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COVID MMS suggested dosing? 03 Oct 2020 03:33 #66103

  • angieLynn
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Hi all, I'm wondering what you guys would dose with oral MMS for COVID?

Has anyone used MMS for COVID? Please share how it went.
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COVID MMS suggested dosing? 03 Oct 2020 10:23 #66105

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"We have DEFEATED Corona virus! MUST WATCH! Andreas Kalcker Oct 2 2020 - CLO2.TV"



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COVID MMS suggested dosing? 03 Oct 2020 13:10 #66109

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Hi, thanks - I saw that but he used CDS for oral use, and I'd rather use MMS. Would MMS work and how much would be right? Or am I misunderstanding?

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COVID MMS suggested dosing? 03 Oct 2020 18:18 #66111

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You can read my answer to this question here:


Mark had a COVID-19 MMS1 protocol. I will try to find it. No longer online, but he sent it out via email.

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COVID MMS suggested dosing? 04 Oct 2020 12:35 #66113

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Perfect. Thank you.

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COVID MMS suggested dosing? 04 Oct 2020 16:14 #66114

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Here's what they're doing in Latin America, along with some things that I've added which is spelled out below (it's something I made for a video so pardon the style):

Here's the link to the video I made: www.brighteon.com/a4d93e5c-d7fb-40de-8fa0-9270dc670dc1

Understanding Chlorine Dioxide and How to Use it Safely

Some people are claiming that chlorine dioxide is toxic to the body and I’d like to shed some light on that and hopefully clear up the confusion there, because it can be toxic, IF used at too high of a concentration.

But first of all, I need to let you know that I’m not a doctor or a pharmacist so feel free to talk to one about anything I say. Unfortunately though, there aren’t many (maybe there aren’t any) doctors or pharmacists who have experimented with chlorine dioxide for as long as I have and in as many different ways. I’ve been taking it for about 14 years now and have experimented taking activated and unactivated drops orally (I put 4 to 5 unactivated drops of MMS in every liter of water I drank for 3 years which added up to 13,000 drops!). I’ve taken both CDS and CDH orally and in large quantities, one time I took 107ml of CDH in just 7 hours. I’ve brushed my teeth with various concentrations of CDH for around 7 years now. I’ve taken CDH intravenously at from 50 ppm to 350 ppm. I’ve nebulized CDH up to 70 ppm and I’ve put low concentrations in my eyes. Also, in the MMS world I’m a bit unique because I invented the original CDH and now CDH4000, which is an extremely easy way to make a consistent 4000 ppm chlorine dioxide water based solution.

