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Attack on the Use of MMS to Detox People in the Gulf 28 Dec 2010 02:09 #148

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Below is a response to an article that Cynthia stumbled across on the Web:
<correction: I swear that when I first read her article it was credited to Deborah Dupree, however her actual family name seems to be Dupré. My apologies, Bruce>

I hope that this will get to Deborah Dupree, as it's regarding her recent article "Crude oil, Corexit and now, Snake Oil to fix it" on Examiner.com. If Deborah is reading this, I apologize for speaking of her in the third person.

In my opinion, this article is full of false information, half-truths, and aspersions based on an incomplete understanding of the science around so-called MMS/sodium chlorite solution.

In the first place, sodium chlorite (NaClO2) is not "Pool Shock," and has never been used for that purpose to my knowledge. The pool shock that is starting to be propagandized against, by people who seem to be associated with the Big Pharma/FDA quasi-official campaign against the use of sodium chlorite (I would argue because of its effectiveness against a wide range of challenges to human wellness), is calcium hypochlorite [Ca(ClO)2], aka MMS2. Calcium Hypochlorite becomes hypochlorous acid when put in solution in water, and is taken up and used by white blood cells in dissolving the foreign particles they absorb. Thus, Ca(ClO)2, though putatively a "pool shock," aids the immune system in its effectiveness when taken internally in small amounts. However, I digress.

If Deborah Dupree intends to use her no-doubt extensive scientific background for the good of humanity, instead of adding to the fear and suffering experienced in places like the Gulf region, she will need to do some research on the chemistries she's writing about. In particular, take a deep look at the remarkable and unique characteristics of Chlorine Dioxide.

The statement quoted from nurse Patricia Springstead, "The historical fact of MMS is, that when, activated, it becomes what is equal to pool shock, to shock bacteria, fungus and other pathogens from swimming water," is entirely specious, as one might expect someone with a Masters of Science to recognize. In actuality, as Dupree might have informed us accurately, sodium chlorite, when activated with a weak food acid, releases Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2), used not as "what is equal to pool shock," but as a water purifier in municipal water-treatment facilities across America, and as a disinfectant approved for spraying without needing to be rinsed off, on vegetables and meat before sale.

What is the point of including quotes from Springstead like "Would you want to ingest pool water that you swim in on a daily basis?" in this article? Does the distaste invoked have anything to do with the effectiveness or danger of a particular chemical?

Anecdotal and questionable assertions are made throughout this article. While Dupree quotes health consultant Jonathan Campbell regarding MMS's "destruction" of amino acid and "sulfurous" (sic) bonds, she might, with a short investigation on Google, have found a study published by the EPA in 1982 when chlorine dioxide was first considered for use in municipal water purification, entitled "Controlled Clinical Evaluations of Chlorine Dioxide, Chlorite and Chlorate in Man" - (www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1569027/pdf/envhper00463-0059.pdf) - which found 12 weeks of exposure to the 50 subjects who actually received chlorine dioxide or its metabolites "failed to reveal any clinically important impact upon the medical well-being of any subject as a result of disinfectant ingestion."

Interestingly, also in 1982, the first of three patents was issued for the use of sodium chlorite internally in humans for blood purification. One would suspect that, to attain such a patent, the authors would have had to demonstrate the harmlessness of the substance.

And it is reliably (I think) estimated that by now in excess of 250 thousand people, mostly in Africa, have been freed from the suffering of Malaria through the use of MMS. Jim Humble's book "Breakthrough, The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21st Century" has sold an equivalent number of hard-copies or copies of the electronic version of Part II, meaning that many tens of thousands of people have probably used MMS to one extent or another based on what they read. And yet, after years of use of the product by thousands of people, even considering that many people haven't clearly understood its proper use, there is at this point only ONE (highly contested) claim of a fatality from its use.

