My wife and I have been taking high dosage iodine for seven months. I take 150mg a day versus 75mg for her. Unlike MMS, iodine is essential to life, you can't live without it. Because of the extremely polluted environment we're all stuck in, iodine needs to be taken in quite large amounts to facilitate detoxing of the bad halides: fluorine, chlorine, and bromine. Iodine is a halide too but our bodies' chemistry depend on its presence. Low intake of iodine is the underlying cause of many diseases, dozens of them. People are largely stumbling through life, living on prescription drugs while all they need is adequate iodine. Symptoms of deficiency include: cold limbs even in a warm room, lethargy, brain fog, low resistance to infectious diseases, etc.. These are early signs. Being chronically low in iodine leads to MS, ALS, Alzheimer's, and cancer, among many others. See:,
Drs. Guy Abraham, David Brownstein, Jorge Flechas, David Derry, are iodine enlightened doctors. Most mainstream docs are very leery of taking iodine over 2mg a day. This is the result of indoctrination by Big Pharma which really intends to make us all dependent on their mostly toxic drugs as solutions for all ailments.
Stephanie is a victim of mainstream medicine. She lost her thyroid because of it. She found out too late but instead of being wrapped up in self-pity, she went to school to learn about thyroid chemistry and health in general. She runs the website and has a very large forum on Yahoo that is focused on iodine and thyroid chemistry.
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Visit her site to download her free guide on iodine supplementation: She put a lot of time and effort into that guide to get it right for all people.
BTW, although we take large amounts of iodine (in the form of Lugol's Iodine drops and Iodoral tablets) it is better to start at 12.5mg and ramp slowly up from there. Please refer to the guide of Stephanie's for good guidance. Also visit to sign up for his free newsletter and to get his book on iodine and why you need it.
Peace and gratitude, Dean