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Re: MMS & GALLBLADDER/LIVER CLEANSES TOGETHER???? 09 Apr 2012 15:55 #15630

  • sharon
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Hi Mickey,sorry this post is so late from your cleanse,you've probably done another one already!Lol! Late posting as my husband had 4 heart attacks and is more than lucky to be alive,but is now taking silly amounts of what I call poisons,they call life saving drugs and cant wait to get him off as many as I can and get him cleansed!

Anyhoo,I have just completed a cleanse,as from the instructions in Andreas Moritz book and boy what a dissapointment! I took malic acid for the appropriate days,that was hard enough and the epsom salts were very hard going,but the oil was even tougher,yuck!

I had difficulty with food,as I have diabetes and cant have fruit,so had to eat bread as it wasnt so bad on my blood sugars and thought that bread was ok,as it didnt say no bread in the book.The 6th day was REALLY hard with no food after 1.30pm,because of my diabetes,I felt sooo weak and maybe the epsom salts didnt help either.In the night I woke sweating,feeling very nauseas and my heart was racing.I sat on the toilet,bowl in hand in case of vomit and expected to have a big release of stones,what a dissapointment! In fact, I've hardly passed anything,a few stones and maybe a tiny bit of "chaff",but mostly just diarrhoea.The next day I felt sooo ill I couldnt function at all,I felt so weak all I could do was rest,sit,sleep and feel pretty spaced out,awful:(

My daughter is on her 6th day today and can't wait to eat normal foods tomorrow,I hope it goes better for her than it did me and that it doesnt put her off further cleanses.

Maybe the 3 day cleanse you use might be better for us than the one we have used,its worth a try.I was hoping for a bit of weight loss too,no such luck there either:( Thankyou kindly.

best wishes sharon

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Re: MMS & GALLBLADDER/LIVER CLEANSES TOGETHER???? 09 Apr 2012 17:16 #15631

  • Mickey
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Hi Sharon,
I'm so sorry that your cleanse was a bust. As I said, you have to keep trying the different ones out there until you find the one that works for you. The one on CleansingorSurgery works extremely well for me and only takes 3 1/2 days! I wouldn't eat bread while doing it because it does have sugar and fat in it. You need to stay away from those things so your gall bladder will build up enough pressure to dump it's load when you drink the oil and lemon juice. I mix the those two and drink it down fast through a straw so I don't taste it much. Goes down much better. I never use the epsom salts. I use 1.5 tsp. of baking soda with 1 tsp. of potassium chloride powder mixed in about 12 ounces of distilled water. I drink this once to twice a day everyday just to keep things moving along well. Works within an hour every time for me anyway. I have pre-diabetes and have watched my glucose while doing my liver cleanses. Maybe because I only use granny smith apples (not so sweet) and only eat fruit and mostly raw veggies, my glucose stays nice and low while doing it.

Discovering what works for each of us is a journey. The important thing is to be sure what ever you try is always safe. Most things in the natural health arena seem to be. In my health journey the things I've found worked the most profoundly for me were;
1-Liver/Gallbladder flushes
2-Coffee enemas
3-Vitamin D3 50,000 I.U. once a week
4-Lugol's Iodine everyday

Keep on your health journey and do try a different cleanse next time. I'm so sorry for your husbands health and really do pray he will be well.
"Knowledge makes a man unfit to be a slave." --Frederick Douglas
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Re: MMS & GALLBLADDER/LIVER CLEANSES TOGETHER???? 09 Apr 2012 17:26 #15632

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Sharon, one more thought I forgot to share with you. I just started using MMS in early Dec. 2011 and I noticed I was passing some stones with it. I did the next liver/gallbladder cleanse to see how many stones if any I could flush out, given that the MMS was also getting them out. I didn't get all that many. I need to do another to be sure. MMS is pro ported to get rid of these stones and so far, it appears it does. If you are already doing MMS, I would keep doing that and maybe move up to the 2000 protocol later on to see if you get more stones out.
"Knowledge makes a man unfit to be a slave." --Frederick Douglas
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Re: MMS & GALLBLADDER/LIVER CLEANSES TOGETHER???? 09 Apr 2012 19:43 #15635

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Hi Mickey,

I think I will try the 3 1/2 day cleanse next,its worth a try,but fruit raises my blood sugar and upsets my stomach,as I have digestive issues amongst everything else! I guess a little fruit for 3 days wont hurt too much in the whole picture of things:)I'm craving like crazy and am thinking that its because the cleanse didnt work properly,cant wait to do the next cleanse and hope I feel better next time!

Did you lose weight with your cleanses Mickey?

I've thought about doing home enemas but dont know how to go about them.In Andreas Moritz book he mentions colema boards,but dont know how expensive a home kit of anything would be,as I am on a very limited budget,but I want to do things properly.

I do take D3,but cant take iodine as I have an underactive thyroid and iodine is a no-no when you are taking thyroid meds.

I dont know what 5MMS is,I know its an MMS protocol,but I'm sooo not in tune with any MMS protocols.I have been taking MMS for a few months or so now and am up to 24 drops in 32oz of water.

To answer your other post at the same time,I dont know what the 2000 protocol is,maybe its the one I'm doing!Lol! I also think the MMS has shifted some stones,but its difficult to tell as I have had diarrhoea for several months now,even before the MMS.