Compare this to the sordid record of commercial pharmaceuticals (conservatively estimated at over 200,000 a year) in America alone, without a hue and cry for "responsibility to protect vulnerable people...from...those pushing them." This fear-mongering may shortly result in the "recall" of sodium chlorite due to its "danger" by an FDA newly re-empowered by the recently passed "Food Safety Modernization Act."

Crucially, Dupree makes a major mistake in quoting health consultant Campbell's statement that "CLO2 cannot differentiate healthy tissue from diseased tissue." Of course, the molecule cannot make such a distinction itself, but one of the vital unique properties of chlorine dioxide is that it has a low Oxygen Reduction Potential of 950 millivolts, lower than any other oxidizing agent used in the body (the ORP of ozone is 2,070 mv). Because of this, ClO2 will only draw electrons from the field of weakly bonded molecules, and will consequently NOT hurt healthy tissues. It will only act against pathogens - anaerobic bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi, and also against toxins and heavy-metal compounds lodged in tissues, which tend to surrender electrons easily.

MMS is not necessarily easy to use. For chronic conditions (unlike Malaria, which is eliminated in about 4 hours) it requires an understanding of its chemistry, and of how to support the health of the body while using it (for instance, it's important to stay hydrated and to use anti-oxidants appropriately). However, when understood, it is, because of its unique properties, a safe and effective answer to many health issues that have, until now, been intractable or dangerous to deal with.

In the case of the massively tragic Gulf oil disaster, we have a situation where perhaps millions of people have been exposed to toxins that have now been stored as compounds in their tissues, where they can continue to cause health crises indefinitely. When chlorine dioxide first starts to act in a body that is very toxic, it quickly breaks up a lot of material that then must be flushed from the body before what's dumped into the bloodstream can cause a detoxification reaction known as a Herxheimer reaction. If too much is released into the bloodstream too fast, this reaction takes the form of occasionally severe headache, nausea, sweating, or diarrhea as the body struggles to clear itself out. Simply backing off on the intake of MMS can bring the reactions down to where it isn't unbearable. Remember, the goal with people who have ingested dangerous loads of toxins is to clean them out. While a detox reaction can be unpleasant, it can be mitigated by careful monitoring of dosages.

Dupree quotes Dr. Rodney Soto, a doctor working in the Gulf as saying "No toxins are a 'safe level' of toxins." While, if we're talking about persistent chemicals that are entirely foreign to our biology, this is essentially true, it's patently false when talking about substances that are bio-compatible. For instance, an excessive amount of table salt or water can be fatal, but no one is going to label them as toxins. When it comes to the dosages involved with MMS, we're talking about fractions of a milligram per pound of body weight! For instance, a "6-drop" dose of activated MMS will provide at most 0.225 to 0.45 mg (depending on drop size) of chlorine dioxide per pound of body weight in a 120 pound person. Tests for toxicity in rats on which many of the extreme claims about the toxicity of chlorine dioxide are based, involved amounts above 10 mg per pound up to 100 mg per pound, and in some cases the ClO2 was put in the water the rats drank throughout their lives. And even then, the developmental problems suffered by rat pups were not life-threatening.

To cite just one more obvious comparison, chemo-therapy drugs for treating cancer are severely toxic, yet supposedly responsible doctors prescribe them to immune-compromised people every day.

Reliable witnesses inside the FDA have stated that the agency has been studying the therapeutic uses of sodium chlorite since at least 2003. After all that time, and in the face of a distinct threat to the profits of their masters, the Pharmaceutical Industry, the worst that FDA can come up with to attack this valuable bio-purifier with is that it causes understandable reactions as it helps the body to release toxins, and that it can contribute to preventable dehydration. Considering this, how can we understand the vehemence of the developing campaigns against MMS? Do you, Deborah, want to contribute to a pogrom against a simple chemical that potentially promises a massive improvement in human health, conceivably in the very near future?
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Attack on the Use of MMS to Detox People in the Gulf 02 Jan 2011 02:18 #171

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Excellent response to Deborah's disinfo Bruce. I do have a question for you, you wrote,
For chronic conditions (unlike Malaria, which is eliminated in about 4 hours) it requires an understanding of its chemistry, and of how to support the health of the body while using it (for instance, it's important to stay hydrated and to use anti-oxidants appropriately).
What would be the appropriate use of anti-oxidants? I know we are to make sure no vit. C is in the juice and it should not be taken within at least 2 hours of a dose of MMS, but what else is recommended regarding anti-oxidants and MMS?

