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Re: Should I have the prostate operation first or the MMS 13 Mar 2012 05:32 #14230

  • wasa
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Thanks for that massive article ZnzMagic I will be doing some more home work. I am glad you guys have my back.!
So does that mean we can just raise our ph and how do we do that taking mms as this is were acidity, I think from memory it is about a ph 4.

I asked a couple of questions in my last post but did not get any answers, so here goes again.

Can I put the baking soda in the daily mix and will this have an effect on the mms also can we up the ph to 7.6 rather than 5.2?

I seem to get a higher temperature after taking the mms is this normal?

Also at the 5 drop dose and 5 days into it, I have a tight tummy and a bloated tummy, as I wanted to start the 10 hour cycle on mms2 today or the protocol 2000 for cancer. Should I wait a few more days, should I cut the daily dose to say 3 drops an hour and wait it out or push on and stop being a Mona Lisa.?

Thanks in advance for your help and answers.

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Last edit: by wasa. Reason: forget to thank ZnzMagic

Re: Should I have the prostate operation first or the MMS 13 Mar 2012 14:02 #14241

  • pam
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Jim Humble has stated that if all it took to kill cancer was to raise the body's alkalinity, then there would be no cancer. I know that probably flies in the face of our high ph = good health believers here, but that is his statement.

No, baking soda can be added, but you have to keep the ph of the mix to between 5 and 5.5 - higher and you negatively affect the MMS.

Higher temp as in "my normal is 97.2 and this brings me up to 98.6" or higher in terms of "my normal is 98.6 and this brings me up to 101" - measured with a thermometer, or just "I feel warmer, or flushed"? USUALLY an increase in body temperature means that the body is doing a healing process - which is why a fever is not always a bad thing, but you don't want it to get too nigh.

Have you been using the baking soda?

I find that FOR ME, I have more gas when I use MMS or CDS - the baking soda helps with the MMS - I don't use it with the CDS. You certainly can drop back to 3 drops an hour and see if that helps with the gas. When you do start the 2000, I would go very slowly there, too.
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Re: Should I have the prostate operation first or the MMS 13 Mar 2012 21:19 #14260

  • wasa
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Hi Pam, no I have not added the baking soda yet as I wanted to be sure that I was not going to mess it up and waist my time taking it. can you explain this a little better as it has me a little confused now, you say "no, baking soda can be added"?

An other question for you.

1. How long can you have the pre mix of mms in a plastic drink bottle, before it has no effect?
2. Please tell me if this is ok practise, I get a 1000ml drink bottle and put my mountain water in it straight from the tap, I do a 2 drop mms and 2 drop 50% citric acid activated for 20 seconds, then add this to the water, I leave this in the fridge over night, the next day I make my pre mix for the day using this water, I use a 5 drop an hour over 8 hours pre mix, I mix 40 drops MMS and 40 drops of Citric Acid activate and add this to the water pre mix, and I keep this cold in the fridge?
3. I ask this as I have noticed that the mix is not as yellow as on the video watching Jim making a mix and that the mix seems to be very acidic in the last 4 hours of the day?
4. Is it ok to keep the MMS and the Citric acid in the fridge?

Any comments or advice are very welcomed.

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Last edit: by wasa.

Re: Should I have the prostate operation first or the MMS 13 Mar 2012 23:07 #14268

  • paul
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Hi, wasa.
1- The 28% solution of mms (premix ?) will keep for weeks in the cool and dark - no UV.
2- Yes
3- Colour comparison from a video is difficult as the colour is very much dependant upon the camera and the screen.
4- Yes

Baking soda may be added in small amounts (1/8 tsp) such that the final pH doesn't exceed 5.5
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Re: Should I have the prostate operation first or the MMS 15 Mar 2012 00:50 #14350

  • Umika
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Dear Wasa,

Yes, start slowly with the oral intake . . .but get in the bathtub! A bath is an excellent way to get the MMS to work on your prostate cancer. I can guarantee you that MMS works. I healed a malignant lesion on the roof of my mouth with it a few years ago. MMS and a very healthy diet of organic foods, esp. fresh veggies and fruit. Drink lots of pure water everyday.

Good luck.
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Re: Should I have the prostate operation first or the MMS 19 Mar 2012 03:24 #14636

  • wasa
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Hi All, sorry I have been off line for a few days as I have been :sick:, I am hoping it was just a bug and had noting to do with the mms, Ion the 15th I went to visit my oncologist to tell them the good news that they cannot operate on me and that I want to be monitored. They did not like this and were very upset that I did not want any treatments, as I am very young for this cancer and it is not normal for me to just be monitored. :ohmy:

They had no option but to be proactive and have asked for a psa to be done in a couple of weeks and another to be done in 6 weeks and so on.
I will post those hear for everyone to see the results.

