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Since you are an administrator, I assume you will know what you are talking about. I have had severe and disabling Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatique for 33 years. I have actually been on full disability from that any sciatic nerve pain and arthritis for the past 18 years. Life can get rather discouraging. I use to be very active and it was hard to slow me down.
I do have the MMS and the 50% CITRIC ACID. I have been taking daily doses with 6 drops of each for the past 2-3 weeks. Do you have any suggestions for a more advantageous treatment.
Thank you,

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Re: FIBROMYALGIA/CHRONIC FATIQUE 27 Jun 2011 04:22 #3434

  • Michael Harrah
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Hi Janet,

I have had chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, and pretty severe back pain for 15 years now so I know what you are talking about. Curing it is not easy, but I have in the last 5 weeks started making some serious headway against these and my other problems. I ran into roadblocks (nausea) with the normal protocols until just recently when new improvememts were announced. We are in a time of rapid improvement in the protocols so the most current info is not always easy to find.

The first place to look for a protocol is to search for your condition on the mmsanswers site www.mmsanswers.org/index.php?option=com_wiwalphalisting&view=wiwalphalisting&cat_id=1:diseases&Itemid=2&start_index=F&end_index= ; it lists protocols 1000 and 3000 for fibromyalgia and there is no listing for chronic fatigue or for sciatic pain. However, Jim does have some advice for these latter two in his lecture transcripts which are posted here genesis2forum.org/index.php?option=com_kunena&func=showcat&catid=28&Itemid=66.

Jim mentions that 60 cases of sciatic pain were cured under the old protocols using 10 drops of MMS1 per hour, but now he recommends protocol 1000 or go to 2000 if that is not enough. It is surprising that MMS can cure a pain condition like this, and Jim theorizes that microbes are responsible for the pain because the nerve endings are weak and they are active there. With the MMS in the blood the immune system can kill the pathogens and the pain stops. I can testify to this myself because when I got up to a dose of 1/2 teaspoon in a bag protocol my back pain was suddenly eliminated for 1-2 hours following the treatment and most of my fatigue also went away for that period. That happened for about 3-4 bag treatments and then the effects sort of tapered off and became less pronounced.

Nevertheless, I have continued with the bag protocol (genesis2forum.org/index.php?option=com_kunena&func=view&catid=28&id=3054&Itemid=66) for 5 weeks now twice a day because I am losing the pain and fatigue this way. The bag protocol may benefit you in the same way, but first you can try the oral doses hourly with protocol 1000 and see if that does it for you.

While we are on the subject of my own methods, I will also mention I do the MMS2 enemas described here genesis2forum.org/index.php?option=com_kunena&func=view&catid=28&id=2473&Itemid=66 because I have had a lot of pain in my sigmoid colon. Jim also mentions MMS1 enemas as beneficial for chronic fatigue in the lecture transcripts. So enemas with either MMS1 or 2 may be something that could help you if protocol 1000 is not enough.

Protocol 3000 (jimhumble.biz/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=41&Itemid=67) is spraying or rubbing MMS1 on your skin and then spraying/rubbing DMSO over the top of it so that you get skin absorption.

One other thing that is very recent and has been instrumental in helping me is the addition of DMSO to the oral drops of MMS1 in protocol 1000. Jim describes it here genesis2forum.org/index.php?option=com_kunena&func=view&catid=28&id=3260&Itemid=66. You mix up your MMS1 and activator like normal and let it activate, then before adding the water or juice, you first add the same number of drops of DMSO as you have of MMS1, then let it activate for another 3 minutes, then add juice or water to drink. I highly recommend this and it eliminated the nausea problem I was having. I am taking 10 drops an hour of MMS1 and don't even have to have food in my stomach.

I know this is a lot of info but you've had a chronic condition for many years and it may take some unusual, state-of-the-art protocols to get you well.

Right now, the first thing to do is start on protocol 1000 and see what happens. Here are 3 links for that:
1. Effective use of sacraments page: genesis2forum.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=55:effective-uses-of-sacraments&catid=34:healing-methodologies&Itemid=63
2. See Jim explain it and for pdf copy of protocol 1000 from his new book www.voiceofmms.com/fe/10262-protocol-1000-2000-and-mms2
3. Jim's site has a video

I'm here to help and answer any questions, so please keep us posted,

Michael Harrah
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  • Margq
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Hi just joined here. I am writing on behalf of my wife who at present is too sick to do so.
She has suffered for over 30 yrs with CFS now with multi chemical sensitivities & the environment . She feels her methylation pathways maybe blocked. Which poss compromise using mms?
My understanding in the medical field is very ltd.
If there is anyone with knowledge in this field, I would so appreciate a clarification on what I could do to help
make her life a little more tolerable.
I have just purchased the mms, but unsure if I should start her on it ? Margq has very high sensitivity to everything. :(

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Hi Margq,

I would recommend using the new CDH on protocol 1000 per Jim's instructions of starting slowly with 1ml per hour the first day and gradually increasing to 3ml per hour.