Thanks in advance,
Michael Harrah

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Attack on the Use of MMS to Detox People in the Gulf 02 Jan 2011 07:09 #172

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What would be the appropriate use of anti-oxidants? I know we are to make sure no vit. C is in the juice and it should not be taken within at least 2 hours of a dose of MMS, but what else is recommended regarding anti-oxidants and MMS?

Michael, this is very dependent on who is taking the MMS. One of the key things that comes with considering using MMS is taking responsibility for all aspects of how you support your wellness. I would suggest that people using MMS for longer periods than a week look at all their nutrative needs. Perhaps 1000 mg or more of vitamin C - starting two hours after the last dose for the day on Protocols 1000 or 2000 - vitamin D, vitamin E, organic produce, raw foods, seaweed, whatever your body responds to, you're drawn to, what makes sense.

I think a helpful approach is to think in terms of giving the body everything it needs to rest and resupply itself between the possibly stresses of taking hourly doses of a weak oxidizer for several hours every day during Protocols 1000 or 2000.

Definitely, don't take any vitamin C starting at least 2 hours (I would suggest 4 hours) before the first dose of the day or during the time taking MMS.

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Attack on the Use of MMS to Detox People in the Gulf 02 Jan 2011 18:06 #182

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Thanks MRTanner for bringing this to Adams?phaesosophers attention. I look forward to how he is going to tackle this story, for I'm sure, he will! Smile...

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Attack on the Use of MMS to Detox People in the Gulf 04 Jan 2011 15:34 #196

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My current caution practice will be to monitor the symptoms of over oxidant. I basically treats all other symptoms comes from taking MMS beside the normal diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, sweating, fatigue, headache, fever, chills n body ache as over oxidant but will stop MMS treament when the person had blur eye sight, irregular heart beat and some other brain symptoms.

when this type of symptoms is occur, i would stop continue MMS and will ask them to go on high antioxidant intake for several days and then start again the MMS on a low dosage to see if there is any improvement. if symptom is gone other than normal detox symptoms is present, i will continue Jim protocol until i see any over oxidant reappears again. so far, i do see some improvement using this kind of cautions step, when one go for high antioxidant for several days, when they start back MMS, they usually tend to be able to take more MMS. This is sign that we build a person body to withstand oxidant before start killing the pathogens.

There is one time, the situation also out of control with sudden occur of J-E Reactions, but by giving enough water and eat only oats, it overcomes it well with no other problems. But too bad, that person gave up to continue it because she dont know how MMS work, but i know for sure that MMS will not cause harm if we use it rightly base on my personal cautionary step mention above.

Until today, she had no single complaint about health change after the JE Reaction, but she dont even know that she is having JE Reaction, she thought it was other thing. But i have observe her for sometimes and can be confident said she had the JE Reaction and also confident she will not getting other problem from this JE Reaction. If i am correct, even she gave up half way, i believed i have help her to add few more years of her life. She does take out lot of toxic during the JE Reaction.

Lastly, i believed everyone had a difference level of over oxidant, so by observing over oxidant is a must step to learn to improved the use of MMS safely. I do not see MMS is going to hurting our body, only when the person body is weak that make them cannot tolerate MMS due to their lifestyle diet and so fort...
Minister of Health, Penang. Malaysia.

Creator of CDH Plus 1000
A Protocol that can adjust the strength of CD and SC for individual needs.
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Attack on the Use of MMS to Detox People in the Gulf 14 Jan 2011 18:24 #255

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Adam has a new post out on MMS and the Gulf phaelosopher.wordpress.com/2011/01/07/mms-tumult-in-the-gulf/. He is doing a good job keeping up with this story, another serious attempt to slander MMS. Hopefully Kindra will come out and speak the truth.