Now let’s talk about this toxicity question.
First off let me say that it is extremely important to know that you are starting with a known concentration, such as with CDH4000 which is 4000 ppm, or CDS which is 3000 ppm, the reason why is because then we can dilute it with water to make any lower concentrations we need, such as 40 ppm for nebulizing for a viral respiratory infection, or 10 ppm for eye drops. Medicines are always used based on concentration. Many compounds that we use as medicine at low concentrations are toxic to the body at higher concentrations and the same is true for chlorine dioxide.
Now to better understand how chlorine dioxide works, I invite you to think about how fire works, because both chlorine dioxide and fire use the same process of oxidation to break things down. If we put a very small flame under a coin-sized piece of wood for just a second or two, it won’t do any damage to the wood at all but it will instantly burn up any viruses that happen to be there on the surface. If we hold the small flame under the wood continuously, it will take some time, but eventually it will turn the wood into ashes. However, if we use a large flame it will not only instantly burn up any viruses but it will also turn the piece of wood into ashes rather quickly.
The same concept is true for chlorine dioxide. However, the way we increase the size of the chlorine dioxide flame is by increasing the concentration, or ppm. The higher the ppm the hotter the chlorine dioxide will be and the faster it will break down harmful viruses and bacteria in our bodies. We should not make the chlorine dioxide flame too high though, because if we do, it will also break down the cells of our body.
And this is where we can see how important it is to know what the chlorine dioxide ppm concentration, or flame size is. Fortunately, harmful viruses and bacteria can be burned up by a small chlorine dioxide flame (in other words – low ppm concentration) but that flame is too low to harm the much larger healthy cells of our body which are also designed to be resistant to oxidation. Some unhealthy cells of our body though, will also succumb to the chlorine dioxide but that’s fine because our body would be replacing those cells soon anyway.
So now hopefully you can see one reason why it’s so important to know what concentration is being used when it comes to using chlorine dioxide to treat disease.
Another thing to consider is where in, or on the body the chlorine dioxide solution is going to be used because some cells are more delicate than others. For example, the soles of our feet are made of thick tough skin and just as people can walk on hot coals and not get burned (if they walk quickly enough), so too even a very high concentration chlorine dioxide would not be able to harm the soles of our feet unless left to soak in it for a long time. Of course the same isn’t true of our delicate eyes which could be burned easily by even not-so-hot coals or moderate concentrations of chlorine dioxide. The skin on the rest of our body is tougher than the mucous membrane parts of our body such as our mouth, and of course internally, we are made up of something more like mucous membranes.
So a new user of chlorine dioxide should rightfully ask, “What chlorine dioxide flame (or ppm or concentration) is correct for the various parts of my body, both inside and outside?” Unfortunately, almost all of the pharmaceutical companies have no idea since they have never done the studies themselves for the reason that they don’t even want to think about people learning about chlorine dioxide because if people knew about it in a big way, it would put them out of business.
There ARE at least 2 pharmaceutical companies that have done studies though, and these companies have provided us with some very valuable information that can help guide us. They have done studies, for example, to determine what concentration of chlorine dioxide is needed to kill a virus or bacteria in a certain amount of time. These types of studies are very valuable because they give us an idea of how low the concentration can be which is still able to kill most harmful viruses and bacteria.
Another good place to look for help to this question is all the animal and human studies that have been done over the years, which are aimed at trying to determine the highest safe dose of chlorine dioxide useable, based on the various tests they have done.
And lastly a good place to look is from people who have used and experimented with chlorine dioxide over many years and learned through their own trial and error experiences. People such as Jim Humble, Andreas Kalcker, Mark Grennon, Kerri Rivera, a new hero doctor in Bolivia, Dr. Patricia Callisperis, a growing number of doctors around the world and lastly, myself. Together, we bring many decades of experience to share with the world about chlorine dioxide and how to use it safely against disease.
Following is some of my offering of what I have learned through my own experimentation and hundreds of hours of study on the topic of chlorine dioxide. The Prevention and Treatment Protocols below are based on my experience combined with one of the premiere doctors treating patients right now in Bolivia, Dr. Patricia Callisperis. Her protocols were extracted from a seminar she gave to fellow healthcare professionals, where she was instructing them in the best known treatment practices for the COVID infection, using chlorine dioxide. Her protocols below are Protocols C, F, VF and E. My protocols below are Protocols NP, 1, NT and IV.
Protocol HP and HT below that talks about gargling, mouthwash, face washing, etc., with 100ml of 60 ppm is a combination of Dr. Callisperis and mine. I reduced the ppm from 150 to 60ppm and added the suggestion to also use the solution to wet the entire head, including the face, eyes, ears, neck and even the hair and to allow it all to air-dry naturally. The reason I reduced it from 150 to 60 ppm is because based upon the studies, 60 ppm is high enough to deactivate any virus in under 10 seconds, and I also wanted to make sure it’s at a low enough concentration that if some of the solution got into the eyes during the face washing, where some virus may likely be present, it would still be safe, as was determined by at least one animal study done in the past.

