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HSV1 - Herpes 1 04 Mar 2012 01:23 #13613

  • aqua5marine
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As a sufferer of HSV1 since 5 years old, I am determined to beat this affliction. Outbreaks are not common on my mouth, however since spreading the virus to the genital area 4 years ago, outbreaks occur in the genital region regularly. I'm lucky in that it's HSV1, so the outbreaks are small and I only usually get one at a time, however they occur during or after menstruation and also when I'm tired or run down. On average, I have approx. 25 outbreaks per year.

We live in a world where we rarely share good news when it occurs, and we tend to focus on the negative in life. I wish to share my journey over the next 3 weeks using MMS to remove this virus/parasite from my body.

I am taking activated 3 drops MMS / 15 drops citric acid 8 x daily, and began 4 days ago. I was doing fine drinking MMS with water, however I now mix it with 100% apple juice (no additives/vita c/preservatives etc). 2 days before starting MMS, I was suffering a urinary tract infection and I was coming down with bronchitis from a big weekend. The urinary tract infection is now gone, and I have to say.. relief from symptoms was felt literally within 2 doses of MMS. Amazing!! I've always needed antibiotics for UTI's, but not the case this time.

Bronchitis became full blown 2 days ago, and this would normally mean antibiotics.. and off work for up to 4 weeks. I am now on the mend, with only mild coughing of the night time, however mucus is already breaking up and leaving my body.

Unfortunately I did suffer a rather large outbreak in the genital area, however considering the circumstances of a big weekend prior with little sleep, and my body battling both a UTI, bronchitis and an outbreak.. it was inevitable. I do feel though, that MMS has played a part in maybe flushing aspects of the virus out during the outbreak, as it took a while to die.. even whilst putting DMSO cream directly on it. Usually it dies within a day of DMSO. I felt quite nauseated with a little diarrhea during the first 2 days of MMS, but now that I'm on the mend.. I'm feeling so much better with only mild tummy cramping.

I am also a celiac with gallstones and sluggish liver, so at 43 years of age MMS has quite a job to do within my body.

MMS is amazing, I know this already from my husband doing Protocol 1000 for 3 weeks. It has cleared him of arthritis, of which doctors are quite baffled about as we didn't inform them of our use of MMS. I am a Reiki II Practitioner and I believe we are responsible for our own health. So I am taking my health in my own hands, and with positive thought combined with Reiki/Naturopathic care, and doing Protocol 1000 combined with DMSO liquid and cream, I believe I can beat many things going on inside my body that have led to ill health in recent years.

It's worth mentioning that I've chosen to do protocol 1000 for longer than 3 weeks, and until I intuitively feel I am "right". I will note this in my log here.

My future posts won't be this long, but rather just a weekly or so note on how I'm progressing and how I'm feeling.

I have no doubt in the effectiveness of MMS, and I am truly grateful for Jim Humble's research and work that he does to help humanity find its way back to the freedom of good health. We are entitled to good health and long lives, and to place that expectation in the hands of big pharma and "modern medicine", we are giving away our personal power and body's natural ability to self heal.

I'm happy to answer any questions along my MMS healing journey.

God bless & thank you for reading.

The following user(s) said Thank You: Michael Harrah, GermsBware, Liselle, Roze, Nir, pam, jbnet, fourfingerz, paul, Blessed/smartyme

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Re: HSV1 - Herpes 1 04 Mar 2012 01:32 #13614

  • alfernandes
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Very impressive Ms. Julie
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Last edit: by alfernandes.

Re: HSV1 - Herpes 1 04 Mar 2012 22:43 #13710

  • aqua5marine
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Just adding the following observation..

After mixing activated MMS with half water / half apple juice (no preservatives or added vita C), the effectiveness of MMS has been reduced significantly. I've noticed the difference in the 2 days of using apple juice.

As a result, I'm now going to mix the solution with 3/4 water and 1/4 cold chai tea. I'll know by the end of the day if this is okay. I can use black tea.. but would rather not from the caffeine/tannin.

Have a great day everyone!

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Re: HSV1 - Herpes 1 05 Mar 2012 08:08 #13746

  • Michael Harrah
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Thank you Julie for the detailed reporting! And the testimonial already!

I can't wait to hear how the rest of your story goes. This is just the kind of reporting we need.

I've heard many other good reports about MMS with urinary tract infections as well. That is great news about your husband too.

Looking forward to the rest,

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Re: HSV1 - Herpes 1 05 Mar 2012 21:40 #13791

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Hi Michael, and thank you. I've looked for this type of reporting myself, however there aren't many stories out there. Mainly because it's such a delicate subject for many, and also.. because herpes is such a difficult thing to eradicate, people tend to give up.

So far, I've found that MMS mixed with chai tea works. I had mild tummy cramping yesterday, as well as bloating. I'm a celiac as well, so no doubt the mms is working on the bacteria in the damaged villi of my gut and intestines.

I'm waiting for more DMSO cream so that I can apply it mixed with mms, to the back of my neck and lower back. And I'm also waiting on DMSO liquid, so I can take that according to Jim's protocol 2000. I truly do think most pathogens can be managed with mms, combined with DMSO. It's just a matter of persistence, consistency, diet, lifestyle, state of mind, and endurance. Some people take longer to heal, depending on the strength of their immune system. So it might take someone only 3 weeks to eradicate, yet others 3 months or more. It's all about monitoring your body, and knowing where you're at health wise.

Anyhow, that's it for now. I'm currently on 8 x 3, however when the nausea starts to dissipate, I'll increase to 10 hours, and eventually 12x3.

