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Update, and thoughts on some confusing reactions to treatment 17 Jun 2023 18:49 #79028

  • RFKennedyJrforPrez
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Hello, MMS'rs,

Couple of things I've noticed:

1) Since beginning treatment, I've noticed an annoying, clear, egg-white consistency mucus keeps collecting at the back of my throat - cant' swallow it down, can't spit it out. Wondering if it's biofilm, and how to get rid of it.

2) I'm on day 12 of treatment, and done with a 4-day mold protocol. I'm back on the hourly drops. On day 7 of treatment, I got an HSV outbreak on my lower back (same place it always shows up), that's not clearing. I thought the MMS would take care of it quickly, but no - not only did I GET the outbreak while on the drops, but it's quite itchy and persisting, despite internal and external MMS1 applications (with DMSO). I'm surprised and disappointed. Thoughts?

3) Yesterday, I had taken my 8 drops of MMS1 + DMSO, waited about 15-20 minutes, and then ate a meal of chicken, artichoke hearts and cucumber. I had been on this dose all day, with no pain, no problems. But then around 5:45pm (10 minutes after eating) I suddenly had a terrible stomach ache. I felt a bloating pressure in my stomach like a reaction was going on in there, thought I was going to throw up, and the pain came in waves (upper and lower stomach). The pain started about 10 minutes after eating, and was so bad, made me so nauseated, that I stopped taking drops, went to lay down and didn't eat again for the rest of the day. I did take a dose of clay in the evening, hoping it would ease my stomach symptoms, but it didn't.

I also noticed that I thought the artichoke hearts tasted kind of like chlorine to me, and I didn't really like them, which is unusual.
The only possible causes I can think of are that the DMSO somehow was taken too close to the food and I basically created a leaky-gut type thing

- or -

the artichoke hearts were marinated in a mix of canola and olive oil, and maybe the canola oil created a larger reaction than normal, due in some way to the treatment. Maybe the biofilms are breaking up and the canola oil was more able to irritate the intestinal lining?

Today I'm going back on the protocol, but bumping down to 3 drops per hour + DMSO, and foregoing the DMSO on the dose before and after lunchtime.

Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks :)

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Update, and thoughts on some confusing reactions to treatment 21 Jun 2023 06:44 #79072

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blue light... 460nm to 470nm... shown on herpes will almost instantly clear an HSV outbreak in combination with an oxidizer like MMS or hydrogen peroxide. I don't get outbreaks but I learned this when I got a staph infection. You can google blue light and staph infection to find where they found this out. If you keep googling you'll see that not only does it kill staph but people use it to head off herpes outbreaks. So I bought a 470 nm ultrafire flashlight and it worked like magic. Anytime I get a pimple or infection on my skin now I wash it, shine the light on it for two minutes, then pour some hydrogen peroxide on it and it just gets totally better like... within an hour. 

Also, from what I know about herpes, I'm not sure if you can use lysine, coconut oil, or olive leaf extract in combination with MMS (I'm new here) but that combo is supposed to kind of crush herpes. So, altogether that might ease the symptoms while you rid your body of it. Oh... also licorice root extract (glyzcyrrhizic acid) is supposed to help kill the latent virus. I learned all this studying viruses when covid hit. It seemed that everything that helped herpes also helped covid.

The throat thing... maybe silent acid reflux? I get something like that when I get nighttime acid reflux. If you're having GI bloating... that could cause GERD.  As to why you had that stomach issue... no clue. 

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Update, and thoughts on some confusing reactions to treatment 26 Jun 2023 07:14 #79167

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@ Neocosmism -- Very Interesting info - taking notes! Thank you so much for responding :)

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Update, and thoughts on some confusing reactions to treatment 26 Jun 2023 08:54 #79168

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Hi BillPop,

Thanks so much for your response,

I haven't been taking the MMS since my last post, because something (maybe the clay + psyllium shakes on the mold protocol) messed up my gut pretty bad and now my belly is hard and distended, and my elimination is all wonky. So I started taking that Global Healing Oxy Powder to flush out my gut, but it's not doing that much. I'm hardly every constipated, but everything just seems off right now.

