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Should I have the prostate operation first or the MMS 01 Mar 2012 02:41 #13413

  • wasa
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Need some guidance on all the info. About Prostrate Cancer.

Hi be nice to me as this is my first post. I came to this forum to get some answers to my million questions, no I will not be asking so many, as you guys have done an excellent job in putting this forum together. I am very new to the idea of MMS. So I have been going at it flat tack trying to put it all together. now I am lost in information overload, It would be so great to come to a site like this and type in " formula for prostate cancer - do this and don't do that "- and I can see in the future it will be so.

To my situation, The doctors told me I have prostate cancer in my right side of the prostate, a PSA of 4.47, Gleason scale 7 (3+4) no tumor visible, so it is inside the prostate. he then told me about any options I may have medically, he set me up with another Dr who will do the radiation therapy, he will want a CT SCAN done first.

Second interview, before this interview, I had a ct scan with no results showing, they tell me the cancer has not left the prostate. So after explaining what it all meant I asked him,"what are my options" he told me that I can have an operation and remove the prostate or have radiation therapy, I asked about other alternatives that I had read about on the internet and he said " what you read on the internet is a lot of rubbish and none of it works " he told me if I continue down that path I would not have any treatment done and the cancer will move out of the prostrate and I will die within 5 - 10 years. or before I reach 60, I am not old. He then set me up with another appointment in 2 weeks with the guy doing the operation and said to me he wants an answer on that day either op or radiation.

My question is has someone who has done the prostate cancer protocol or found the best protocol for this had any real time results, could they show me what they did and get in contact with me, also any and all comments will be very helpful. My biggest question right now is Should I have the prostate operation first or the MMS?

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Re: Should I have the prostate operation first or the MMS 01 Mar 2012 07:14 #13419

  • Michael Harrah
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Hi Wasa,

The doctors are so filled with high pressure lies. I would not listen to them. They did not investigate MMS to determine if it works, so they cannot offer an informed opinion about it.

They have bills to pay and they need your money, and they want a decision from you NOW.

Tell them where to go. Take responsibility and control of your own health. These fools do not have your best interests at heart, they have THEIR interests at heart. That is a fact.

MMS works fast. Get on the cancer protocol and you'll get results fast. You do not need to be in a rush to get an operation. Change your diet and make changes in your life, and you can beat the cancer. The people who have done that were willing to make changes.

If you decide to do this Wasa, you'll see it is not that hard. Just take one day at a time, get on the protocols and make changes.

You can do this if you want to, and I'm behind you,

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Re: Should I have the prostate operation first or the MMS 01 Mar 2012 07:34 #13422

  • paul
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Hi, wasa. Welcome! It sounds like you have some time for research before you have to make a decision. Cancer is cancer, Not unlike a mosquito bite. You can have mosquito bite of the ankle,elbow, neck +++ but they are all mosquito bites. What do you say when you find that all tumours (100%) contain fasciolopsis buskii worm stages and isopropyl alcohol compounds and 60% contain glass fiber bits and lesser quantities of other polutants such as freon? The tumours develop wherever conditions are most favourable. In the case of the prostate, it has been found that nickel accumulates there which then attracts nickel eating bacteria and worms and viri making a favourable environment for a tumour to start growing. Instead of chopping out your god given parts, it's probably better to give up nickel (stainless steel) and get rid of the parasites. The MMS rids your body of the parasites but you'll have to look after the other stuff like stainless steel and isopropyl compounds which can be found in everything from soft drinks to shaving lotion, otherwise you'll just get cancer somewhere else.
Jim's book can be found here: www.master-mineral.org/products/the-master-mineral-solution-of-the-3rd-millennium/
Hulda Clark has several books on cancer here:
Some results from this forum are here:
Here's one that was posted under PANIC;
Sorry to hear of the PC of your father in law
I'm using eligard 22,5 mg together with MMS1 and MMS2 and I have hardly any side effects from it
My PSA went down from 60 to 10 in 5 weeks but I have no spreading to bones or glands so far
I take only 6 drops of MMS 1 a day and 1/2 capsules of MMS 2 but I will increase that to protocol 2000 in the near future
I think you should start with ptotocol 2000, but read the instructions thoroughly
All the best with you and your father in law

As Bill says, no one will make the decision for you, but we'll help you all we can with information!
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Re: Should I have the prostate operation first or the MMS 01 Mar 2012 08:25 #13426

  • ZnzMagic
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Hi Wasa.

My opinion is forget the regular route with your medical doctors, take the alternative route as soon as possible with protocol-sacrament 2000 to start of with, go onto a cancer beating diet, no sugar and soda pop etc, get yourself MMS1 and 2 and a juicer, hope you like tumeric, garlic and ginger, beet roots, salads in general and fruits will soon become your main dish, you are young as you say withing a month or two, lets say 3 months time, go get your cancer test again, would put my money on it your doctors gonna be surprised with the results and you are only going to get better and better, I predict a 100% reversal of your condition with MMS and nutrition etc......

