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Protocol 1000+ isn't working for my long covid heart symptoms. 19 May 2022 17:20 #75301

  • Montyniranjan
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that sounds good. like I said, if there is no permanent change in the tissues and structuring within your organs, and problems are only being caused by bacteria and viruses, I think mms will work .

but to be honest, the only thing that always worries me and I constantly use this example to myself, which im not sure the rest of you would agree with :
- when I put bleach in my toilet bowl, it becomes almost squeaky clean .
- when I leave the toilet bowl for about four days it becomes bacteria ridden again.

im always concerned if mms has to be life long , because this idea of constantly sipping on mms every hour for an indefinite period of time really gets to me

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Protocol 1000+ isn't working for my long covid heart symptoms. 19 May 2022 17:49 #75302

  • stu77000
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that sounds good. like I said, if there is no permanent change in the tissues and structuring within your organs, and problems are only being caused by bacteria and viruses, I think mms will work .

but to be honest, the only thing that always worries me and I constantly use this example to myself, which im not sure the rest of you would agree with :
- when I put bleach in my toilet bowl, it becomes almost squeaky clean .
- when I leave the toilet bowl for about four days it becomes bacteria ridden again.

im always concerned if mms has to be life long , because this idea of constantly sipping on mms every hour for an indefinite period of time really gets to me


The idea for me is to eat and drink healthy so that you don't need to use CD. Using CD as a crutch for a bad lifestyle is not a good idea IMO.

Eating healthy will solve sooooo many problems, especially people living in the USA, they eat so unhealthy it's no wonder so many people are ill with so many issues in that country. I can't actually believe how unhealthy people eat in the US. No offence to our US members but it's true......

A diet of fresh vegetables, fruit, wholegrain non-GMO bread, then taking a teaspoon of fresh ginger, turmeric, garlic every other day will keep you going for a long time before you need CD again. That is just the short list of course.

Obviously organic is the way to go to avoid poisons like glyphosate. But not everyone can afford organic and non-GMO so you do the best you can.

Some people take CD every day and that is their choice, I think eating healthy is the best bet for living the longest and healthiest. Add CD into the mix and it's a powerful combo.

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Last edit: by stu77000.

Protocol 1000+ isn't working for my long covid heart symptoms. 21 May 2022 03:03 #75337

  • dyl
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I'm new here, but I've been following the mms telegram channels and lots of C19 stuff. I have a couple of unconventional suggestions, by way of Dr. Bryan Ardis, who suggests that C19 was man-made using venom peptides that self-replicate in the body. His recommendations are basically venom inhibitors; NAC, Nicotine (gum or patches) and hydroxichloriquine (not sure how to spell that.) Ivermectin is one you could safely use also. If you try these with no success, then I'm all out of ideas for you!
Best wishes,

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Protocol 1000+ isn't working for my long covid heart symptoms. 21 May 2022 06:53 #75341

  • Jenny_goodhealth
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I am skeptical about Dmitry Kats  niacin protocol  because:

(1) He attacks the FLCC and ivermectin on Telegram;

(2) Conflict of interest:  He get a % of $ for recommending the place to buy supplements.  He also charges $375 an hour for consultation while he is not a M.D.

(3) He has changed his protocol at least 4 times from niacin to niacin + melatonin to niacin + cucumin to niacin + many other supplements including vitamin B & alpha acid, etc????  (He wants people to buy more stuff now…).   Why all theses charges in a year of time ????   These affect his credibility????   

(4) He set up a Telegram account & other social media platforms as a front to sell his services and products indirectly…

Any thoughts??? Is this guy trustworthy?  Does his protocol work?  

