already apparently tolerating especially high doses of oxides of chlorine, because these oxidants are being taken with antioxidants, then such a person is at risk of oxidant overdose if the concomittent antioxidants are suddenly stopped. The most appropriate action would be to hold the antioxidants and to back down to a much lower dose of the oxidants.

Nutrient poor white starches on the other hand may be present in the stomach at the time of treatment. These may even be taken with or mixed with the diluted solution. These do not react readily with chlorine dioxide. Examples of allowable junky starchy foods are: white bread, casava, grits, white wheat pasta, white rice, saltines. Note that white potatoes are not included in this list because they are rich in alpha-lipoic acid a sulfur based antioxidant. Even though most sulfur compounds react with chlorine dioxide, oxidized sulfur compounds such as DMSO, MSM, taurine or sulfate are probably not reactive. Pending further knowledge it seems likely that carotenoids and polyunsaturated fatty acids do not quench chlorine dioxide.

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Re: Recent Update From My Doctor (Cancer Situation) 03 Oct 2011 04:30 #5915

  • Michael Harrah
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Bill, where did you get this?

If it is from Hesselink, that man does not get the same results Jim Humble does.

I think the chlorine dioxide starts getting absorbed extremely quickly, even in the mouth. If it is absorbed quickly within a minute or two then it probably does not have much opportunity to mix with the stomach contents. Just making my own speculations here, since that is about all we can do in addition to observing the results.

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Re: Recent Update From My Doctor (Cancer Situation) 04 Oct 2011 01:55 #5934

  • Jim Humble
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You are right. Chlorine dioxide is absorbed quickly, but if one takes his MMS at least 1/2 hour before a meal he will not have a problem with the meal destroying his MMS dose. Fruit juices such as apple juice, grape juice, pineapple juice, and many other juices that are not of the thick heavy slow pouring juices do not quench chlorine dioxide. The thick heavy slow running juices sometimes will quench the chlorine dioxide as they have lots of pulp in the juice and I suspect that the pulp adsorbs the chlorine dioxide.

I first treated over 1000 cases of malaria in Africa using pineapple juice made from pineapples bought at the market. All 1000 recovered and all took the MMS in the pineapple juice. Pineapple juice, apple juice, grape juice have been used with MMS since the beginning with great results. The oxidation potential of chlorine dioxide is very low. The lowest of all the oxidizers in the body. This prevents it from attacking most antioxidants in the fruit juices. Just separate out the doses of MMS from the food you take by about 1/2 hour. I have double check fruit juices using chlorine dioxide test strips to prove that chlorine dioxide is still present after being in the juice for 12 hours. The parts per million tell you if there is a reduction in the strength of chlorine dioxide and with most normally thin juices there is practically no reduction in strength after the MMS and juice have been mixed together for 12 hours.

Most foods do not destroy the chlorine dioxide. You should not drink coffee within one hour of taking a dose of MMS, thus on protocol 1000 wait until you are over taking MMS before drinking the coffee. One hour should be long enough wait after the last dose. Chlorine dioxide is used in industry because it is unaffected by most protein. That should be true in the body as well, but take your MMS at least 1/2 hour before eating or one hour after eating. I have not noticed any decrease in results when following these guidelines. I have not found it super critical concerning various foods causing MMS to not give results.

If, however, you are not getting results from taking MMS, I would suggest that you introduce more time between eating and taking MMS. ALSO NEVER DRINK ORANGE JUICE WHILE TAKING MMS AS IT IS THE ONE JUICE THAT ALWAYS DESTROYS MMS. Also do not use any juices that have had vitamin C or ascorbic acid added to them, thus you are only really safe if you squeeze the juice yourself as most juices bought from the market have ascorbic acid added.

Jim Humble
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Re: Recent Update From My Doctor (Cancer Situation) 04 Oct 2011 05:36 #5938

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Thank you very much Bishop Humble for clarifying these points!

These issues come up over and over again in the online forums and groups and this advice is crystal clear. I will post this on the yahoo groups and add this to my knowledge when giving answers to people.

That is great news about the chlorine dioxide lasting even 12 hrs. in the thin fresh made juices. I had the sense from your writings that the foods eaten are not super critical to the results, but it is good to hear you say it.

What happens a lot of times with the food issues is that people come up against nausea and then eating is a solution. The addition of the DMSO drops did completely eliminate my severe nausea problem, but I don't think it works for everyone.

The other issue with food is when people are on the hourly dosing regime and they have to fit eating between the doses. It makes the scheduling even more difficult for them so I usually say to just ignore the eating schedule and focus on staying on the hourly dosing. But you have a good point if someone is not seeing results then they could work more on separating the food and doses.

It really is a blessing to hear your experience speak on these points.

Thank you again Bishop Jim Humble,

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Re: Recent Update From My Doctor (Cancer Situation) 04 Oct 2011 08:41 #5940

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Thank's Bishop Jim Humble,
this is what we need here in this forum, answers from THE man who invented MMS and all the treatments.
Please try to spend some time in this forum to answer important questions.
Have a good day
Bishop - D.MMS., - Uruguay


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