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Re: Food 24 Jul 2012 13:33 #20329

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Wannabee you post confuses me. I guess to cut to the chase. You are still having outbreaks ? Is the latter diet you mentioned, the one you received from the underground cure ?

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Re: Food 25 Jul 2012 04:42 #20345

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Your post re your blood test confirms what I have been saying about the PCR blood test. We cannot rely on PCR blood test for HSV detection (or its eradication) as HSV is not always in the blood system when latent, hiding in the nerves.

If HSV is latent and not present in the blood at the time of testing then obviously the test will come back as negative.

Just thought I would share that with fellow MMS-ers
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Re: Food 25 Jul 2012 15:52 #20353

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Delite....right on!!
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Re: Food 26 Jul 2012 23:37 #20444

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hello bagalamukhi

thank you for your post. I have one question though and maybe pam can also help me with this. I notice you both mention that Jim has told us not to eat oranges. As far as I knew it was only orange juice he was talking about. Have I missed something, can you plaese direct me to where this info has come from.

thank you both.


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Re: Food 27 Jul 2012 00:00 #20449

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If you can find a way to eat an orange without getting the juice.... let me know.

I know that JH has stated that foods containing natural vitamin C are OK, but I wouldn't want to chance it.
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Re: Food 27 Jul 2012 07:32 #20461

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Hi Pam

In previous post about food you stated that no food (except for what was already stated several times by JH), and therefor no natural anti-oxidants would interfere with MMS. But now I can see that you start to answer differently. I read in one post that you ex advised not to drink green tea, and now you advise against other foods with C vitamin.

I'm just curious to what changed your mind? I'm getting more and more confused about all the different opinions in here.


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Re: Food 27 Jul 2012 14:21 #20469

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When I am quoting Jim Humble, I usually state that I am quoting Jim Humble. When I give my opinion, I usually say something like, "I think" or "if it were me" -

When someone is going through a major health issue, really life threatening, I tend to recommend (my opinion) more strict observance (even beyond what JH has recommended). If someone is really sick, I think it's more important to be sure that the full strength is available to use towards the illness.

And I could be wrong - but I'd rather be wrong on the side that I see as supporting moving towards health.
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Re: Food 27 Jul 2012 17:48 #20481

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I think this is the one thing that people often over look when doing an MMS program, which is the quality of foods that they put into their stomach while they are detoxing.

When we detox, it brings up some emotional stuff, which then creates cravings for certain bad foods, and we want to satisfy those cravings and the MMS makes those cravings even MORE intense, for the simple reason we are detoxing them ... and we need to be aware of this. I feel this needs to be written and talked about more in the MMS literature.

We may eat a certain type of food that releases antioxidants. that after 5 hours, is finally active in our system, and that maybe the time when we are taking the MMS.

I have aways felt that more emphasis and study needs to put on the foods we eat WHILE we are on an MMS protocol ... maybe having a list of the best foods to eat while doing MMS. Cause there is no use in even doing an MMS protocol if a person is just going to turn around and put the SAME foods in their system that created their condition in the first place.

Just my thoughts....


Clint - spoken in true enlightenment. I always quote "we dig our graves with our mouths!" :)

Food IS the most important thing in our lives folks (not excluding pure water and clean air of course!) and you will always be affected by eating anything that comes out of a bag, a bottle or a factory!

Easier said than done I know, as I live on a farm where I grow most of my own produce, use ZERO "exito-toxin" or sugar and drink copious amounts of raw milk along with organic coffee beans for my 5 brews a day! I am also a vegetarian of 37 years now - and I still have to find a cow that needs hamburgers for its protein .... but I jest now.

Multivitamins and other 'supplements' are money spinners for Big Pharma and doctors only! They do very little for your health. On the other hand - simple herbs and plants have it all. Just check out Turmeric or Cinnamon for that matter.

Study your body type, and tone down on processed food. Try to eat your body type diet and keep it simple. Also, antioxidants other than Vit.C are cool and are ok if separated from your MMS/CDS doses. Get organic if possible and avoid the pesticides/fertilizers!

my 2cents.
The mind is like a garden, if you do not cultivate it, you cannot harvest from it.
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Re: Food 27 Jul 2012 19:12 #20484

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Thanks Sky,

Appreciate the Wisdom... I wish I had your setup there.... growing one's own veggies is like winning a Lottery if you ask me.

Re the Supplements ... I agree with you mostly.... most of the supplements out there are crap, and very little is absorbed. Biotics Research is one the only labs I know that have supplements that are 'pharmaceutical grade', and are very potent, and 100% of the supplement is absorbed into your system (hence they are sold only to doctors, and are more expensive) I definitely feel a difference when I am off them.

I've been capping and taking Turmeric myself now for 5 years... a great ani-inflammatory (especially with what I have). I haven't eaten meat, pork, eggs and dairy in over 30 years cause of a pre-cancerous colon when I was 21.... I never went back. Love my seafood though ! :-)

I try to keep it real simple when on a MMS program, and read labels a lot !!!

As for my body type, I am a Mesomorph ... I need to learn to be Moderate !! :-)


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