I’ve got some good news and I’ve got some bad news.
First the bad news.
Last Tuesday, 5 days ago, I took my normal morning taxi ride to go to work and the driver, who looked a bit ragged, coughed the entire way, evidently filling the car (the windows were up) with a cold virus. To top it off, when he gave me my change which was in the form of bills out of his front breast pocket, one of the bills had a blob of snot which stuck to my thumb when I took it. Fortunately I had some CDH with me in a small container and so I cleaned my fingers within a minute or two. By the end of my work day I started to feel my throat a bit scratchy but besides that I felt fine. By the end of the next day, Wednesday, I felt about the same but by the end of Thursday I could feel that the virus was getting more of a foothold and by the end of Friday's workday I was really feeling the cold building quite a bit, had a very runny nose and was doing a fair amount of sneezing.
Keep in mind that before Tuesday for the last 20 months and up to the present moment, I have been adding 1 drop of Sodium Chlorite to every 200 to 250ml of water (every 200ml for the last few months) that I’ve been drinking, and during this time I did pick up one very mild cold about 10 months ago which I documented here before. So when this latest cold bug hit me, I thought my immune system, along with the Sodium Chlorite/CLO2, would be able to take care of it, however this wasn't the case. I do feel that the development of the cold was slowed way down due to me taking the drops in all my water, as it really didn't feel strong at all until Friday, 4 days later, and it wasn't until then that I thought it was really any kind of a problem. By Friday evening though, I thought I better step up my game since the bug was getting stronger and so I added something I've never done before which appears to have been extremely effective which I'll describe below.
By the way I think the reason why just the drops in all my water wasn't enough to stop this cold is because CLO2 has a more difficult time getting up to our nasal passages where colds develop and also I think the cold viruses become protected by the mucous present there which can act as a barrier to the CLO2, hence my reasoning that the following method which I'll describe below, might be what's needed to stop a stubborn cold sometimes.
By doing the following a couple of times Friday evening and about 8 times (spaced about an hour and a half apart) on Saturday, by Sunday morning the cold was gone. Also I did feel a slight improvement after just the first or second time that I did this method.
By the way, this is the good news
What I did was to take a deep breath of air to completely fill my lungs and held it in. I then opened a bottle of CDH which I had taken out of the fridge a few hours previously so it had time to warm to room temperature and then I released a very small amount of air through my nose so that my lungs were no longer completely full of air. I then placed the open bottle of CDH directly under one nostril and while holding the other nostril closed with a finger, I sniffed a small amount of the CLO2 gas into my open nostril and nasal passages. I then immediately held the other nostril closed and sniffed some of the CLO2 gas into the other one. Then, after getting some CLO2 into both nostrils/nasal passages, I held both nostrils closed and proceeded to basically inflate my nostrils and nasal passages for about 10 to 20 seconds by forcing a little air into them as if I was trying to "pop my ears", like what you might do when you're on an airplane and your ears have pressurized in some way. The purpose for doing this was to expand the membranes inside to hopefully allow the CLO2 to more easily penetrate and get absorbed into the blood vessels so that it could then take care of the virus there. Then after about 20 seconds I exhaled the air in my lungs through my nose.
Note that by filling my lungs with air like I did and then just releasing a very small amount so that I could sniff some CLO2 into each nostril, it wasn’t possible for me to take any of the CLO2 into my lungs where it could potentially do some damage.
Please keep in mind that this is experimental and even though it did seem to work for me without any negative side effects, if you try it please be very careful. One potential negative side effect that I can envision happening, is if someone sniffed too much CLO2, it might damage one’s ability to smell which would obviously be very bad. I repeat – this didn’t happen to me to any extent that I can tell though.
And now for some more good news
One very positive side effect that I did see (besides curing me of the cold), is that my mind actually seemed clearer. It felt like I could hold my focus and choose my words better while in conversation and I seemed more in tune with others. More empathetic and compassionate. I felt deeper and more connected with the people around me. This wasn’t any kind of a high feeling at all but more like a mental clarity that allowed me to see my surroundings, including people more clearly. So maybe the CLO2 got up into my brain and dissolved some crap up there that was blocking my synapsis? I don’t know – I’m not a brain expert or anything, but I did notice an improvement in my mental acuity.
I’m actually just as excited about this as this methods ability to cure a cold!
Lastly, I want to repeat that while I did catch a cold again while doing this non-activated drops in water method, I think that the cold’s normal progression was slowed down a lot because of it, and it was also easier to finally knock out the cold because of this method.
May we all be well,