So I've just taken a week off to drink lots of herbal teas, eat big salads and steamed veggies and fruit and take probiotics. I still look and feel quite bloated though.

Figuring out what to eat during the protocol is my biggest problem.

I didn't think the meal I ate (chicken + artichoke hearts) was particularly healthy, but, I thought Jim Humble says you shouldn't nourish the body too much while on the protocol because you're just nourishing the pathogens as well.

I also thought you're not supposed to have too much antioxidants - so I thought that meant not to have veggies like carrots, brocoli and squash which are all nutrient dense.

Jim Humble also says not to try to alkalinize the body - he says foods don't change your PH, acid environments are actually more hostile to pathogens than an alkaline one, and the body is supposed to be slightly acidic anyways.  

My naturopath told me to eat things like meat and oatmeal because you can eat smaller amounts and they'll still hold you over for a while, and you want to keep your stomach on the empty side.

Also, something that carb-heavy (like mashed potatoes and white rice)  - isn't it just going to feed the candida?

Could you say more about why you think that chicken is a bad choice? Is it any meat? How about eggs?

I agree that I should start over.

I just don't know if I need to do more on the Mold Protocol first, and (if so) how to mesh that with my stomach still being all jacked up from the last round of bentonite/psyllium shakes, (and possibly the DMSO + MMS1).

And I don't know what to actually eat.

If I stop working out I could probably just fast until evening, but since I work out, I get pretty hungry about an hour or so later. Is it better to be sedentary for a few months so I can fast? Or is it better to come up with an eating plan and keep up with my daily workouts?

I really wish Jim Humble had more guidance about this stuff in his book!!!


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Update, and thoughts on some confusing reactions to treatment 26 Jun 2023 12:13 #79171

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When you are cutting carbs to starve Candida you have to add in more fat. Chicken isn't preferred but if you cook thighs in a creamy sauce that is an easy way to up the fat. Something like Indian Coconut Curry or Butter Chicken if you don't have a reaction to the spices. Chickens are very high in Omega 6 (linoleic acid) due to a diet of grains. Locating properly raised chickens is not only difficult but is very expensive. A simpler approach would be fatty beef like a roast or a steak that has visible fat. Don't use vegetable oils, even olive oil is up to 95% seed oil and the vast majority of avocado oil is rancid. Butter (or ghee), tallow, and lard are superior fats and are the optimal source of energy for our bodies. Dairy also can feed Candida so don't switch to cheese for extra fats. Be careful not to forgo the fats and only rely on protein, that will force your body to convert the extra protein to glucose which will feed the Candida. The war on saturated fat created the fattest and unhealthiest people in history.
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Update, and thoughts on some confusing reactions to treatment 30 Jun 2023 04:19 #79223

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I just finished a 2 hour presentation on YouTube by Jim McDougall, as per your suggestion!

While I thought there were some logical errors in some of his comments, I found it a very interesting point of view, and I'm inclined to believe him when he says that the emphasis on high protein is industry-driven, comes with harmful side effects, and is not actually the cure-all for everything that ails us that the current trend hails it as.

Thank you so much for sharing it!

I felt a lot better eating nothing but plants today - salads, sweet potato, avocado, garbanzo beans. My stomach feels settled, my peristalsis has normalized, and I'm actually very happy to be foregoing meat, which bothers me from a heartfelt moral point of view more than anything else.

I thought it was interesting too, that he called milk, "liquid meat" - and I can see how this is a useful way of describing it.

Very clean veganism appeals to me on many levels. I will probably keep making bone broths from the Farmer's Market, and consuming fresh eggs, and the occasionally using raw honey, and let that be about it for my consumption of animal products.

Thanks again! :)

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Update, and thoughts on some confusing reactions to treatment 30 Jun 2023 04:27 #79224

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Very interesting, JTF, thank you! Where can I read more about this? Is there a particular doctor or website or something where I could do a deep dive?