Important note: Do not take vitamin C in any form, or any other antioxidant while on the protocols talked about below as antioxidants will neutralize chlorine dioxide.
Using Chlorine Dioxide to PREVENT Respiratory and Other Infections
• Protocol NP: NP for a “Nebulizing Prevention” using 40 ppm to prevent respiratory infections:
o Nebulize 40 ppm for 2 minutes each session, inhaling through nose and mouth into lungs. Also spend an additional couple of seconds directing the mist towards the eyes and then about 10 to 15 seconds into and around each ear. Do this 2 to 3 times a day as a preventative.
• Protocol 1: 1 for a “Jim Humble’s 1st Method” oral consumption of 20 to 25% sodium chlorite drops and allowing our stomach acid (HCl) to activate them and create the chlorine dioxide internally to prevent respiratory and other infections:
o Put 5 drops of 20 to 25% unactivated sodium chlorite per liter of every liter of water drank during the day from morning until bedtime. Start with 2 drops per liter on day 1 and increase 1 drop per liter each day until reaching 5 drops per liter. (I did this for 3 years, it appears to be harmless and kept me from ever getting sick while doing it).
• Protocol C: C for a “CDS” oral consumption of 60 ppm to prevent respiratory and other infections:
o Make a 1-liter bottle of 60 ppm and drink 100ml every hour until finished.
• Protocol HP: HP for a “Hands & Head Preventative” for hands, mouth, throat, nose, face, ears, neck & hair using 100ml of 60 ppm
o Using some of the 100ml of 60 ppm, start by pouring a small amount into hands and rubbing them together to wet entirely. Then gargle some for 10 to 15 seconds, swish the same for 10 to 15 seconds and then spit it out. Then pour a small amount in a cupped hand and sniff up into one nostril. Then do the same for the other nostril. Then pour some into cupped hand and splash and spread all over face, eyes, ears, and neck. Then take some more and apply to hair to make it wet. Lastly, pour some more into hands and make them wet again. Allow all to air-dry naturally. DO NOT use a towel or blower. A spray bottle can also be used for much of the above procedure. If making a larger amount in a spray bottle, keep unused portion in refrigerator between uses to preserve the chlorine dioxide. This should be done twice a day.

Important note: Do not take vitamin C in any form, or any other antioxidant while on the protocols talked about below as antioxidants will neutralize chlorine dioxide.
Using Chlorine Dioxide to TREAT Respiratory and Other Infections
• Protocol NT: NT for a “Nebulizing Treatment” using 40 ppm to treat respiratory infections:
o Nebulize 40 ppm for 5 minutes each session, inhaling through nose and mouth into lungs. Also spend an additional couple of seconds directing the mist towards the eyes and then about 10 to 15 seconds into and around each ear. Do this 8 to 10 times a day, until infection clears.
• Protocol F: F for a “Frequent” 30-minute incremental oral dosing treatment using 60 ppm to treat mild respiratory and other infections:
o Make a 1-liter bottle of 60 ppm and drink 100ml every half hour until finished, then wait 2 hours before making a 2nd 1-liter bottle of 60 ppm and then drink 100ml every half hour until finished.
• Protocol VF: VF for a “Very Frequent” 15-minute incremental oral dosing treatment using 60 ppm to treat respiratory and other infections where head and muscle aches are becoming severe and blood oxygen saturation is low:
o Make a 1-liter bottle of 60 ppm and drink 100ml every 15 minutes until finished, then wait 1 hour before making a 2nd 1-liter bottle of 60 ppm and then drink 100ml every 15 minutes until finished again. Then wait 2 hours and resume using Protocol F (above) with 1 more liter for the day if time allows before bed.
• Protocol HT: HT for a “Hand & Head Treatment” of hands, mouth, throat, nose, face, ears, neck & hair using 100ml of 60 ppm
o Using some of the 100ml, start by pouring a small amount into hands and rubbing them together to wet entirely. Then gargle some for 10 to 15 seconds, swish the same for 10 to 15 seconds and then spit it out. Then pour a small amount in a cupped hand and sniff up into one nostril. Then do the same for the other nostril. Then pour some into cupped hand and splash and spread all over face, eyes, ears, and neck. Then take some more and apply to hair to make it wet. Lastly, pour some more into hands and make them wet again. Allow all to air-dry naturally. DO NOT use a towel or blower. A spray bottle can also be used for much of the above procedure. If making a larger amount in a spray bottle, keep unused portion in refrigerator between uses to preserve the chlorine dioxide. This should be done 4 times a day.
• Protocol E: E for an “Enema” using 180 ppm to treat respiratory and other infections which have not responded well to oral treatment and where breathing has become a problem for the patient:
o Perform enema as usual, but fill enema bag with the 180 ppm chlorine dioxide solution. Per Dr. Callisperis, increased oxygenation should happen almost immediately.
• Protocol IV: IV for an “Intravenous” treatment using 100 to 200cc of 50 ppm to treat severe respiratory and other infections, also for sepsis and cytokine storm:
o For average 62kg adult, start with 100cc of 50 ppm on day 1, and if tolerated well, increase to 200cc of 50 ppm on day 2. (reduce volume proportionally per patient’s weight).
Important Note: patient should be watched very closely and adjustments, including stopping treatment should be made as needed. In addition, hemoglobin should be closely monitored and treatment should be discontinued if it falls below allowable level.
I'm Scott McRae, creator of "The Antidote" & CDH with CLO2's help (Charlotte Lackney)

