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Become an MMS Minister of Health 02 Mar 2014 16:54 #40762

  • Rev Ray
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Just a heads up to any considering the online home video MMS Minister course.
Do it NOW!
In this Year of the Wood Hrse transitions happen very quickly. You do not want to wait, or over or rethink during a Horse Year, you want to act and immediately as the opportunity in a Horse Year is fleeting. One must grab the reigns of opportunity when presented. I have shown several here that to hesitate is to miss out.

Changes are coming and soon a new/different qualification title will be achieved following completion of MMS online Minister Course.

I hear that those changes will come soon, and that any who have Minister titles will retain Minister Title. So, if you want Minister title (Rev) you want to act now and do the course, write the test indicating you have the knowledge of basic MMS functions and methods.

While the test is extensive with some 220 questions, most of the test is what we discuss here (sans CDH). The info here, Jims page and supplied with course is all you need.

The drawback of online is one does not get the same direction and help one gets with in person training.

There are as many as 1500 of us who have been titled.
Please join us, make a difference, and contribute to the Health and well being of our Life experience here on Earth.

Thank you

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Last edit: by Rev Ray.
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