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Re: Food 20 May 2012 08:09 #17435

  • Ruthie
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Hi ,

My question would be , how about taking supplements while on mms, what times between the taking of mms and which not to take. My eating is separated from mms for half an hour.



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Re: Food 20 May 2012 12:11 #17446

  • kevink
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Ruthie, hi - I'm not a fan of supplements so I'll skip your question, sorry.

Teddibear - Congratulations on your progress, that's fantastic. With 'Jack the Dancer' you should probably be on Protocol 2000 but it sounds like you're doing well with just CDS alone, well done.

You are correct in assuming a better diet would help the situation; 3 of the super cancer fighting foods are lemons, asparagus and strawberries so see if you can include them & see how you go.

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Re: Food 20 May 2012 13:59 #17456

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Ruthie, what supplements are you talking about?

If it contains Vitamin C or Vitamin E, wait until 2 hours after your last dose of MMS.

Otherwise, you're good to go.

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Re: Food 20 May 2012 15:29 #17462

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Hi kevin, pam,

Thanks for answering.
Pam , i take multi-supplements, so a 2 hour separation will be okay i suppose.

Do you know where i can find a cds seller, as i live in holland and i cant find one overe here.

God bless all,


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Re: Food 21 May 2012 02:56 #17500

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Re: Food 21 May 2012 13:28 #17516

  • alfernandes
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This site is sold under CDS and MMS.


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Last edit: by alfernandes.

Re: Food 22 May 2012 18:48 #17572

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Thanks very much alfermandes!

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Re: Food 24 Jul 2012 12:24 #20325

  • wannabefreed20
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I can attest to antioxidant foods affecting the mms. I have no evidence other than my own meandering experience. So here goes....

Beginning of this year I did 5 weeks of mms1 and rubbing it on the lower spine at the start. I did the lower spine 3x's a day for 4 days, had to stop for 3 days from burning myself from leaving it on all day. After 3 days off I did the lower spine for 3 more days and burned myself again. I stopped and didn't start again (which I believe caused my failure).

Anyway I ate mostly burgers, chicken tenders, a lot of French fries, etc. After 5 weeks I tested negative on a pcr DNA blood test. I waited 3 months of no mms at all and igc antibody test and tested positive. So in may I started the mms protocol with the lower spine twice a day (half hour max) and eating the same as before. But after about 2 weeks I came across the undergroundcure.com diet information and changed my diet completely. My entire diet consisted of:

Breakfast: grits and some fruit

Lunch/dinner: chicken/salmon/talapia broccoli, green peppers, spinach leaves, corn on the cob, sweet potatoes, cucumbers

Fruits: strawberries, cherries, apples, pears, watermelon

Seasonings: olive oil, lemon and pepper

That was 100% of my diet. After 6.5 weeks on this diet I just had an outbreak
a few days ago. This is the first I've had since I first started the protocol in late December 2011. And during my 3 months waiting period I was back to eating chocolate, nuts, peanut butter etc. So based on my experiences I'd have to agree with the assesment that antioxidants neutralize the mms before it can work.

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Re: Food 24 Jul 2012 12:38 #20327

  • Macaddict08
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I think this is the one thing that people often over look when doing an MMS program, which is the quality of foods that they put into their stomach while they are detoxing.

When we detox, it brings up some emotional stuff, which then creates cravings for certain bad foods, and we want to satisfy those cravings and the MMS makes those cravings even MORE intense, for the simple reason we are detoxing them ... and we need to be aware of this. I feel this needs to be written and talked about more in the MMS literature.

We may eat a certain type of food that releases antioxidants. that after 5 hours, is finally active in our system, and that maybe the time when we are taking the MMS.

I have aways felt that more emphasis and study needs to put on the foods we eat WHILE we are on an MMS protocol ... maybe having a list of the best foods to eat while doing MMS. Cause there is no use in even doing an MMS protocol if a person is just going to turn around and put the SAME foods in their system that created their condition in the first place.

Just my thoughts....

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