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Multiple Myeloma---cancer 15 Dec 2011 17:09 #9283

  • kdmia
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today I am getting ready to make up cds. My husband has been battling this since 2006. He has been through chemo, a stsem cell transplant, and more chemo. Now the Dr. wants him to get back on treatment in which he does not want to do. We have been fighting this both naturally and western medically. Have been using mms drops for about three years, but only in the morning and was mixing it with applecider vinegar. After taking this and trying to get up to 15 drops my husband would gag just at the smell of it. He couldn't stomach it. When he actually vomited at work from it......that was it. So glad to hear of new information. Asking the Lord to guide our steps as we begin this.

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Re: Multiple Myeloma---cancer 15 Dec 2011 17:36 #9285

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Kdmia - be sure to watch Jim's video on how to do it just before you make it - there's nothing like having recently reviewed it just before making it.

Also, the final dosing for Jim's process is different than that for Andreas' process. Nothing wrong with Andreas' - but I like Jim's better, personally, and you end up with more doses per amount of mms and citric acid used. There's also less of a chance for gas to build up in the MMS/CA bottle.

I can so relate to the taste problem with MMS1 that your husband had. :S

Here's seeing your husband happy and healthier than he's been in years!
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Re: Multiple Myeloma---cancer 28 Dec 2011 18:28 #9642

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Hi Pam, thanks for the reply. I attempted to make cds and was not successful so my husband and I watched Mr. Humbles video again and we were successful. It didn't take 2 hrs though. After we got it made up we were confused as to how we were supposed to use it and since this is unchartered waters for us we decided to just use the cancer protocal 2000. My husband Danny, was going on a work trip the next day so we mixed up mms and citric acid using 8 oz. of 7.0 water along with 8 drops of citric acid and 8 drops of mms. He took the first ounce at 7:00 a.m. and was only able to take the the next one at 8:00 a.m. before he began to get a headache and started feeling flu like. He didn't take any more the rest of the day. Just minutes from our home, around 9:00 p.m. he had to pull over and vomit. The next day he felt like he was on the upside of the flu. He has attempted to try the drops again at different times. On Christmas Day, Danny took the cds mixture (10 drops mms with 10 drops citric acid per 1 oz. water) thinking that I had made up another bottle of of the 1 oz. citric acid and the 1 oz. mms per 1 oz. water. He was nauseated for a while then just felt weak and flu like with a lot of sweating even all through the night (litterally soaked). He felt flu like the next day, but not as bad. We are in disagreement as to how you are supposed to or not supposed to feel while taking the mms and therefore are in disagreement on how often you should take it when you "feel bad". The way I understand it is you are not going to feel great while doing this. The idea is to keep the mms in your system so it is continually able to work. My husband is under the impression that when Mr. Humble says to take as many drops of activated mms each hour as a person can take without becoming sicker, or feeling worse or developing diarrhea that feeling sicker is flu like and he shouldn't continue it until he feels better. To me, someone with cancer is always going to feel bad in some way or another especially with Multiple Myeloma. Its in the blood and reaking havock anywhere it can or wants to. Can you clarify the use of mms and what feeling sick than you were means specifically?

Thank you very much,
Kelly Dalton

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Re: Multiple Myeloma---cancer 28 Dec 2011 18:42 #9644

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kdmia, Jim humble has stated that with MMS you start low on your drops and ramp up, but only as far as you can go BEFORE you feel bad. In other words, feeling bad is a sign that you're killing off more pathogens than your body can handle, so you want to back off until you no longer feel bad. Stay there for a while, and then increase a little bit, but always back down if you start to feel bad. It takes more of your energy to compensate for feeling bad, and you want to spend that energy on getting well.

With CDS, I would start with giving your husband .5mL in 2-3 oz of cold water. If he can tolerate that, do it again in an hour. The next hour, do 1mL of CDS in 2-3 oz of cold water. Again, start slow and build up. The first time he feels sick, back down. Depending on how strong your CDS is, you probably will max out at 2 to 4mL a dosing.

He can make the "day-in-a-bottle" technique if he has to go to work, where he makes 8 doses in either a quart or a Liter of water, and then drinks 4 oz or 125mL an hour. It would be better if it could be kept cool - but it still should work.

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Last edit: by pam.

Re: Multiple Myeloma---cancer 29 Dec 2011 12:50 #9670

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you are not supposed to mix citric acid with the CDS only with the unactivated MMS...CDS was already activated Correct???

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Re: Multiple Myeloma---cancer 29 Dec 2011 16:04 #9673

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Thanks Pam,

Danny started at noon yesterday with 1 drop and at the end of the evening reduced down to 1/2. We were up off and on all night changing sheets and blankets because he was sweating profusely. He started this morning with another 1/2 dose. Would it be a good idea to get the herbs from the Indian lady Dr. Humble spoke of or just stay at a 1/2 drop. Still feeling flu like.


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Re: Multiple Myeloma---cancer 29 Dec 2011 16:06 #9674

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YES, CDS was formed using the Citric Acid and the MMS1. Do either one or the other on your hourly doses. You could do CDS hourly, and then do MMS baths - that would be OK. Or use MMS for brushing your teeth, while you do CDS for your hourly doses, if you wish.

I read kdmia's post as having 2 parts - one about mms1/citric acid and one part about dosing with CDS. I tried to answer both in the same post - if I've confused anyone, sorry.

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Re: Multiple Myeloma---cancer 29 Dec 2011 16:08 #9675

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Correct Jan, we did not add any extra mms to the cds. Hope I didn't imply that I added more. This is a lot for us to understand, but by the Grace of God I believe we will get it right.:) Thanks for checkin. Comfirmation and input from everybody is great!

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Re: Multiple Myeloma---cancer 04 Jan 2012 00:44 #9828

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After Danny mistakingly took the cds mixture and got sick, he lowered the dose to 1 drop and got sick again. He tried it again 2 days later and got sick with the sweats, headache, and diarhhea this time. He has a cold and is going to wait a bit before starting again. This time we are going to try an 1/8 of a drop. He was so weak that he said it reminded him of when he had his stem cell transplant and was waiting for his white blood cells to come back. This is rough!

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