Jim Humble's Technical Bulletin
New Protocol 1000+ & the Need for Affidavits
These protocol improvements may be what you are waiting for. There are some diseases that appear on occasion to be especially resistant to MMS in certain people -- for example, some people have had problems overcoming herpes and others have had problems with Candida. We keep finding new ways to improve the action of MMS or ways to improve the reaction time so that one gets well faster. In other words, the basics are known but fine tuning is ongoing.
Three New Improvements
Two are very important and one is minor, though it could be major for some people.
1. Include DMSO
Add a small amount of DMSO to each hourly dose. This can be done with both protocols 1000 and 2000.
Protocol 1000: a maximum of 3 drops of MMS and 3 drops of citric acid each hour for 8 hours a day;
Protocol 2000: as many drops of each (MMS and citric in equal amounts) every hour as you can take (without feeling sicker) for 10 hours a day. Both protocols call for reducing the drops if one begins to feel bad. Please see
www.jimhumble.biz for more details.
Use one drop of DMSO for each drop of MMS. Add the DMSO only after the reaction of the MMS and citric acid has completed (that’s 20 seconds when using 50% citric acid). Give the mixture 3 minutes to complete after adding the DMSO. Of course, always stir the mixture.
2. Enjoy an Improved Taste
The addition of DMSO drops improves the taste and makes it easier to take the MMS.
3. Take More Hourly Doses
Although I have encouraged people to increase the number of hours a day in which they take MMS, I should mention that Kerri Rivera was the first person to report actually doing so and she also reports better results from it. She is having her people do more than 8 or 10 hours a day -- up to 12 or 15 hours and even longer.
Many are reporting more results from the longer hours and also from adding DMSO. We first increased the number of hours, getting improvements, and then we added the DMSO and got more improvement.
In all cases, if you begin to notice nausea or other negative reactions, reduce the amount of MMS you are taking in each hourly dose.
Follow the instructions given here and you will be OK. Please save these technical bulletins as there will be more. You may need them sometime, or they may save a life sometime. Also be sure to go to
www.jimhumble.biz for the instructions on protocols 1000 and 2000.
Affidavits are a weapon that we can use against those who would try to stop MMS, especially the FDA. When a success story is sent to us, it is nice and we appreciate it, but in court it is nothing more than hearsay. On the other hand, if one has made a sworn affidavit from the success story, it can then be used as evidence in court. Affidavits have been used as evidence for a hundred years -- no court would disallow them, and if it did, it would be reversed in a higher court.
This is bad news for the FDA and other agencies that seek to stop MMS. If one takes several persons to court who testify to being personally healed by MMS or any other medicine, the FDA can bring a few in who claim they were harmed. Then the court will judge accordingly. But:
When we walk into court with 1,000 success stories sworn to as affidavits, the FDA will be unable to find more than one or two who will lie in court, even for money, as one can go to jail for that.
We don’t need 800 million dollars to fight the FDA; we just need your help in the form of a sworn affidavit if you have an MMS success story.
How to Make a Sworn Affidavit - ( Very Important)
All you need do is write up your success story, take it to a Justice of the Peace, and say that you want him to record your signature and story as an affidavit. He will need a picture ID or two. The cost is usually less than $30.
When Dr. Privateera was accused of claiming to cure cancer, 100 people stood up in court and said they were cured of cancer, but the judge disallowed it as hearsay. If there had been 100 affidavits on the judge’s bench, it would have been a different story.
We have to acknowledge that the big money is not coming to us. The Genesis 2 Church of Health and Healing is going to bring MMS to the world without the millions. I have personally approached several dozen rich philanthropists with my hat in hand. I have 5 rejection slips from Bill Gates. So we must turn to our members and the public for help and sworn affidavits will be very helpful.
My New Book Available For Download
Please go to
www.miraclemineral.org to purchase the eBook, Master Mineral Solution of the 3rd Millennium. Tell your family and friends! It contains a lot of very important information that people need. Please, help us get this eBook to as many people as possible!! The printed version will be available in a few weeks and I will notify you in another newsletter.
I’m really excited about the information in this book getting to the whole world! There are new protocols and so many important findings and testimonies. The MMS movement is growing daily worldwide and we now have 218 Health Ministers in 53 countries teaching others to teach others!
Jim’s New Book is available as a Kindle eBook You can purchase the Master Mineral Solution of the 3rd Millennium Kindle eBook at Amazon.com under the topic “Kindle eBooks”
Upcoming Worldwide MMS Seminars
Dominican Republic
June 19th-29th; and
Aug 7th -- 17th
Costa Rica
June 19th – 29th
For more information, please contact us at
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Our New Website,
www.MMSworldcourt.org, is Now Live
Please check it out and give us your opinion and ideas. Maybe you have some good data or info. Remember, we need testimonies for the websites and if you can, sworn affidavits as described above. Also, if you can do a 3-5 minute YouTube video testimony, it would help a lot of people to SEE and HEAR what you did to cure yourself with MMS. You can send testimonies to
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1. You can take the MMS video course at home, taught by me personally, and become a Health Minister. For more information, please contact us at
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2. To learn more about joining the Genesis II Church of Health and Healing, please contact us at
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3. To see the membership cards, please go to
www.genesis2church.com or
4. Our email address
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5. For disease protocols, go to
www.mmsanswers.org or
6. Donations can be given at jimhumble.biz, mmsanswers.org, genesis2church.is as well as our other sites.
As Always With Love,
Jim Humble