I am ready to support and guide you step by step through your whole healing process.

Let me know on how I can be of more help, would be a pleasure to kick what ever cancer to where it belongs...


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Re: Should I have the prostate operation first or the MMS 05 Mar 2012 01:49 #13724

  • wasa
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Thanks for all the help and thoughts, sorry my computer crashed and I just got it running again.

I have decided to take control of my own health, and need your help thanks.
I am sick of being treated as a Ginny Pig by the so called health professionals.

I started the protocol 2000 and had 1/4 cap (these are about 1g caps) started burping a smell of chlorine. 2 hours later 1/2 cap, the smell went away but the burping didn't, 2 hours later 1 cap, 2 hours later 1 cap, ok I felt sick, my tummy was tight, I felt bloated, I just couldn't continue, sorry guys I couldn't even go the first day, it took me 3-4 days to come right again.

I am on these hormone tabs flutamin 250mg, they also make my a little sick in the tummy, the doctors told me I had to stay on these to stop the cancer spreading by blocking the testosterone feeding the cancer. it also makes you feel unwell and have little energy. Could this be the reason I am so sick taking the protocol 2000.?

I want to try again, but man I was sick and I was worried about the toxins from within, poisoning me. it took me a while to recover. I am ok now, back to normal, I did notice I didn't get the bright yellow urine form the flutamin, and wondered if it reduced or interfered with this treatment.

I will try to get some MMS or make my own. I think I should start much slower. Any tips is much welcome.

I am trying to source some Sodium Chlorite in NZ, but this seems to be impossible for me.

If anyone can send me some private message me.

Love and health to all.
A Cure Is Only An Answer Away.
God Bless you all
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Re: Should I have the prostate operation first or the MMS 05 Mar 2012 02:28 #13727

  • pam
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I think you started wayyyy too fast. Some people start with only a couple of grains in the capsule, and can go for a couple of days. With everything you build up VERY slowly. (I get the burps from WATER! can you believe it???? :P )

JH says use the size "0" capsules. Looking up the conversion, it looks like you are using larger than a "0" capsule. (Maybe twice as large) -:woohoo:

Capsule Sizing Information | Capsule Connection
www.capsuleconnection.com/capsules"0" size holds about 500 mg

No wonder you felt ill!!!

Once you've settled back down, you may want to try again, just baby, baby steps. :)

I'm sorry you feel so bad.
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Re: Should I have the prostate operation first or the MMS 05 Mar 2012 02:47 #13731

  • paul
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Also, when you're doing mms2, you'll find that lots of water before and after will help - 300 to 500 ml I've been there and done that :>)
Don't worry ! Slowly and steadily will get you there

ps: Congratulations on your decision!
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Re: Should I have the prostate operation first or the MMS 05 Mar 2012 04:50 #13741

  • ZnzMagic
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Yes start off slow and build up slow, there is no rush, the slower and longer you go is probably better if you are not in a life threating situation, have had a problem myself with MMS2, had to go down to a quarter of the capsule and stay on this until my stomach could handle them, had a lot of stuff breaking up from my lungs and flowing down into my stomach then trying to come up my throat and this can lead very quickly into a full vomit.

Have found out that to have some food in my stomach before taking MMS2 helps settle my stomach, lots of water is right, body needs water to wash out all them bad pathogens, so go slow get used to MMS1 first and than start dropping in small amounts of MMS2 building up to protocol 2000 levels.

The faster you go the less blessings you get in a way, the slower you go the more blessings you will get, if you go slow you notice things on the way, if you rush you will miss alot of things on the way of interest.


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Re: Should I have the prostate operation first or the MMS 06 Mar 2012 08:14 #13817

  • wasa
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Thanks guys and girls,

I am looking forward in getting to know you all and with your help, I am sure I will not make the same mistakes as I did, but it's also nice to know that it did not kill me, or make me even sick, it give me diarrhea for a couple of hours and I got that massive pain you get just before it lets loose, but they say I have a sailors gut and was always the last one to pass out at the parties.

I was wondering if any of the medications I am taking as mentioned before or the Esiak Tea or the Shark Cartilage, will interfere in the mms1, has anyone got a do list and don't do list with taking MMS.?

I am thinking about building up on calcium, magnesium and vitamin C before I start again.

I will not use milk this time as I can imagine it is full of toxins.

In answer to your question I think they were 000 caps. they fitted 1g loosely.

Answers to the questions above will be helpful.

To all our health,
A Cure Is Only An Answer Away.
God Bless you all
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Last edit: by wasa. Reason: change my name to wasa