Hi Sky. Thanks for the welcome. I am here because I am half way through this life and have always known deep within that there just had to be a better way. What I see happening to the people in the United States and across the globe does not make sense. I have since then tried to figure out many things. It boils down to malnutrition in the family line and now a days it boils down to antibiotics, herbicides, poisons of all kinds in our water, air, animals, food chain, and the medical field. I am sure I am not telling you anything you do not know.
When I was born I was prone to extreme diaper rash, by the time I was four I had some kind of fungus on my nails that made life very painful and for which I was treated with topical steroids for. When I was 9 the crazy dentist drilled out nine of my teeth and filled them with great big gobs of mercury filled balls of poison. In the second grade I was the sickest child ever. I got pumped with handfuls of antibiotics for throat infections. It was thought that I had some kind of thyroid problem when I turned 10. I would have been labeled as an extreme case of ADD ADHD if they had it back then, although I was always extremely bored in school even though I liked to go. Still love to learn. Adolescence is a blur because I was usually punished. Early 20 my thyroid went wacky but no one told me that it was probably because I needed to get balanced out for about 6 months until it kicked back in after my pregnancy so I was stuck on a roller coaster for 9 years until I stopped taking it and felt much better, but not great. Milk was my favorite and only drink other than water and I just came to not be able to drink it anymore. Mucus city. Big bummer for me. Love water but miss my milk. There are many other things that I have encountered and experienced along with a great deal of abuse and depression.
I have taken stock of all of my relatives and have followed symptoms and their diagnosis and have determined that there is a great big chance that I am dealing with systemic candida, toxicity from fillings and then a bad removal of those fillings (did not know there was a right and wrong way to do that), adrenal exhaustion, thyroid fluctuation from an endocrine system overload, poor diet, and stress from trying to make ends meet.
I have also, through the years learned about many different ways that can bring relief and balance to my life. It has been quite the journey and I am looking forward to joining the ranks of positive outcomes to the Sacraments and I am especially excited for those who I already have on my heart to help. People on my list are one that has psoriasis, two others have cancer of the skin that became active and has traveled. There has been no help for them for over three years and both are making arrangements to put their life in order. One is 72 and one is 49. Neither one of them have to go through this. I want to go to them and tell them that it worked for me and it could work for them too.
Again, thanks for your welcome Sky. Blessings to you.