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Intro to MMS 14 Aug 2012 19:04 #21236

  • Dlhnorthwest
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Hello to everyone here at the forum,

I am new and just last month i was introduced to MMS.
A brief synopsis of me.
1988 i was a passenger in a motorcycle wreck.
I suffered with multiple traumas and much blood loss.
Recieved life saving blood transfusion which later turned out to be tainted with HCV.
Intially my Hospital stay was 3 months then over the next 20 years surgeries, skin grafts and total knee replacement, battling hcv and a non responder to conventional treatments i am and have been for 5 years stage 4 cirrhosis.
Transplant being my only medical option i have been struggling with brain fog , fibro pain through my body,chronic fatigue all kinds , low blood sugar to name a few. All the things associated with chronic hcv cirrhosis and multiple traumas to the body.
I recently went to my Natropath and she told me about using MMS. I was most excited and could not wait to try it. I carefully read all the instructions and researched the web about it. I saw many good reviews and many unanswered ones. Folks saying they went on it and never followed up with what happened later in their treatment. Some reports were negative but i can read between the lines with all that.
I began with protocol 1000 and worked up to MMS2. I wrote Mr. Humble and asked him questions on what dosage and all for my illness.
He wrote back and was very nice. He thought i should go on MMS2 and 3 drops every hour for ten hours and add a drop more or until i start to feel it is to much and back off. He said i might want to try the Calcium Hyperchlorite tabs and sent me a link to his website on the instructions for that. I have yet to do this and will add it soon.
I have been on MMS for 1 month. I went through the initial nausea and die off but went away in a few days. I felt more energy and i am cautiously optimistic with how i am feeling.
I must admit my pain levels have dropped and my brain fog is clearing. I also notice my sugar levels have been more stable especially after eating. I can breathe better and smell better also.

I mix my MMS in the morning with distilled water 30 MMS drops to 30 citric acid activated solution and then into 1 quart measured container for the day after the 3 minute wait of course. Been struggling with trying to eat around dosing and some hours I end up late taking it because i don't want the food to interfere with MMS. Also hard to take other vitamins close to dosing but i am managing. I noticed my urine is clearer as i measure my output daily.
Overall I am happy with the results and will continue to use it. I still need to find out how long i should be on this dose before i go to maintenance dose ? I am moving cautiously as with my cirrhosis and all. Not sure if it will kill or quell the hcv but i have little recourse.
Looking forward to meeting new folks here and keeping updates about my progress.
Thanks for reading and Godspeed
Dan :)

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Last edit: by Dlhnorthwest. Reason: spelling error

Re: Intro to MMS 14 Aug 2012 19:32 #21237

  • Macaddict08
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Hey Dan,

Congratulations with your success so far ... and welcome to the forum !!!!!


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Re: Intro to MMS 15 Aug 2012 05:23 #21243

  • sevenrays
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Welcome Dan,
awesome results so far. As far as I know you can continue with the protocol until all your issues that you are trying to heal are all gone. Then you can go on the maintenance protocol.

"Do what makes your heart sing"

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Re: Intro to MMS 15 Aug 2012 07:10 #21244

  • gualano
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Hi, the maintenance protocol. Could you please explain it,
Thanks and Good Health


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Re: Intro to MMS 15 Aug 2012 14:19 #21259

  • Megg
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Welcome to the forum. Good luck and keep us posted :)


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Re: Intro to MMS 15 Aug 2012 14:39 #21260

  • pam
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Hi, the maintenance protocol. Could you please explain it,

From Jim Humble's book, The Master Mineral of the Third Millennium, available at www.jimhumble.biz

• Maintenance -- Older people (over 60) use 4 to 6 drops a
day. Younger people use 4 drops twice a week

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Re: Intro to MMS 15 Aug 2012 18:49 #21268

  • Dlhnorthwest
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Thanks to all for the warm welcome,

I am going to keep doing MMS2 a while longer and try to get on the Calcium Hyperchlorite.
Good to know Pam thanks for that link.
I am very encouraged and being a geno type 1a i am the most difficullt geno type to treat so i want to make sure i give it a good 2 month wack with MMS2 and get in the nooks and crannys...Because i spent the first month on MMS1. Upgrade time..
Have a great day
Dan :)

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Re: Intro to MMS 15 Aug 2012 19:21 #21271

  • luigimms
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Hello Dlh
I'm hcv too, have been taking mms + dmso for it, but keep stopping due to head tightness feeling, I did bentonite clay for a week, I'm going to stop mms for a bit because I'm changing my diet to low Carb , meant to help people with inflammation,good to hear its working for you :)

Will go back to it when I've sorted my diet out

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Last edit: by luigimms.

Re: Intro to MMS 16 Aug 2012 00:50 #21279

  • Dlhnorthwest
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Hi luigimms

Sorry to hear you are having head tightness and problems with diet. I too take bentonite clay with my super seed fiber usaully after my morning doses. I have been doing herbs and teas for a long time along with bowel cleanses and the like so my die off was minimal from what i read others went or going through.

Diet is key and suffering from low blood sugar and glucose uptake it is hard to eat right. I use xylitol and agave nectar or stevia for sweetners but i backslide at times and eat pies or donuts here and there.. I do legumes and brown-black rices, spirulina, chlorella , quercetin w/ bromelain, blueberry extract many others to fight the dragon and try to keep it at night or after dosing.

I have been looking around for calcium hyperchlorite and went to Walmart. They had it there but it was only 53% along with other ingredients not labeled. Another place in town had it but it was 8lbs. Anyone know best place to order it online i mean something i can trust and is proven??
Should i be doing DMSO also? Please advise as i am new and still reading up on all this..

Thanks again.

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