I did wonder if it was worth starting my husband on MMS,but am unsure if he is ok taking it with so many meds.Thankyou kindly.

best wishes sharon

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Re: MMS & GALLBLADDER/LIVER CLEANSES TOGETHER???? 09 Apr 2012 22:25 #15639

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Hi back at ya Sharon. :-) Digestive issues come from a poorly functioning liver/gallbladder. Once you get the stones out, you will see that eventually get back to normal. Ya know on further thought about your recent cleanse results, I have read that it could very well be process, you won't see it until your next flush though because you could have a big one blocking the way for a short time until your next one. If that's the case, it's real important that you try another one 3 weeks after the last one. Don't do them more often than every 3 weeks because it takes 2-3 weeks for more stones to move down from the liver into the gallbladder. The flush empties the gallbladder, while it's the great big liver you're really cleaning. The liver is such a workhorse as you know.

I lost a total of 25 pounds which is exactly what I needed to loose. The liver affects our metabolism so once it's clean, it functions like it's suppose to.

Sorry, I'm not understanding where you got 5MMS from????? I can't find the link that tells how to use Protocol 2000. Maybe someone else will be kind enough to help you with that. I also don't know if it will help your husband or not, but if he were mine, I'd put him on Protocol 1000 a.s.a.p. and work up to Protocol 2000 after 6 weeks or so. Hopefully someone else on this board can help more with that question also.

I take the Lugols because I have low thyroid function. It brings it up to normal without any drugs. Iodine is needed by an unbelievable number of our body's cells, especially the thyroid and woman's breast's! It got rid of my cystic fibrosis breast disease (lumpy breasts). You might want to learn about Lugols solution--it could get you off of your meds.

Best of luck to you. :-)
"Knowledge makes a man unfit to be a slave." --Frederick Douglas

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Re: MMS & GALLBLADDER/LIVER CLEANSES TOGETHER???? 09 Apr 2012 23:08 #15643

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Sharon, here's the link for MMS 2000 protocol;

"Knowledge makes a man unfit to be a slave." --Frederick Douglas

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Re: MMS & GALLBLADDER/LIVER CLEANSES TOGETHER???? 10 Apr 2012 15:55 #15673

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Hi Mickey,thanks for your replies.

I will definately be doing another cleanse in 3 weeks,cant wait,I need them badly after so many years of my body going through hell since childhood and I'm now 45!

I need to lose so much weight,I did lose about 7lb during the cleanse week and 5lb has gone back on in 2 days,how depressing!

My mistake with the 5MMS,you put your helpful list in order and I am so dopey I couldnt see that they went from 1-5.

My husband was going to start the MMS at the same time I did,but as usual,he couldnt be bothered to help himself,but I really want him to start now and he said he's willing to,its just knowing if he can,so I expect the best thing is to start a new subject matter and ask the forum for advice.

Apparantly,its not wise to use iodine when you are already on thyroid meds and not only do I have hypothyroidism,but so does my husband and our 2 kids,its a hereditery thing.

To answer your other post too,thanks for the link,I will look at that and go from there.Thankyou kindly Mickey:)

best wishes sharon

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Re: MMS & GALLBLADDER/LIVER CLEANSES TOGETHER???? 12 Nov 2012 19:22 #26417

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Hi - Thank you so much for posting this. I am looking to do Andreas Moritz's cleanse. When I did it the first time - I passed small stones but I felt amazing - for about 2 days. The second time - I passed larger stones and felt amazing again for a few days.
I did not do the enemas which are key parts of the cleanse. I just got my coleman board so I am ready with the Coffee Enemas during the cleanse.
I am wondering if you integrate any mms and/or DMSO enemas? or do you douche with MMS at all to maximize the effectiveness of the cleanse and killing off of pathogens?
I was planning on doing the cleanse - as I do it twice a year - together with Coffee enemas and then afterwards do the MMS/DMSO protocol - since I don't think taking it at the same time would be good? or would it?
I actually learned about MMS from Andreas Moritz's book. :)
Thanks for all the information you posted. One other question I have is the reaction to Iodine? How you actually take Lugol's iodine everyday?


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Re: MMS & GALLBLADDER/LIVER CLEANSES TOGETHER???? 13 Nov 2012 03:37 #26451

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Hi Ayda,
I'm so happy the cleanse worked for you! Keep at it often for at least 3-4 months.

I bought a Colema board here;

You don't have to have a board to do a coffee enema. Just do it like any other enema---lie on your right side for 12-15 minutes once you've put as much of the quart of coffee in you as you can hold. Draw your knees up and relax and breathe deeply and slowly. I found a super easy way to make the coffee and it rocks. You dump 1/4 cup to 1/3 cup of coffee into a one quart mason jar, then fill with clean boiling water and put the lid on it tight. Give the jar a shake every once in a while after it's not too hot to handle that is. Wait at least 2 hours, then strain into your enema bucket with a fine strainer. You can also do this before you go to bed and it will be waiting for you in the morning all ready to go soon as you wake up.

No, I wasn't interested in the MMS or DMSO enemas. I don't see why you couldn't do it. I prefer the coffee enemas with liver cleanses to further clean the liver. I had every confidence in the MMS killing my parasites due to the strange stuff I saw coming out of me and my Naturalpath looking at my blood (dark field) was blown away how clean my blood was! It was quite exciting to see how happy my blood cells were moving along! They were like little race cars with no clumping at all and no parasites, viruses or funguses in sight! :-) No MMS douches either. For me anyway, MMS orally kicked butt all by itself. It also seemed to have helped a great deal with gall stones too as I saw very very few while I was on the MMS.

Lugol's, I take 4 drops in water in the morning and again in the early evening.

Hope this info helps you.
Wishing you great speed to wellness! :-)
"Knowledge makes a man unfit to be a slave." --Frederick Douglas

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