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Re: Intro to MMS 16 Aug 2012 01:16 #21282

  • gualano
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Thanks Pam, slowly slowly I'm getting there, appreciate you pacience with me,
Thanks and Good Health


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Re: Intro to MMS 16 Aug 2012 01:52 #21283

  • Dlhnorthwest
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Ahhhh so i am doing the protocol 2000 and going on MMS2 i think i got it now lol. Thanks for the links. I want to buy the powder myself and make the caps as i am going to use this for some time. I found this link and they have it by the pound for 4 bucks with handling and free shipping it comes to around 15 something a pound and it is 78% Hyperchlorite.


I was wondering if anyone new this if this stuff is ok ?
Jim said go to the pool place and as long as it is in the 60 ish range it is ok like Pam said.
Time to make a choice.
Thanks for your help
Have a great evening or day all

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Re: Intro to MMS 16 Aug 2012 15:23 #21301

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I have purchased from this source before and have been satisfied with product and service.

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Re: Intro to MMS 16 Aug 2012 21:38 #21312

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I have come to a point after reading more here and learning more that i need to get serious about diet and vitamins. I will order the MMS2 and keep doing some mms through the next 2 weeks and start fresh in September. I will ween myself into a better diet ahead so i can make a good control for quelling this virus. I will also discontinue my vitamins and antioxidants because i feel they have interfered with my protocol even if slightly it will leave doubt.
Will try to go for 2 months to make sure before blood work once i start in September.

Been on the protocol 1000 for 2 weeks and going on 2 weeks of the protocol 2000.

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Re: Intro to MMS 17 Aug 2012 14:49 #21355

  • maryellen
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Hi Dan,

I think now Jim has changed the starting dosage to just a few grains (instead of 1/4 pill), and working our way up gradually. If I am wrong, please feel free to correct me.


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Re: Intro to MMS 17 Aug 2012 21:24 #21417

  • Dlhnorthwest
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Hi Maryellen

I did not know that and will take that advice and go in slow. An evolutionary process , another good reason to make the caps myself. Looking forward to it. Have you been doing the MMS2?
Anyone feel any differnece or anything else i need would be helpful. Thanks so much :cheer:

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Re: Intro to MMS 18 Aug 2012 01:20 #21427

  • Evanir
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I started MMS2 along with MMS1 17 days ago and felt that MMS2 made the biggest difference on my breathing. Before I had tried MMS1 and CDS at different times, but was unsuccessful.
Felt too sick to continue on the old method. Now I am using the baby bottle method of increasing 1 drop a day. I am on 17 drops today diluted in 10 oz of distilled water, sipping it every hour.

I am only taking 2 to 3 caps of MMS2, It is very powerful but I immediatelly feel better, sinuses opens up, lungs feel much better and it leaves a very fresh taste in your mouth, although calcium hypochlorite
is pretty stinky...I purchased the number 2 capsules and still had to empty most of it at first, but it has been now 12 days that I take them without a problem. You should buy the granules and make your own as you said.

I was told by an expert to increase to 5 capsules a day, but I am getting too much energy from what I am taking and can't fall asleep and stay sleeping throughout the night. Maybe it is all the pathogens being
killed, I don't know, because I am not sick otherwise. No nausea, no diarrhea yet:cheer:

I have several problems as I mentioned before, a difficult and rare auto immune disease, called Hyper Eosinophilic Syndrome, severe asthma, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, osteoporosis, allergies to the environment but
not much to foods, healthy foods, that is.

I will keep posting my progress because my goal is to decrease the prednisone which is damaging my body. My doctors recommend I decrease it very slowly. Three of my doctors don't know I am taking MMS, only
my naturopath/chiropractor, who thinks MMMS will help me.
Best wishes to you DlhNorthwest !!!
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Re: Intro to MMS 18 Aug 2012 23:16 #21480

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Hi Evanir

Thanks for the info on how your doing with MMS2 . I am even more encouraged to try it.
I know that Prednisone is powerful stuff. Used to knock down the immune system and is often used for Transplant Patients.
It is good to hear your on the right track and my best wishes to you as well :) Thank you please keep us posted of your progress and i willl too.

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Re: Intro to MMS 26 Nov 2012 22:12 #27354

  • Dlhnorthwest
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Hi All

Happy Holidays to everyone.
Been away for awhile but back for another round. Been doing maintenance dosing for 1 month with mms after two months of 30 drops a day and ordered mms2 which came today.
I ordered from MMSforsale.com My diet is better and I am ready to start with 1/4 pill about 125 mg 2 times a day. Took it on empty stomach with copious amounts of water. Feel the boost already.
I am most ready for this to try and quell or eradicate the HCV. Will follow up with labs in two months.

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