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Re: HSV1 - Herpes 1 20 Apr 2012 06:40 #16105

  • aqua5marine
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Hi all

It's been a while since my last entry. Life has been extremely busy with work and selling our house.

Where to start! I've stopped taking MMS for just on 2 weeks now, as I'm working a contract job that finishes next week, and I found I was missing MMS doses during the day.

I managed to do MMS 8x3 drops for up to 6 weeks though, with mixed results. And I plan on starting the protocol again after April 28th, as I won't be working then.

During my 6 weeks intensive MMS protocol 1000 for HSV1, I have had many outbreaks, both oral and genital. Usually my outbreaks are a simple lump in the genital area, with only 1 to 2 per month. Orally, I usually only get a cluster of blisters on my lip once per year. However since being on the 1000 protocol, I have been getting on average, 5-8 genital outbreaks per month, and 3 on my lip per month. This says a lot! And I feel very positive about it too. In the last 3 weeks of the protocol, I had been adding DMSO gel to MMS, and applying in the genital and lower backl region. What a difference this made, in terms of having more outbreaks, and intermittent bouts of diarrhea. Obviously DMSO takes MMS deeper into the tissues, and the virus was not liking this.

What I found odd was, during a 2 week period my immune system was down due to lack of sleep and stress. As a result, more padromes occurred and they would move from my right hip one day, to my left the other. DMSO mixed with MMS kept the outbreak at bay each day, however the padrome would then move to the other side next day. Eventually, an outbreak did occur, however when I applied DMSO mixed with MMS, the outbreak cleared within 24 hours with diarrhea following every 15 mins for up to 4 hours. The outbreak had died before flaring and the virus was dead.

What I find amazing is how the padrome moved from side to side each day. This isn't how virus should work. Could this be proof that HSV is in fact a parasite that carries the virus, and it it was moving from side to side to avoid the deep penetrating MMS? When the parasite is on the move, naturally this is when the virus would be released whilst in transit.

Sadly, I have another outbreak again today, but further south in the genital region and in an area that has never been infected before. I'm wondering if it's because the previous pathway scar tissue has been cleared and healed? Obviously the problem with HSV, is killing the host that released replication.

I also have another outbreak on my lip.. a rather large one, which I managed to kill during onset with MMS mixed with DMSO. This is my 6th lip outbreak in 6 weeks.

Does any of the moderators have tips or suggestions as to what I could try next, as I will be going back to the protocol on finishing work next week.

In addition to applying mixed DMSO and MMS 3 - 5 times daily for the last 2 weeks, (MMS 8x3 drops for 6 weeks), and bathing in 40 MMS drops once to twice per week, I also have DMSO drops that I haven't yet taken.

What else could I add to the protocol? I have to say that I have lost up to 6kgs since completing protocol 1000. Weight that I hadn't been able to move for some months, due to thyroid and liver issues. This is such a plus! In addition, my skin has cleared and my gallbladder is functioning more efficiently with less pain from stones, and my monthly cycle is back on track after occurring every 17 days. MMS has done absolute wonders for my health!

It has yet to clear my body of HSV1, and I really am tired of this virus and the outbreaks. It effects my life in such a negative way, as I'm one of the unlucky ones that suffers monthly outbreaks in the genital area, with additional outbreaks when run down or with high arginine diet, and very little orally. Why is this? I've had HSV1 orally since childhood and HSV1 in the genital area for only 4 years now.

Advice and suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I really feel I'm onto something here, and I also feel there is a breakthrough with it.. I just need to restart again in a week's time, and with a vengeance! MMS is the key, along with DMSO too. They compliment each other very nicely!

Blessings to all, and never, ever give up! :)

The following user(s) said Thank You: Michael Harrah, paul

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Re: HSV1 - Herpes 1 20 Apr 2012 11:43 #16106

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My partner tested postive for HSV2 and we have been doing protocol 1000 for 20 days now.
We have no symptoms before and during MMS. I have read that people experience outbreaks when they take MMS.
So, we are not sure how long we need to take MMS.

I will try MMS and DMSO and see if there are any changes in both of us.

Also, around day 10/11 of MMS I had excessive vaginal discharge which I put down to my body clearing out a yeast infection which I think was caused by my taking MMS. I have had diarrhea a few times, but that's it.

