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Re: Multiple Myeloma---cancer 04 Jan 2012 02:58 #9834

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you are not supposed to mix citric acid with the CDS only with the unactivated MMS...CDS was already activated Correct???

Yes, Jan. Sorry I missed this question. There's no need to add citric acid to CDS. It was already used in the process of making CDS.


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Re: Multiple Myeloma---cancer 04 Jan 2012 03:02 #9835

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After Danny mistakingly took the cds mixture and got sick, he lowered the dose to 1 drop and got sick again. He tried it again 2 days later and got sick with the sweats, headache, and diarhhea this time. He has a cold and is going to wait a bit before starting again. This time we are going to try an 1/8 of a drop. He was so weak that he said it reminded him of when he had his stem cell transplant and was waiting for his white blood cells to come back. This is rough!

kdmia, how did he take the CDS? Was it in a couple of ounces of water?

I will say that there is some cold going around (I don't know for sure what it is, but there's a fever with it, and awful diarrhea, some people have a headach, some people have a sore throat) - it is possible that he has caught that. I know I had it, and 4 of my friends have had it, plus my niece!

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Re: Multiple Myeloma---cancer 17 Jan 2012 04:16 #10347

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Sorry I haven't replied until now. Not sure what Danny had, but I would say his cold is 98% gone. After totally goin off the mms since he got so sick, he is going to start back tomorrow. Very slowly and starting out with a 1/4 of a drop every other hr. since he got very sick on 1/2 drop and move up from there.......cautiously.

Does anyone know how long citric acid mixed up (with water) lasts?

Are there any affects from startong the mms and then stopping for a while then starting back up again. Would like to be in the know if there are any adverse side affects we need to be aware of.

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Re: Multiple Myeloma---cancer 17 Jan 2012 12:50 #10371

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I had citric acid in my fridge for a couple of years and it lasted that long. Made it up with distilled water, though.

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citric acid and Multiple Myeloma 21 Jan 2012 02:20 #10580

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Thats good to know Pam, thanks so much. I have a kangen water machine and I used 7.0. I read that this is close to distilled. Do you know if that is true and does it have to be in the fridge because mine has been sitting out on the counter. I don't want to take any chances and I don't mind if I have to make up a new batch.

This is Danny's third day taking 1/4 of an ounce steppin it up another dropper tomorrow. Pam do you know anything about multiple myeloma? Danny and I are wondering if it was possible for the protien counts to go up significantly while taking mms. He was on them three different times around Christmas and New Years and got very sick. He just got his blood work back yesterday and his protiens have risen quite a bit. His spirits are down and this would be somewhat encouraging if it were possible.

Thanks, Kdmia

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Re: Multiple Myeloma---cancer 21 Jan 2012 14:49 #10611

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I can't help you with the protein counts - I'm sorry - maybe someone else here can. I have heard that viral loads will appear to increase with MMS (dead viruses not being detoxified quickly enough) and to wait a bit before testing, but that's not protein counts, so I don't know. I know he's been sick with the flu - don't know if that's affecting his protein counts.

I also can't help you with the kangen water machine and its 7.0 - Only know of someone who died taking their CHF heart meds with the kangen water (and he was a distributor!) - I know that a ph at 7.0 is neither truly acid nor alkaline - but "balanced" - that's about as far as I can go there.

"have" to be in the fridge? I think that as long as it's kept cool and dry, it's OK. You can google citric acid storage and get a lot of information. I just keep mine in the fridge, along with my MMS - although, I have a liter of each in my back pantry, which stays around 40-50 degrees.

Are you increasing drops or droppers? a quarter of an ounce is a lot of MMS. Is that a dose or in the 32 oz water bottle? I'm confused there.


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Re: Multiple Myeloma---cancer 22 Jan 2012 14:58 #10686

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I mix up a one to one ratio of citric acid and allow that to activate then add to same amount of water. He started out on Tue. and Wed. taking two droppers which is 1/8 of an ounce, every other hr. Thur. and Fri. moved up to three droppers every other hr. Sat. four droppers every other hr. Today, he is taking four droppers every hr. I am not mixing up as much as I had been since he is starting very slow, but it is activated and mixed with water. Hope I explained it where you can understand it. He is not taking a straight 1/4 oz. of mms. So far Danny is handling the dosages well. Hasn't gotten sick like he did over the Christmas holidays. He has been a little more tired. Can fatigue a symptom?

I will definately call my Kangen distributer and ask him some questions. I know medications are supposed to be taken with the clean water cycle.

Thanks for you imput Pam, I appreciate it.
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Re: Multiple Myeloma---cancer 22 Jan 2012 15:46 #10689

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Well, fatigue is a symptom - after all, his body is fighting the myeloma. It can be a symptom of "mms is working, but you're overdosing" as Jim mentioned in his book.

The reason I asked is because MMS is usually measured in drops, not droppers - 1/4 of an ounce is 148 drops of MMS - that's a huge dose - I can't imagine anyone taking that without getting very sick, even spread out over 8 hours. People who start with MMS usually start with 3 activated drops (not droppers) an hour, and sometimes they start with 1 activated drop an hour.

If you were doing CDS, it would be different. One-quarter ounce would be around 7mL of CDS, which, if you've got the 3000 per L strength, would be around 21 drops per dose. That's still a bit high, but if he is tolerating it, I'd say, fine. If you spread it out over a day, you'd be getting between 2 and 3 drops an hour.

Maybe I'm misunderstanding what you are saying - I'm glad to hear he's OK.
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Re: Multiple Myeloma---cancer 24 Jan 2012 05:22 #10810

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Hi Pam,

I think I've confused you, I confuse myself. After reading your reply I think I understand what you thought we were doing and its my fault for not expressing it properly, I apologize. I just finished counting out 8 drops of mms and 8 drops of citric acid to activate, then I put the activated mms in 8 oz. of water. Danny has been taking the droppers from that mixture. He works and didn't want to mix it every hr. so I made up a whole days worth at one time. So far he is tolerating the increase. From what we understand he needs to be taking one whole drop (not dropper) of mms every hr. for three days/10 hrs a day, before he adds the calcium hypochlorite. We make a fresh batch of mms everyday in an 8 oz. baby bottle. I have not made any more cds since Danny got so sick.

In the mms2 protocal, it says not to take any added vitamin c. Since some of the directions say you can use lemon juice to activate mms, is it ok to drink vegetable juice with lemon in it?

Thanks for being so patient and kind.
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Last edit: by kdmia. Reason: wanted to make sure I was clear