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Hello!! I'm brand new here. Here to write my progress 27 Feb 2023 15:49 #77768

  • Anonanimous
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Hello! I'm brand new here and here to write all about my progress.
To start, I'll let you know what I have and how I got here.

A long time ago, I was with someone for four long years. But it ended, and we both moved on. Afterwards, we met up again, saying that what we had was better than anything that came after, and longing for what was. We spent a few evenings together, but agreed that what we had wasn't coming back. It then came out 6 months later that they had HSV-1. I didn't appear to have any symptoms then, but NOW, 1 year later, I have what appears to be EBV, given the obvious damage at my tonsils. I found that the medical system generally wants to give you a pill as a cure and anything that can't be cured by a pill is "incurable".
After extensive research, it appears that CLO2 is the way to go, but after a couple months of it, I am doubtful of it. However, after trying the other known cure, MMS1, in just 1 hour I noticed a clear difference. I became hopeful again.

I do wish to have my happily ever after, should I be so lucky. And I only want to help people, not hurt anyone. Being infectious would mean I'd have to choose, and that just won't do.
I am determined to get this out of me for good!

I've heard Jim Humble created a book for this and some of my research includes,

Things that are very good for you (in the order of importance, based on my understanding)
- MMS1 (of course)
- L-lysine
- Oregano oil
- Olive leaf oil
- Apple cider vinegar
- (If on a protocol, be fasting for the day and only eat in the morning and evening, 2 hours before and after your day of doing the protocol)

Things to avoid
- L-Arginine
- Antioxidants
- Vitamin C
- Carbs
- Sugar
- Processed foods
- Alcohol

There are certainly things I do not understand, for example, essiac tea is supposed to be extremely effective against EBV but is also a very powerful antioxidant. I'm unsure if it should be taken at the same time as MMS1 or if it would be taken in the morning 2 hours before taking MMS

But that's what I'm here to find out! I'll be taking any advice I can get, noting down that I did and when, and posting here what worked and what didn't.

My end goal is not only to be cured but to spread the word and help others in the present and future.

Cheers everyone!

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Hello!! I'm brand new here. Here to write my progress 27 Feb 2023 16:07 #77769

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I forgot to mention colloidal/nano silver are under the "avoid" category.

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Hello!! I'm brand new here. Here to write my progress 28 Jun 2023 10:19 #79200

  • Alcehmist123
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Prior to 2014, I used to have HSV-1 (oral herpes).
I started putting manuka honey on my lip once I had an outbreak.
I don't think I've had oral herpes for 10 years now. I remember I was pretty shocked at how effective it was.
Obviously, I'm just one person and it might have been coincidental. 
Then again, it might be worth trying for yourself.

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Hello!! I'm brand new here. Here to write my progress 30 Jun 2023 04:04 #79222

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Hello! Nice to meet you, and glad you're here.

We're working on similar issues, and I'm also in the beginning stage, so I'll follow your progress with interest and maybe we can compare notes along the way.

The antioxidants thing is a point of uncertainty for me too. JH allows for coffee in the morning as long as it's taken 2 hours before starting MMS, and I'm guessing the reason has to do with the antioxidant activity of coffee, so I'm unclear about why other antioxidants wouldn't also be ok to consume several hours away from protocol. Maybe they're thought to leave the body less quickly than coffee is supposed to? Not sure.

Monolaurin is another really good one to take for EBV, and HSV - it is said to destroy the lipid coating that shields the virus, making it vulnerable to oxidization. I have been taking a gram (or three) of it at night - many hours after completing my MMS for the day, because I want the night time hours to be "in the fight" as well, and alternating with stripping the virus, and then attacking the virus, makes sense to me.

I've heard some say Monolaurin shouldn't be taken while on the protocol, but I haven't heard anyone make a particularly convincing case as to why not, and we're all experimenting here, so.. If anyone reading this has evidence or a theory as to why not to do this, please drop a comment with your input.

Wishing you the best of luck and happy healing! :)

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