Hi All. I’m taking protocol 1000+, 2000, and 3000 after working up dosages over 10 weeks. I’ve noticed a couple of chronic issues resolved like chronic ear ache and dizziness. In fact my blood pressure has gone from below 100 to a normal 120, body temp up to 37C and saliva ph is 8. I’m a 68yo male in otherwise good health.
However I’ve extensive chemo, radiation and hormone therapy for PC but it’s still spreading in my bones, and now maybe in adrenals. I’m over chemo as it’s no longer working to control the spread. Since taking MMS the rate of increase of PSA has decreased, but still has not gone down. Currently I’m at 10 drops of MMS1 transdermal, drink a couple of drops, and take 1/4 capsule of MMS2, each 4 times a day alternating hourly. I know it’s not the hourly protocol for MMS1 but working up to it and getting more MMS2 as it’s said to be the main treatment for PC. Is that the experience of others with PC - that MMS2 is more important? Also is there a threshold dose that’s needed to see real results?
Thanks for posting this.