Here is the link to that forum post:


Hope this helps your wife to feel better.
I'm Scott McRae, creator of "The Antidote" & CDH with CLO2's help (Charlotte Lackney)

- I did a CDH injection / Chlorine Dioxide (CLO2) injection / IV push of 10ml of dilute 50ppm CDH / CLO2 into my blood 3 times in 11 hours & did before & after blood tests that showed that it did NO HARM to my blood, liver or kidneys. This suggests the possibility that CDH / CLO2 is a potential LIFESAVING MRSA cure, VRE cure, CRE cure, AMR cure, Ebola cure, HIV cure, Cancer cure, etc., since it appears to be safe intravenously at 50ppm.

- Join our group on MiWi (was deleted off of Facebook): mewe.com/join/coronavirusebolasolutions
- Every ml of CDH contains 1 drop of MMS, so 1 drop of MMS = 1ml of CDH
- MMS is 7 to 10% activated in 30 seconds while CDH made with 4% HCl is about 50% activated in the bottle. This is why CDH is far less nauseating than MMS drops
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Thank you Scott for your advice for Margaret.
I will make sure I obtain all the relevant info you have kindly noted in your reply.
It may take me awhile ! Being my first time, but hope to make a difference once I get started. I will have to do a little more reading of the protocols. I have already sent off for CDS & MMS. From the US
I should order any other items local I suppose, being in Australia. As long as all the products are identical in their makeup?!
Thanks again

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if I can offer some tips/tricks

1. drink 1 teaspoon of pharmaceutical grade DMSO daily.... this has profound effects, helps the membrane of the cells/mitochondria

2. fish oil, I like liquid more than capsules,,,, (flavored)

3. Ribose (a few teaspoons daily)

4. vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) try 1000 mgs after each meal

you should see very dramatic results from adding those
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Hi again, suppose I should have explained Margaret's condition in a little more detail to others to make sure I hopefully use the right protocol to improve marg's health. Because to date over the last 30 plus yrs we have really got nowhere so far, other than very very slight help from any medical profession.
phycisions, professors gp's and many many tests. Now for the very first time here ,the government has approved finance for a university to carry out studies on CFS I believe for the next few yrs. Not sure if there are other places in the world that this is also taking place? Maybe too late to help Margaret , that's why I am here to try this protocol for her if it may work.
It appears similar to Janet's condition?
Here's are marg,s main conditions to date..CFS/Fibromialgia/bedridden approx 90% /Multiple chemical sensitivity to the environment plus food/atrial fribulation/Ulcerative colitis/Abdo pains & Swelling/Inflamation of the eyes/Burning mouth syndrome/slight atrophy of the pancreas/In 2009 -2010 Cronic pancreatitis/If standing for short periods gets swollen legs/Insomnia/Reflux/tinnitus/Fluid retention/sever malabsorption /High kriptopyrolls /Allergies to sulphur,rubber, penicillin ,latex,iodine/Adrenal insufficiency/lactose intolerant/Tested for heavy metals through doctors data at being over 80%/Test through Metametrics 3 parasites , blastocystis hominis,hook worm,& a third unidentified/mild chronic Tia's/vertigo/Tinitus/Shortness of breath/Been suggested poss Lyme disease ( yet to be tested for)/Tested for candida with Metrametrix has elevated d-Arabinitol toxin.Elevated kynurenate & quinolinate due to candida/Slight atrophy of pancreas/Nutrrient loss/
Margaret still tries to excercise in short walks daily if poss, and has been quite positive, but takes a lot out of her. She is only 5ft 4inch approx 59 kg and looks SO NORMAL!!! & pretty like Pam I see here.
I being Marg's carer thankfully I have the time for this, I will just keep going till we find the answers!
There must be so many others here with similar problems.
Hope this gives a slightly clearer insight of Marg's challenge.Other than this life's great!!! ;)

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if I can offer some tips/tricks

1. drink 1 teaspoon of pharmaceutical grade DMSO daily.... this has profound effects, helps the membrane of the cells/mitochondria

2. fish oil, I like liquid more than capsules,,,, (flavored)

3. Ribose (a few teaspoons daily)

4. vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) try 1000 mgs after each meal

you should see very dramatic results from adding those

all of these above will greatly increase mitochondrial function......(plus MMS helps the mitochondria)

this will alleviate the illness

many reported cases of people being cured from fibro/CFS just from taking ribose
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•Fibromyalgia- according to Dr. Jacob. 70% of fibromyalgia patients he has treated experienced benefits with no side effects. He believes these effects were due to pharmacological actions of DMSO such as free-radical scavenging, analgesia, anti-inflammation, softening of scar tissue, reduction of muscle spasms, and stimulation of healing.

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