So, I will will continue with MMS, back it up with DMSO when it arrives and see what happens.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Michael Harrah, aqua5marine, paul

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Re: HSV1 - Herpes 1 20 Apr 2012 12:39 #16107

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You are a true warrior .... I love your fighting spirit !!!

I too have HSV ... but HSV 2... and used to get a lot of flare-ups. I used MMS to get rid of the virus from my system, but haven't had the time to go the distance and erradicate it from my body. What I DID notice though, was that the MMS seemed to cripple the HSV to where if I do start to get a flare-up, it never has a full cycle.... and seems to crawl back to where it came from. I might get 2 flare-ups a year now, if that. I took MMS orally for 2 periods... and IV for 2 weeks (2 x's a day up to 15 drops)

After reading your history... I have to wonder if your immune system is being compromised by something else other than the HSV. I can remember when I stopped taked Lysine orally, that I had less breakouts, as weird as that sounds. Lack of rest and stress (as you know) are Huge reasons for a flare-up. But, another reason that a lot of people are unaware of, is the presence of mercury fillings still in one's mouth.

Have a look:

I found that after I removed ALL mercury fillings from my mouth, I got less flare-ups, and had a better sense of well being. Reading between the lines, it sounds like you might be a candidate for Adrenal exhaustion.... is this possible with you ? If so, you might start taking your Basil temperature in the morning, while still in bed laying down, for 3 mornings in a row, and see if its low. If so, you might start boosting your immune system by treating your adrenal glands, and taking iodine from Biotics Research (THE best iodine supplement out there in my opinion)

Anyway..... these are just a few thoughts...

The following user(s) said Thank You: Michael Harrah, aqua5marine, paul

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Re: HSV1 - Herpes 1 20 Apr 2012 14:53 #16108

  • Don Oz
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A great read Julie and all, Thank you.

I am starting a spreadsheet on dis-ease/illness and treatments, and there is plenty of knowledge in this forum (when I have got enough of the sheet populated I will submit it for all)

I used to get genital herpes about once a year or so (when I was partying too hard). I don't know whether I have got rid of it, but haven'r had an outbreak fo about 6 years now.

My treatment was to use a 'zapper' (similar to Hulda Clarke's) for about a week or so when I slept (bandaged it to the sole of my foot), increased intake of Vit D3 (5 - 10,000 IU/day), Vit C, aswell as Colloidal Silver orally (30ml x 3/day). I also used tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) oil on the sores (ouch!!! for a few seconds). I take extra Vit/Min suppliments on a semi regular basis as well as nutritionals.

Regarding Vit/Min intake - A lot (80%) of the population (globally and not just 3rd world) are malnourished as our foods are too processed and grown in impoverished soils and treated with all sorts of poisons etc. A current example of vitamin deficiency is Vit D3. 75% of the population of Australia (the sunburnt country) have a serum level below 70 (WHO recomended limit?). From my reading this limit should be at least 100 (I'm doing OK at 135 on last check). The WHO RDI's are so low that they only just prevent the severe-est Vit deficiency symptoms from manifesting.

If you don't have the building blocks available for repair - you can't repair. i could ramble on for hours on these subjects.

Cheers Don
The following user(s) said Thank You: Michael Harrah, aqua5marine, paul, Researcher

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Re: HSV1 - Herpes 1 13 May 2012 11:27 #17163

  • aqua5marine
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Thank you so much everyone, for your helpful replies and sharing your experiences with HSV.

I have now finished an extremely stressful contract job, so I'm now home and able to restart the protocol again, and with a proper diet that supports MMS and the body to eradicate virus and bacteria.

I plan on raising my PH levels as high as I possibly can through diet and using MMS combined with DMSO. I'll also have MMS baths 3 x weekly, and I'll be doing the protocol over a 10 hour period, building slowly up to 12 hours per day.

I feel that the only other things compromising my immune system other than HSV, is a gut issue that's linked to celiac disease and gall/liver stones that I've had for years. I've suffered from digestive issues for over 20 years now, and primary unity is sustained from a healthy gut, of which I've been working on for a while now.