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Attack on the Use of MMS to Detox People in the Gulf 19 Jan 2011 21:31 #271

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Bruce, thanks for your answer on the anti-oxidants question that I had. I brought it up because as far as I am aware I have never seen Jim mention that MMS can cause oxidative stress. However, I have not taken his course or spoken with him as you have.

Does he acknowledge the possibility of oxidative stress? It seems to me he does not, because in the protocols for stage IV cancer and full blown AIDS, where people are obviously in really bad shape and end-stage deadly diseases, Jim stresses to get as much MMS into their bodies as possible by whatever means possible. His directions are clearly that MMS will save them and not hurt them, and these are the worst cases. So if maximum MMS is not hurting these people, but is saving them, then how can it be hurting anyone in the easier cases? ...that is my reasoning. Have you heard differently?

This is a big issue because the trolls out there are always stressing the oxidative stress on forums and making people fearful. So if people start thinking that nausea/diarrhea and other detox/herx symptoms are the result of oxidative stress, then they think they are hurting themselves when in reality they are healing themselves. Jim does say to back off on the dose so as to avoid such symptoms, which is good advice, but it makes a difference whether people think MMS is hurting them or helping them.

I am pasting below a post that just appeared on one of the yahoo groups where "silverfox_science" (Tom) posts his constant attempts to discredit Jim and MMS. Yeah sure, MMS is fine for minor issues but when you are talking about curing serious diseases, the ones that big pharma has a huge vested interest in, then Tom has nothing but negative things to say. He does it in a nice way and portrays himself as an expert, but he is always negative. I did some research on the man and he is actually a structural engineer. In my opinion he is clearly a paid troll hired by industry to discredit Jim and MMS.

In fact if you are interested, Jim carried out a debate with Tom on that group that went back and forth about 4 times I think, and I can post those emails here if you want. Tom (silverfox_science) is the chief MMS troll when it comes to online groups as far as I can tell. Do a google on "silverfox_science" and you will see he turns up at any health forum where MMS might be discussed and always has something negative to say. I have emails of him calling Jim a "liar" and suggesting all his claims cannot be verified and are bogus.

So look below Bruce and you will see how Tom will stress oxidative stress, in answering the original question that was about this article in the Examiner about an autopsy report where a woman took MMS and died. And he always stresses the PPM figures which are irrelevant and Jim tried to tell him that, but Tom only wants to confuse people and it sounds scientific.

Original Message
From: silverfox_science
Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2011 1:33 PM
Subject: [miracle_mineral_supplement] Re: Please help make sense of this - autopsy report

Hello Sunny,

Increased levels of methemoglobin are an indication of oxidative stress. If the level gets high enough, it can contribute to the cause of death.

I am not sure about the 45% level. Another source indicates that 70% causes death and the 45% level causes fatigue, confusion, dizziness, tachypnea, and palpitations. If there were other issues, this high level wouldn't help things at all.

Normal levels are 1% or less, and you don't begin to experience symptoms until the levels get up over 10%.

Increased methemoglobin is noticed as a side effect in animal testing with chlorine dioxide. The Lubbers study did not see this at a 5 PPM concentration over 12 weeks, but MMS forms chlorous acid and that is different than chlorine dioxide. Also, the MMS protocol calls for much higher concentrations being used. A 3 drop dose mixed according to the MMS protocol has a concentration of around 190 PPM.

I believe this is a pretty standard test. If you want to know if you are increasing oxidative stress to your body by taking MMS, have a test done to determine the level of methemoglobin in your blood. If your level is below 1%, there is no concern.

Here is a write up on methemoglobin.


As far as I know, Jim Humble doesn't acknowledge that there can be oxidative damage from following the MMS protocol, and he hasn't checked methemoglobin levels on any of the people he is working with.