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Protocol 1000+ isn't working for my long covid heart symptoms. 21 May 2022 16:10 #75361

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For some reason I am getting emails about this issue. I am sorry for all of those who  suffer from long term effects from Covid19 or the Vaccines, the latter is what I have observed and heard from in my community, including death and very severe reoccurrence of cancer in patients that had it in remission. 
I Googled the name Dmitry Kats and it came he is this: Dmitry Kats
PhD in Epidemiology,  University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ; also Biostatistics, Mathematics
Verified email at email.unc.edu -  Homepage
There has been quotes from him since 2015. That being said, Google is part of the WEF and frankly I do not trust anything any more. 
I have been a fan of FLCC and Dr. P. Kory.
I personally know unvaccinated people who had Ivermectin when infected with Covid19 and it worked perfectly fine, I know of one person who is fully vaccinated and used Ivermectin after being infected and it worked very well, and I know of a very good personal  friend who is fully vaccinated and had had covid19 twice after the vaccines. During her second infection she tried Ivermectin and it did not work at all. 
Conclusions? We are all different, our age, gender, health or lack of count.

It is believed there are several different vaccines from the same manufacturers, for instance the adult Pfizer vaccine may not be the same for Canada or Central America or Africa, it is believed these people continue to experiment its effect on humans and there are different intensities of certain ingredients in these injections and are sent to different parts of the world to see what are the negative reactions. There good doctors and scientists checking on those interesting reactions in the same areas in the USA. I think that may explain why some double vaccinated people react differently to Ivermectin. 

Back my reply about this doctor Kats - it seems he is a doctor-. anyone involved in sales I do not trust. 

Niacin is easily found in food. I doubt that it would help but I am not a doctor.

BillPopMMS reply # 75306 seems very good. I would go to his website if I was experiencing your problems.

I am vaccine free and I believe I had covid19 this past winter. But I took CDS immediately; the moment I realized it. 40mL of CDS at 3000 ppm in 1L of water every 15 minutes. 2 bottles that afternoon. Next morning I was 90% better. I also had CDS on the floor of my bedroom to have the gas clean the air. Next morning I continued with 20 mL of CDS/L . I had 1.5 bottle. But that afternoon I felt 100% well.  I changed all the bedding every morning for 3-4 days  and sprayed the pillows with straight CDS. I took showers twice a day during those days. Just as an extra precaution. 

I have a little advice...Be very diligent with your diet, you know what you need to AVOID. I read in the 90s : "Sugar is the worse enemy of the human body" but you see its abundance in all the junk heavily advertised. And whatever you decide to do to create a positive change in your body....Follow it to the letter...no breaking the rules a little bit here and a little bit there....Be honest with yourself. It is not fair to say something did not work if it was not done EXACTLY as per the instructions. 

Best of lucks


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Protocol 1000+ isn't working for my long covid heart symptoms. 23 May 2022 12:57 #75410

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This video is from the Red Pill Expo from June 2021

CDS vs COVID-19 THE ANTIDOTE Dr. Manuel Aparicio-Alonso. AMAZING 99.3% recovery rate! This will change the world!


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Protocol 1000+ isn't working for my long covid heart symptoms. 23 May 2022 15:37 #75411

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I have communicated directly with Dr. Aparicio. He is a great person.
Changing the subject....a little bit
The pressure to dominate us through food shortages has started. There is an order to euthanize 4000 turkeys in Abbotsford British Columbia because they are "infected with the avian flu" and an undisclosed number in Richmond BC. There was a big flood this past winter in that area that killed millions of farm animals. So the prices are already astronomical and the poorer are getting poorer. The Canadian PM is a member of the WEF and so is the Premier of British Columbia and extremely willing to break the laws to submit the citizens to mandates that violate basic fundamental human rights.
Now we see photos of the "monkey pox" that were taken from shingles vaccines advertisement. It is believed that shingles is a by product of the covid19 vaccines. The mother of a friend of mine died last year of shingles complications after her 2nd dose. Her father has now a rare from of cancer.

That is why I have made sure my supply of Cl02 is secured for at least 8 years. I would advise everyone else to do the same.

The second plandemic has rolled out. There is a conference for the WEF in Switzerland and military and police presence is intense, they are changing the store fronts to make the town appear for the TV cameras as something is not...

Good luck to all.

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Protocol 1000+ isn't working for my long covid heart symptoms. 23 May 2022 16:57 #75412

  • JimH1954
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Don't forget the WHO conference that's going right now. The Pandemic Treaty meeting.
Shingles cases definitely on the rise among the jabbed. 
I'm one province east of you.  
All the best.
Jim in AB.

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