Unfortunately that day I started my MMS 6 drop per hour this time with bicarb in it, and this time my throat had a bad reaction, it was like my throat just wanted to shut down and it was very hard to swallow and unfortunately I had to shut down the mms intake, it took about 4 days for my throat to feel a bit better, it is still a little sore and early days yet, but I am hoping to start the protocol again soon. Not only did I have a sore throat and couldn't swallow, but, it fells like I have a rip of skin in my throat, I had a very bloated and tight tummy, felt like being sick all the time and blowing wind at both ends, my stoles become very hard and hard to pass.

I am hoping this was a cold or bug that the kids brought home form school, or I caught at the hospital while visiting the outpatient ward and was not related to the mms.

Any comments from experienced members or members that had a similar experience will be welcomed?
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Re: Should I have the prostate operation first or the MMS 19 Mar 2012 21:14 #14676

  • Sky
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Hi wasa

Taken me a while to read the posts on your trial with your PC and choosing to do MMS treatment. Firstly - well done for choosing alternative. I had to smile when you commented on your Dr's reactions! They always do that! So much for the oath they take (imo!)

I feel for you with your tummy reacting. I personally believe you are rocketing up the dosage far to quickly. It is ok to do this slowly and at this stage - if you feel disturbed in your intestines, back off on the drops. What is important is not to stop completely. So get back to 4 or even 3 or 2 per hour to settle your stomach. It's no good to keep hammering your system if it is reacting, and it does little for your motivation.

Also try and find an organic probiotic to supplement your intestinal recovery as it sounds as you may have upset the natural balance. I do this when I dose heavily and it makes a big difference for me. You don't say much about your diet - so I suggest you really try getting a lot of fresh veggies and salads to eat and absolutely NO sugars. I use a bit of honey when I crave sweetened tea. It is important to have your system in shape so you do not lose too much nutrients with your upset stomach.

That sore throat needs to settle too. Do you think it may have been a cold or flu causing it? Whilst on MMS maintenance dose I have not had another cold for a very long time. Sounds like you are eliminating much and it is allowing reactions in your body. Need to keep your nutrition and hydration up and rest when you can.

Good luck - and God Bless!
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Re: Should I have the prostate operation first or the MMS 01 May 2012 06:20 #16573

  • wasa
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Hi all,

Sorry I have been very upset lately as my computer crashed and have no idea why, I put it down to big brother watching what I have been saying and doing regarding mms and the research I had done and I lost all the research I had done on everything for the last 2 years.

I have only just been able to get another computer and found my old pass word so was able to get back in, what was so annoying was that I did a backup and the backup had failed to load, even my computer tech was surprised at the damage my computer had done as noting was recoverable at all.

I want to thank all of you who have helped so far and to update you on my progress, no I have not had the operation, I am only being monitored, I had another PSA done on my blood and it is now 3.48 but my doctor is not happy with that and wants me to have another one this week so am booked in on Friday will let you all know.

I have not started any more MMS doses since my last post back in March, as I am still not sure why, I am not coming right, I have major tummy pain and cramps and then I have a complete clean-out of the bowls this is happening on a regular basis, I took everyone's advice and stopped the mms, until I come right. Maybe I should have just kept going and reduced it right down to 1 or 2 drops an hour, but I decided to completely come right first, I am disappointed why it has not yet. I know now that I was taking things way too fast and this just upset the whole body.

I am having a lot of pain down my left leg from the groin area down to the knee and my testicles are always painful to the touch, I am peeing ok and seems to be normal. The tummy pain is very real.

I am still using the mms to treat all my water, I add 3 drops with no acid to about 2 liters and leave it for 8 hours, so I know the water I am drinking is good.

Any and all comments will be very helpful.

If anyone wants to talk to me in person, please private message me with your contact details and the best time to talk, I think it might help if I had an in-depth talk with someone that knows all about mms in detail

Thanks for reading and your thoughts.

Regards Wasa
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Re: Should I have the prostate operation first or the MMS 01 May 2012 12:55 #16591

  • teddibear
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Wasa, Hi : I am in the same place as you are !! I started CDS on April 19th, 2012 and have had great success so far.
I hada tumor on my prostrate and it is now shrinking. I went for a digital exam yesterday, April 30th and the Oncologist told me the tumor has shrunk a lot. I also am scheduled for surgery on May 29th but will go for an exam on May 15th and if the tumor has gone down in size even more I will cancel the surgery. CDS ,,, 1/2 teaspoon every half hour has been working for me. I am working on getting up to one full teaspoon every 1/2 hour. Use CDS, if you can get it. I find it very easy to take in an ounce of water.
There are other methods of treating Prostrate Cancer. You need to research Brachyotherapy on the internet. It is newer and better for treating if CDS does not work for you BUT I have been convinced that CDS will do the job and you will never need surgery.
My PSA is currently 13.3 but I will be tested again soon and let you know the results. The tumor is going down so PSA should go down too. Have faith in CDS my friend. I will keep in touch !!
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