So, minimal stress.. no alcohol and gluten.. and sugars kept to a bare minimum. Sorry, but have to have my one daily coffee :oops: But that's all I ask! :P

So here I go again, and I won't give up! I've already begun MMS and DMSO again over the last few days, but only sporadically as I've had a few outbreaks with the monthly cycle.. which has been a sure fire bet for 3 years now. Every single month, without fail! :(

I'll be able to post more regularly this time as well, due to being home now. Lots of positive thought, self love, acceptance, faith and diligence/consistency with the protocol, will no doubt produce a positive outcome. Even if it takes a year! :woohoo:

Love & peace to all
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Re: HSV1 - Herpes 1 13 May 2012 23:07 #17178

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Keep us posted, Julie, Please.

And if you can determine anything specific that tends to offset - say, you get too much sugar or you get too much alcohol - please let us know about that, too. No one here will judge you (or I'll clobber them, LOL) , and I think most will be happy for the input.
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Last edit: by pam.

Re: HSV1 - Herpes 1 14 May 2012 02:17 #17181

  • aqua5marine
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Hi Pam

Happy to share all my experiences, and often this time! ;) During the 6 weeks I was on protocol 1000, I integrated the use of DMSO gel mixed with MMS for 3 of the 6 weeks), and applied on my lower and upper spine at least once per day. In the last 2 weeks of my 3 month work contract, I was under heavy stress where I didn't have time to eat or drink during the most part of the day. My God, the amount of weight I lost! So it was during this time that I had to stop the protocol, with the intention of starting up again once I'd finished.

One particular thing I noticed, which is definitely worth a mention. 1 week prior to the last 2 weeks busy period at work, I had been under enormous stress with minimal sleep. I had 2 OB's on my mouth, and a fairly nasty padrome that wouldn't subside, in the lower region. Because I didn't have time to follow the protocol during the day, I applied DMSO & activated MMS to the genital area 5 x 5 hours of the night, over a 5 day period. WOW! Now, here is the interesting part. Because I was only applying externally, and of the night.. it just wasn't enough, because I'd get up in the morning and go to work, with no MMS or DMSO applied or taken internally, until 6pm that night again. Keep in mind, this was the week following 6 weeks of both internal/external MMS/DMSO.. but I wasn't consistent enough over that period, with 2 to 3 hour breaks here and there, and I only did the 8 hour protocol, whereas 12 hours I feel is the key.

When I applied the DMSO/MMS externally of the night over a 5 hour period (that's 5 applications - hourly), the padrome was gone by the time I went to sleep! The padrome was huge, and started on the right side, going down my right hip and into the right ovary area.. along with painful skin in the genital area.. obviously where the OB was to occur.

Woke up in the morning and no OB, nor any sign of padrome on the right side! Another stressful day follows, and voila.. by lunch time, massive padrome now on the left side! 6pm that night, same protocol as above.. MMS/DMSO applied externally for 5 hours - hourly, and gone by morning! Another stressful day ahead - lunchtime.. bang! Padrome.. but on the right side again.

This went on for 5-6 days, with the padrome swapping from left to right each day. I find this extremely interesting, as this has never happened with padromes and OB's before. Keep in mind, that no OB occurred during this time, only padromes that didn't propagate.

Come the 6th day, I think I had coffee and cake for lunch, provided by the company I was working for, as it was the final weeks to a very busy contract period. No one had time to eat or drink for hours at a time! Then I had chocolate afterwards :blush:, knowing it was such a no no, particularly since my body had been fighting this ongoing padrome. And then, after work.. a glass or 2 of red wine :oops: Later that night, sure enough.. the OB popped its ugly head out after the final straw.. pizza!, and it had the potential to be one of the biggest OB's I've had to date. Its circumference was 3-5 cms in diameter. I hit it hard with DMSO/MMS again that night, followed by the worst case of diarrhea I've ever had in my life. Every 10 mins, I had to literally run to the loo! This lasted for about 2 hours, and the OB/padrome was dead.

Next morning, it was almost as if I hadn't even had an OB. The patch where it was coming out, was almost clear. I was nauseous and a little drained, but clear of an OB. That was 4 weeks ago.