- I did a CDH injection / Chlorine Dioxide (CLO2) injection / IV push of 10ml of dilute 50ppm CDH / CLO2 into my blood 3 times in 11 hours & did before & after blood tests that showed that it did NO HARM to my blood, liver or kidneys. This suggests the possibility that CDH / CLO2 is a potential LIFESAVING MRSA cure, VRE cure, CRE cure, AMR cure, Ebola cure, HIV cure, Cancer cure, etc., since it appears to be safe intravenously at 50ppm.

- Join our group on MiWi (was deleted off of Facebook): mewe.com/join/coronavirusebolasolutions
- Every ml of CDH contains 1 drop of MMS, so 1 drop of MMS = 1ml of CDH
- MMS is 7 to 10% activated in 30 seconds while CDH made with 4% HCl is about 50% activated in the bottle. This is why CDH is far less nauseating than MMS drops
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COVID MMS suggested dosing? 04 Oct 2020 16:37 #66115

  • Truthquester
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For the person who said they didn't want to use CDS but MMS instead, the following is for you: (By the way, CDS is 3000 ppm - just like this below)

Quick & Easy CDHQ3000

To quickly and easily create a 3000 ppm CDH type solution for those who don't have the time needed to make regular CDH or CDH4000, just combine 0.5ml of 20 to 25% Sodium Chlorite (approximately 10 drops) with 0.5ml of 4% HCl, in at least a 10ml small bottle or vile or a 10ml narrow tube, or maybe a 10ml syringe, or the bulb end of a cut-off pipette, etc., and wait for 5 minutes. Then for each 0.5ml of 20 to 25% Sodium Chlorite and 0.5ml of 4% HCl used, immediately add 9ml of water to end up with 10ml of approximately 3000 ppm CDH. Of course you could double or triple the recipe, etc., to make larger quantities (make sure you've got a big enough container to hold it once made if you want to store it though). Once made, each ml of this solution will be approximately 3000 ppm and will contain 1 drop of Sodium Chlorite which has been approximately 50% activated. I think we could call this CDHQ3000. The advantage to this way of activating is that you don't have to wait any longer than 5 minutes to have a large concentration (ppm) and it will allow the user to know how many ppm they have so that they can use it more wisely and dilute it to any lower ppm they need accurately, just like regular CDH and CDH4000.

