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some questions 04 Feb 2012 10:52 #11567

  • sharon
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I have been taking mms for a little over 3 weeks now and feel absolutely no different at all,any ideas why? I have read a few posts,as many as my tired brain can cope with and I'm confused.

Someone posted about pancreas pain and an increase in blood sugar levels and I have to say,my BG's have increased too and that worries me,as I'm finding I'm able to eat less and less,as more foods are affecting my bg's more.I do have diabetes and am taking meds for that,but my BG's are now higher than before mms,any ideas why?

Also,this person mentioned rhinitis and I believe Pam said that she has food allergies,but I thought mms helped with food allergies too. I have a lot of issues with food,many make me feel ill in different ways,but since mms,I feel no different with foods,any ideas why?

I feel so tired,more than before mms too,I cant understand it all. I thought after over 3 weeks of 24 drops of each over 8 hours would do something,or at least make me feel a tiny bit different,but it hasnt and that worries me.I am able to function less and less and that cant be right,any ideas?

Best wishes sharon

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Re: some questions 04 Feb 2012 14:54 #11576

  • pam
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Sharon, MMS works against pathogens - so if the issue is not pathogen caused, it won't affect it. My allergies are almost all caused by inhalants - I would not expect them to be "cured" by MMS - if there was an overlying bacterial infection that would be helped, but by body's automatic reaction to my cat's dander is not going to be "stopped" IMHO. Maybe it's my expectation that is causing this, who knows?

I was wondering how you were doing your MMS. Fatigue is usually a sign of overdosing (like a herxheimer reaction, the body is working overtime to release the toxins, using a lot of your energy) - if you are particularly toxic, the die-off may be causing this reaction.

I do know that JH has stated in the past that diabetes is only healed half the time - and sometimes takes a lot longer to heal than the usual 3 weeks.

Good luck!

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Re: some questions 04 Feb 2012 15:00 #11577

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Sharon - a qouple of questions: -

Why are you taking MMS?

What are BG's (pardon my ignorance)

As MMS releases pathogens during treatment, you will have an energy deficiency of sorts or tiredness, as it takes energy to eliminate toxins. The effect should not last for than a few days though. A lifetime buildup of pathogens in the body will need patience.

What sort of diet are you following? Eating a balanced for your blood type is important. With a lack of good nutrition, allowing for mineralisation and good hydration you will also lack energy.
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Re: some questions 04 Feb 2012 15:38 #11580

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Thanks Pam,looking at posts,it does seem that the fatigue could be herxheimer,but its so hard to know when I have so many other issues! It could be my ME/Chronic fatigue/hypothyroidism,anaemia,vit and min defficiencies,hormone imbalances,food and chemical intolerances,low cortisol,stomach issues or even my diabetes,take your pick!Lol!

Perhaps I'm expecting too much,as I thought the mms,clearing pathogens etc,would build your immune system up,therefore allowing your body to not react to "allergens" anymore.Lets face it,if our bodies worked efficiently and our immune systems were strong enough,we wouldnt be allergic to anything and would fight off all attacks,of any kind,why else do some people get ill and others dont?

I do know that I have a lot of inflammation in my blood,as my ferritin level is much to high and this indicates inflammation in the body. I'm hoping that taking mms will help eliminate this inflammation,as this will make me feel tired too.

best wishes sharon

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Re: some questions 04 Feb 2012 16:07 #11584

  • sharon
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I am taking mms for many reasons.I guess you could say my diet as a child consisted of mainly antibiotics! I was constantly ill and had so many antibiotics,I was more or less on them permanently for years.I was put on the contraceptive pill at the age of about 11-12 years old because my periods were so heavy and no,it didnt work,so I had a d+c [my first of 2] at the age of about 12-13. I dont know what you call a d+c in America [if thats where you are] but here in England,its where they scrape your womb out,Yuck! I was given the contraceptive pill many times after and it still never worked!

I have been ill since about the age of 7 with everything from colds,flu's viruses,measles and mumps etc,water infections,thrush you name it! I missed out on an education because of my health and I was the top of my class for everything and very sporty,better than most of my year! I'm not being big headed,I'm quite the opposite,putting myself down all the time,but when I pull myself back into reality,I remember what I had and have lost to ill health:(

I had severe problems with pregnancy and ended up being commited to a psychiatric hospital after I had my first born,because I had a psychosis and was "fed" a whole host of meds,which also done nothing accept give me side effects beyond side effects!

Everything has just gone downhill from the age of 7 and life has just simply passed me by.

I would say that I have issues with candida,big time,who wouldnt with a lifetime of so many pills! I have food intolerances,chemical sensitivities,hypothyroidism,well,a whole host of endocrine disorders,whatever next!

BG's are blood glucose.Thats what you test with the strips when you are diabetic.When I first saw someone put that,I wondered what it was too and had to ask!Lol!

I dont eat a lot as my diabetes is dictating to me more and more at the moment.I dont go by what the "doctors tell you is a "good" level of BG,as to have a good level means you dont need as many meds,which means "The powers that be" dont make as much money.Even a diabetic has the right to have BG levels of a non-diabetic on a good diet and the right meds.To tell someone they can eat a certain thing,which will raise your BG too much,but tell them that level of BG is ok and to just take more insulin,is unethical and immoral! We have a shortened life and "they" make more money.But this is why we are here on this forum and why JH is treated the way he is for doing something that is right;)

My diet is very basic,meats,salad,good fats,veg when I can tolerate it and dairy,but not milk as its high in sugar and carbs.None of what I eat is organic,as my husband is not working at the moment and cannot afford food that is so expensive.

best wishes sharon

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Re: some questions 04 Feb 2012 17:58 #11594

  • pam
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Sharon, it does sound as though your body has a LOT of pathogens that may take a lot longer to get better - and you might have to do it a little slower - I don't know - but the one thing I do know is that patience will be your best friend through this - the hardest to have, because when you've been sick for so long, you want health NOW! :) But you will improve - you've just got a lifetime of "stuff" to clear out!
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Re: some questions 04 Feb 2012 18:53 #11598

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How true Pam.
We are what we eat and that includes all the medication
over the years. It takes the right attitude to improve our
health. Doing the same thing produces the same results.
This is the place to find the right help to better health!.

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Re: some questions 04 Feb 2012 19:18 #11600

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Wow Sharon - your sure sound like a case I would like to have access to in assisting treatment to restore your health. As Pam says - you have a lifetime of stuff to clear and deal with. Mental ability in this case is supreme and the fact that you are aware of the pitfalls makes for good prognosis.

Your diabetes is totally "fixable" and it would be a great challenge for you to be focussed on doing your best without the meds that surely precipitate the continuance of what you are dealing with. That being said, you should act carefully and not throw out what you are doing in containing your condition with your meds till your general condition improves. The volume of antibios you had to endure is concerning and would have given you a lot to deal with.

I would highly recommend that you consider a highly vegetarian diet - even vegan if you have the means. It is really not that difficult. The link I posted earlier today is a good place to start some self education and will really assist you in understanding the prognosis.

Check out this link and I am sure the members here will have a lot of advice to add.


Also dig into the Health Ranger's site as he has posted much assistance info on your condition. Are you diagnosed Type I or Type II?

Please ask more as I am happy to check in here to discuss this with you.
The mind is like a garden, if you do not cultivate it, you cannot harvest from it.
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Re: some questions 04 Feb 2012 20:24 #11602

  • sharon
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Thanks Pam,I will be more patient and keep drinking my mms!

best wishes sharon

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