Thanks for reading!

The following user(s) said Thank You: Michael Harrah, paul

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Re: HSV1 - Herpes 1 08 Mar 2012 07:25 #13960

  • aqua5marine
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So I've discovered over the last couple of days that activated MMS can be drank with pure apple juice, but only a dash. Any more and it seems to neutralize the effect. Peppermint tea isn't a good as it also has naturally occurring Vitamin C. But basically I think the key is, a dash only to take away the taste.

I have been taking activated MMS 8x3 for 5 days now, and during this time I've had bronchitis and 3 outbreaks. I've been feeling pretty average, with mild tummy cramping and nausea, as well as a little diarrhea, however I know this is MMS clearing out my system. As I'm fairly active, I went for a walk yesterday, and although my energy is a little flagged, I feel that my lung capacity has enhanced, even though I have the left over bronchial much from bronchitis. This says a lot! It says that MMS is clearing away the gunk that has built up in my lungs over the years, as I have a predisposition to bronchitis. I haven't had it for some time, so it's amazing that it's come out now since taking MMS. I am also 100% clear of a urinary tract infection, of which MMS has cleared, so I'm very happy so far.

My daily regime so far, is 8x3 MMS, 2 x MMS mixed with DMSO cream applied to the lower back, back of the neck, behind the ears for psoriasis, and in the genital area. I'm waiting on more cream and DMSO liquid to arrive, so I can up the ante a little. I also plan on bathing in MMS 3 x weekly, for complete saturation. I've never quite had so many outbreaks in a short space of time, so I have no doubt MMS is at work in flushing out the nasties.

For those struggling to take MMS long term, don't give up!! It really is worth it. You may feel average for a while, but just think of the good it's doing for your body.

Love and peace to all

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Re: HSV1 - Herpes 1 15 Mar 2012 09:23 #14382

  • aqua5marine
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Hello all, just checking in from my last post.

I am continuing taking 8 x 3 doses of MMS daily.. with the exception of the weekend just passed where I only took 4. I was out and about with friends visiting from interstate, so it was a little difficult to stay with the protocol for those 2 days. However, taking 4 x doses was still enough to keep things in check for those 2 days.

I have no doubt MMS is disrupting the HSV virus in my body. Since beginning the protocol, I have had 3 outbreaks in the nether region.. of which hardly ever happens as HSV1 only usually erupts as one cold sore. All outbreaks have been rather large and full blown, as opposed to the normal small lump that clears within 2 days of using DMSO alone.

I also noticed that MMS has effected my menstrual cycle, in that instead of being a 23 day cycle.. it was only 17, with menstruation lasting up to 10 days.. when it normally only lasts 4 days. This is a very positive thing! It means it is clearing my reproductive system.. as I have 3 children and am nearing menopause.

Lastly, I have broken out in 2 cold sores on my upper lip.. in exactly the same spot where my very first outbreak occurred at 5 y/o. I haven't had a cold sore on my mouth in nearly 18 months, yet now I have 2! They also have been large and full blown. Although, after carefully bursting the blisters and applying MMS directly on the broken sores.. yes ouch! Literally, the cold sores were dead within the hour, and they are slow healing ever since.

I have no doubt MMS is flushing out HSV.. as I have never had so many outbreaks at once, as what I'm having now. I am still a little hoarse after what I thought was a bronchial infection, however I do believe now.. after nearly 2 weeks of this.. yet my lung capacity is fine, that the MMS is clearing encapsulated virus particles and releasing them into my body for killing off.

I've had a few days of feeling nauseous.. particularly at the 5th dose onwards. The tummy cramping only lasted in the first week, and since then.. now all I get is mild nausea and headaches.

I'm still waiting for my DMSO liquid and cream to arrive! Longest delivery ever! In the meantime, I'm bathing in 40 activated drops of MMS twice to 3 times per week, and continuing with protocol 1000.

That's it for now.. am happy to answer any questions.

For all new users.. don't be afraid of MMS and the amazing things it can do. Just know that when you feel nausea, tummy cramping and generally off colour.. it won't last! MMS is doing its thing.. and if need be, just drop back your dose to 2 or even 1 drop per hour. Never give up.. because it's when you're almost there.. that's when the going gets tough.

Blessings to all

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Re: HSV1 - Herpes 1 15 Mar 2012 14:23 #14388

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Thanks for the updates Julie !!!!
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Re: HSV1 - Herpes 1 17 Mar 2012 01:46 #14476

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Checking in on my progress.

Continuing with MMS 8x3 daily. Have just received some more DMSO, as well as the liquid.

There is something quite important that I haven't yet mentioned. I have been carrying an extra 5 kilos, of which I haven't been able to shed. I am a health practitioner, so my diet is always fresh and I don't eat junk food. I have suspected thyroid issues with recently diagnosed celiac disease and had noticed that I had put on 5 kilos over a 2 month period just 6 months ago. Exercise, diet and water have not been able to shed the weight, with sluggishness and a slow metabolism.

I have been taking MMS religiously 8x3 for 2.5 weeks and have lost 4 kilos. Not only have I lost the weight in numbers, but my clothes are falling off me. I have also noticed with this bronchial thing that I picked up 2 days after starting MMS, that my throat is still recovering from hoarseness and the feeling of a constant lump where I have to clear my throat regularly. I'm thinking that maybe MMS is sorting out my thyroid. I've been taking an iodine supplement of the night before bed as well, so something is definitely shifting. The weight loss is unbelievable!

Anyhow, will keep you informed as I go.

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