For example:
- 0.25ml of this in 100ml of water will give you 7.5 ppm which should be a good concentration for eye drops for pink eye and other eye infections.
- 0.5ml to 1.0ml of this in 100ml of water will give you 15 to 30 ppm which are good concentrations to use in a nebulizer for covid-19.
- 3.0ml of this in 100ml of water will give you 90 ppm which is a great concentration to use as an antiseptic for wound healing or as a hand sanitizer.
- Used full strength, it can take care of pre-cancers on the skin and remove warts and moles.
The uses are endless!
By the way, this should be put in the fridge to store it properly and no rubbery seal type cap should be used. One of the best seals is simply one made with LDPE plastic.

Let me know if you have any questions.
I'm Scott McRae, creator of "The Antidote" & CDH with CLO2's help (Charlotte Lackney)

- I did a CDH injection / Chlorine Dioxide (CLO2) injection / IV push of 10ml of dilute 50ppm CDH / CLO2 into my blood 3 times in 11 hours & did before & after blood tests that showed that it did NO HARM to my blood, liver or kidneys. This suggests the possibility that CDH / CLO2 is a potential LIFESAVING MRSA cure, VRE cure, CRE cure, AMR cure, Ebola cure, HIV cure, Cancer cure, etc., since it appears to be safe intravenously at 50ppm.

- Join our group on MiWi (was deleted off of Facebook): mewe.com/join/coronavirusebolasolutions
- Every ml of CDH contains 1 drop of MMS, so 1 drop of MMS = 1ml of CDH
- MMS is 7 to 10% activated in 30 seconds while CDH made with 4% HCl is about 50% activated in the bottle. This is why CDH is far less nauseating than MMS drops
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COVID MMS suggested dosing? 04 Oct 2020 22:45 #66118

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Hey TruthQuester thank you for the information. I have one question could a person take MMS or CDS continually daily for one year?

I currently use CDS 24,000 PPM very effective. So would you suggest I buy a lower concentration?

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COVID MMS suggested dosing? 05 Oct 2020 12:28 #66122

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Hi Jazz1. To your first question, I have used MMS daily for 3 years by putting 5 drops per liter in all the water I drink every day all day long. In the 3 years I consumed about 13,000 drops. Mind you these are then activated inside my stomach by my own HCl there, not activated outside and then consumed. I think I averaged about 12 drops a day this way. You can read all about it here:


To your second question, any concentration in the bottle is fine (unless it's melting your bottle, or cap or the seal or something and then contaminating the CDS). The question is what do you then dilute it down to before using it. As I mentioned in my previous post, concentration is basically everything - too hot and it can hurt you, not hot enough and it won't do much good. So just be sure to dilute it down to a reasonable number, again I believe I wrote about that previously too - so I believe it's fairly well spelled out there - that was largely based on one of the premiere doctor's protocol down in Bolivia, in coordination with Andreas Kalcker I believe - however I was recently reminded that the protocol to take it every 15 minutes was actually my idea - I had forgotten it was mine until I saw a document CLO2 made and put onto his website, mmsinfo.org.

Hope that all helps - may you be well,
I'm Scott McRae, creator of "The Antidote" & CDH with CLO2's help (Charlotte Lackney)

- I did a CDH injection / Chlorine Dioxide (CLO2) injection / IV push of 10ml of dilute 50ppm CDH / CLO2 into my blood 3 times in 11 hours & did before & after blood tests that showed that it did NO HARM to my blood, liver or kidneys. This suggests the possibility that CDH / CLO2 is a potential LIFESAVING MRSA cure, VRE cure, CRE cure, AMR cure, Ebola cure, HIV cure, Cancer cure, etc., since it appears to be safe intravenously at 50ppm.

- Join our group on MiWi (was deleted off of Facebook): mewe.com/join/coronavirusebolasolutions
- Every ml of CDH contains 1 drop of MMS, so 1 drop of MMS = 1ml of CDH
- MMS is 7 to 10% activated in 30 seconds while CDH made with 4% HCl is about 50% activated in the bottle. This is why CDH is far less nauseating than MMS drops
The following user(s) said Thank You: Ruthmary

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