that leads me to think that dehydration could be another issue at play here. I was, before taking MMS, drinking 1/2 gallon of lemon water daily which really helped hydrate me.
Drinking lots of lemon water, or even water without lemon, can do wonders. But you will lose (wash out) minerals rapidly, especially when adding lemon (acid) to the water. You have to replenish these minerals in order to maintain natural immune function.
Lots of minerals are not only essential but also very effective at detoxifying. Zinc, Copper, Potassium, Sodium, Iodine etc. Hydration and salts ( minerals/trace minerals) must go hand in hand. If not MMS will mostly only cover over symptoms caused by malnutrition.
In general one could do with a lot less MMS, and which has no nutritional value whatsoever, if mineral intake is adequate. I myself use MMS for periodic detox and emergencies. Iodine alone can do many of the things that MMS does. MMS should not be used to substitute iodine.
Well this basically is about sharing what I've come to understand myself since I first started on the MMS long ago. Good luck to you Susan!