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Attack on the Use of MMS to Detox People in the Gulf 25 Jan 2011 18:21 #302

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Hi Michael, sorry for delayed reply but things have been hectic. As I said, we do need to accept the possibility that chlorine dioxide can contribute to stress, oxidative and otherwise, on the body.

On the other hand, I don't see what the chemical pathways can be that allow the small amounts of ClO2 used therapeutically according to the best practices of any MMS advocates I'm aware of, to cause ANYTHING APPROACHING Methemoglobinemia. In the case of, for instance, the death of Sylvia Fink, where the (IMO, botched) autopsy reportedly showed a (non-fatal) high 45% level of methemoglobin in her red blood cells, she supposedly had taken a "2-drop" dose of MMS1. Assuming the largest drop size reported by Dr. Hesselink, this would have resulted, according to my calculations, (quoting myself) "under (impossible) ideal circumstances in which all of the potential ClO2 was liberated at once from the sodium chlorite and immediately transferred into her bloodstream, without reacting to anything in her digestive tract, blood, or tissues, (in) about 3.6 ppm of her blood by weight (assuming a blood supply of 5 liters), from a total of 18 mg of ClO2.

The "190 ppm" asserted by the "Tom" that you quote doesn't seem to me to be related to any reference - 190 ppm of what? It isn't even 190 ppm of the actual dose, because that would be regulated by how much water was added to the dose. Quoting myself again, how 18 mg of a chemical that is instantly neutralized when it performs any oxidation, can have transformed 45% of Sylvia's hemoglobin into methemoglobin seems to me inexplicable.

Moreover, according to every source I've yet seen, Methemoglobinemia, particularly in an advanced condition, is characterized by obvious apparent cyanosis, a blue tinge to the skin, particularly of the lips, fingernails, etc. This isn't something that I've ever observed in ANYONE taking MMS, even much higher doses. I myself was taking "24-drop" doses twice a day at one time, never looked bluish, and was doing aerobic exercise regularly and did not experience the shortness of breath one might expect from a reduced capacity of my blood to carry oxygen.

As I said before, I personally recommend that anyone taking MMS1 for a chronic condition take vitamin C at the end of each day's course of MMS doses. If there is any heightening of the level of methemoglobin present, vitamin C is probably the proper way to address it, as it is reported to help with cyanosis.

Hope this helps, Bruce

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Attack on the Use of MMS to Detox People in the Gulf 21 Mar 2013 09:19 #31863

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About Vitamin C and other nutrients taken while on protocol 1000 and all of the other protocols. Because of what has already been said here. We have been able to determine through the testing and observation of actually hundreds of cases the the less vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients taken the better the patient does. For best results don't take vitamin C at the end of the day; don't take it at all.

Thousands of cases over ten years there has never been evidence of oxidative stress. That's just one more thing the critics can scream about because they think there is no way to disprove them. But the simple fact is, breathing produces hundreds of times more oxygen and doesn't produce oxidative stress and oxygen is a much stronger oxidizer than MMS. Also the oxidative stress theory of aging of the body has been disproved thus the whole theory of oxidative stress is in question. Here is one article, there are now many others, www2.uni-jena.de/biologie/ieu/he/own_pub/Ristow_ExpGerontol2010.pdf

So what we know from hundreds of observations is that you increase the time required for recovery by adding nutrients of all kinds. Sometimes it helps to add digestive microorganisms, but nothing else. You see, pathogens and parasites both need good nutrition and they always get the first bit out of the nutrients and it helps them survive.

There is no evidence that the lady in Australia died from oxidative stress. The FDA and dozens of critics would have been so happy if they had arrested our people for murder. As it was they caused the autopsy to be held up for a year so they could get maximum mileage out of the idea that it might have been MMS that caused the death. But finally they had to release the autopsy and let it show that MMS had nothing to do with the death. Around the world while more than300 people died of taking aspirin and thousands from other drugs there was not a single MMS death even in question.
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