Except for now, I've not had any OB's since, and I have to say.. in the last week of my job contract, it was the most stressful week of my life, both personally and career wise. 1 week ago, I was having 2 glasses of red a night, along with a little chocolate here and there. I went through a depressive period in my personal life as well, yet no OB. This tells me that the MMS/DMSO application really knocked the virus around. I truly thought I had killed the parasite that carries the herpes virus. Until... I noticed a week ago, the same thing you mentioned in one of your posts.. my tummy started to bloat and my digestive system felt sluggish. That old, familiar uncomfy feeling appeared, and within a week.. my monthly cycle, and the beginnings of an OB. So the signs are there, and if anything.. now I know why I've had intensified digestive issues for 4 years now. It's all related to the herpes virus. It really does upset the whole digestive system, as this is where the immune system comes into play, through the gut.

Anyhow, long story now.. but the point is.. I can see how important it is to apply activated MMS with DMSO to the base of the spine (and upper spine for OB's in the mouth region). DMSO plays an important part in getting to the core of the problem, however it's diligence, consistency and a good diet, with minimal sugar, stress.. NO alcohol, coffee or tea (sorry guys!). Bathing in MMS is also an important factor as well.

Also, when the gut is bloated and the digestive system sluggish, this is when it's most important NOT to overload the system with too much food, sugars and high GI starches. The body just can't cope as it's dealing with the beginnings of an OB, hence the gut/digestive system stops working as it should. This is the best time to drink plenty of water, and to keep starches/sugars at extremely low consumption.. if at all!

When this happens to me, I have gluten free fruit toast for breakfast, an apple for morning tea (or if I'm not hungry due to bloating, I skip morning tea), and for lunch I have pink/red salmon mixed with sliced avocado and a little paw paw. Afternoon tea usually consists of chopped raw veges like carrot/cucumber/lettuce.. however these are really nice steamed or boiled as well, with some lemon/lime juice mixed with olive oil. Sometimes I might add boiled/poached egg white with my salad, for more protein. For dinner, I'll have a SMALL portion of chicken with salad, and if not too bloated (or full feeling), I'll add 2 tbsp brown rice (white is okay, but brown is better). You can have 2 tbsp mashed potato too, however keep the butter / milk to a minimum.

If I stick with the above for a week, along with MMS/DMSO, the digestive issues subside a few days after the OB.

Anyhow, I'll keep you posted!

The body is an amazing organism, and is capable of so much.. if only we support its needs in how we treat and supplement our body, emotional state, and state of mind :)

The following user(s) said Thank You: Michael Harrah, pam, paul, Researcher, Blessed/smartyme

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Re: HSV1 - Herpes 1 15 May 2012 19:58 #17243

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You are a true warrior .... I love your fighting spirit !!!

I too have HSV ... but HSV 2... and used to get a lot of flare-ups. I used MMS to get rid of the virus from my system, but haven't had the time to go the distance and erradicate it from my body. What I DID notice though, was that the MMS seemed to cripple the HSV to where if I do start to get a flare-up, it never has a full cycle.... and seems to crawl back to where it came from. I might get 2 flare-ups a year now, if that. I took MMS orally for 2 periods... and IV for 2 weeks (2 x's a day up to 15 drops)

After reading your history... I have to wonder if your immune system is being compromised by something else other than the HSV. I can remember when I stopped taked Lysine orally, that I had less breakouts, as weird as that sounds. Lack of rest and stress (as you know) are Huge reasons for a flare-up. But, another reason that a lot of people are unaware of, is the presence of mercury fillings still in one's mouth.

Have a look:

I found that after I removed ALL mercury fillings from my mouth, I got less flare-ups, and had a better sense of well being. Reading between the lines, it sounds like you might be a candidate for Adrenal exhaustion.... is this possible with you ? If so, you might start taking your Basil temperature in the morning, while still in bed laying down, for 3 mornings in a row, and see if its low. If so, you might start boosting your immune system by treating your adrenal glands, and taking iodine from Biotics Research (THE best iodine supplement out there in my opinion)

Anyway..... these are just a few thoughts...


I have been on mm1 for 3 weeks and dmso and cds for one week,

I keep getting obs it is driving me insane, aditionally I have a sinus thing the mms has helped alot, but the OBs are driving me nuts.

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