How depressing to see the state of the modern food system - miserable chickens fed unnatural diets, rancid oils and falsified labels. No wonder the populace is so sick!

Is there any way to tell if your avocado oil is rancid??

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Update, and thoughts on some confusing reactions to treatment 30 Jun 2023 21:54 #79229

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Fruit feeds Candida. Stop eating it. Use the antifungal diet, take activated charcoal and you won't get herpes again. Do not eat carbs at all. Eat meat and green vegetables. Take one drop of MMS two hours before food.

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Update, and thoughts on some confusing reactions to treatment 03 Jul 2023 12:39 #79244

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The best place to start is with the low Candida diet. There are a lot of doctors that discuss not only the anecdotal benefits of switching to a low or no carb lifestyle but they also step through the science. There is a big range of how people interpret low carb, keto etc. When dealing with Candida overgrowth it's best to get as close to zero carbs as possible. Keto, as defined by most doctors that also practice it, is usually no more than 20 total carbs. That leaves very little room so vegetables such as cauliflower, cabbage, summer squash and a few others are what falls into the acceptable range. Many who find themselves having to pursue the keto way of eating also learn they have a reaction to oxalates as well which further reduces the list of acceptable vegetables. There are a few individuals, I haven't stumbled upon a doctor yet, that are eating a vegan keto diet. In what I know, it's impossible to be a vegan eating a ketogenic diet and to also be low oxalate.

I know several on this forum champion the vegan lifestyle, I do not. I was a vegan three decades ago, worked at a health food store alongside PHD nutritionists, and know first hand that supplementation does not offset the mineral depletion. Can it work for someone who is very ill or overweight, yes. The problem is that after 2-3 years the nutrient and mineral depletion in the body will start to manifest. If left uncorrected, it will result in permanent damage to the endocrine system. Humans are not ruminants and our cecum (appendix) is miniscule, in most it no longer functions. We evolved to thrive on fat but we can, in a situation of starvation, utilize carbohydrates to get an immediate boost of energy to obtain a nutritionally rich (and bio available) food source. I could bore you with the science such as, cow's live on 70% fatty acids that are produced by the bacteria that breaks down cellulose and 30% protein from the bacteria that naturally dies off. Nutritionally they are a carnivore (70/30) even though they consume cellulose, ruminants have an amazing digestive system. While technically peas have a decent amount of protein, it is not very bioavailable to humans. A proper diet does not need supplementation (iodine being the exception which everyone should be taking regardless of food choices) and should never have one in a state where they have to eat every few hours before they start having side effects. This is true for the entire animal kingdom. If a storm is rolling through, squirrels will hunker down for the duration. They are not shaking, melting down, lethargic etc... once the storm passes they will emerge and go about doing squirrel things. We are all designed to miss meals when it is essential for survival.

As for avocado oil, I have never searched for a lab that publishes oil testing results. If I feel a need I just eat a ripe avocado, ripe avocados have a very low oxalate amount but unripe are high. Coconut oil seems to be mostly unadulterated so it's still a great non animal source of fat. There is debate on palm oil and I can personally attest to palm fields being the number one product that is replacing the rain forests in the Americas...sorry folks, it's not cows.

Just to drive the point home on fat. All of our hormones are derived from fat. Fat and protein are essential macro nutrients for humans, there is no carbohydrate requirement. Many of us have an exhausted endocrine system, the only solution is to eat a high saturated fat diet to fuel our hormones. Animal protein is where our body gets it's nutrients, just like wolves, lions, alligators etc. We have overcomplicated something very simple and then have implemented detrimental farming practices. Ruminants are the answer. Not only will they provide all of the nutrition and fat we need, they will heal the land we have abused for at least a century. Most, if not all, of us here knows the FDA lies about Sodium Chlorite...why would one believe what they recommend as a diet.

Here are a couple quotes from a case against the FDA. In their arguments the FDA stated:
"There is No Absolute Right to Consume or Feed Children Any Particular Food"
"There is No Generalized Right to Bodily and Physical Health"
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