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Hello and help please 06 Feb 2014 05:26 #39608

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Rev Ray said:

Which brings me to can we just intake water with MMSU and achieve results.

Scott tried that twice and threw up both times, so it did not seem to work for him. So it seems some activation needs to happen before we ingest the SC. There are other chemical reactions going on that I don't understand, not being a chemist. I am not sure anyone really knows for sure what happens when MMS is ingested, but we do know some of the results and that is what counts.

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Hello and help please 06 Feb 2014 14:02 #39621

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If you have MMS and citric acid you are ready to start, though I recommend you get capsules to put active drops in rather than in water.
There are new ways of making MMS, so if you have a new kit with 4% HCl, let us know.
You likely will use MMS in several ways, bath, orally, topically and there are more methods.
But everyone starts on MMS1 which you have.
Feel free to get started and as we go you will learn about the other steps or products MMS is capable of.
As to genes.
I read that genes are malable, change with environment, diet and stress.
So while I am unsure MMS will clear the black spots of your DNA strand, it might, over time contribute in some way.

After being ill 43 years, I noticed a difference in the 1st dose in 20 minutes.
I did 1 drop dose Friday. By Tuesday I as doing 12-15 drops at a time before bed which was a partial Protocol at the time. Every day I woke I felt better. I was amazed, every day.
So I'll let you get started. You have the most powerful tool knwn to man now at your disposal.

REV RAY... i will respond to you on this thread as you seem to be the one not clamming things up the least on this topic at hand. You people need to understand when a new person jumps on board that many of us are new, frightened, aprehensive, and you got my already stressed system on overload....lol Not sure how things got way off topic....or is it just me.
I will contact the store in which i made this purchase and see in fact what i have ordered. I will not be getting this stuff in my hands until the 12 of Feb. as a friend is bringing it down to me from another city.
In the meantime i have another question....i have severe gastro problems..no blood that i know of but severe acid comming up due to the immune system fighting, something, all the time. I have heard that MMS has a rather strong content...i am afraid that it may make my already fighting immune system fight even harder , meaning add to the already acidic environment worse. I have read that people like me have damage to the villi which line the intestines due to inflammation of the intestinal wall....which...in turn...limits the ability of nutrients to pass the villi and through the intestinal wall. If i add a strong immune enhancer to my already inflammed system could it do more damage? I guess all i can do is try but it would be nice to here from others with similar issues.
By the sounds of it, i will not be getting any instructions with this MMS kit...why is that? Also unless im not finding it, this website should have an area designated with data collected so all the people can weigh the odds as far as how many numbers of people are being helped by MMS and how many people failed to find help with MMS. Please show me the data. I have read peoples cases on here on an individual thread basis but would it not be benificial to tally these numbers up to help show just how broad curing MMS really is. REV RAY.....what type of capsule are you talking about...just an ordinary empty gel capsule?

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Last edit: by roonie. Reason: adding words

Hello and help please 06 Feb 2014 14:31 #39623

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just an ordinary gel capsule
drug or health food stores
We are all volunteers here. doing our best to share what we have come to know thru science, understanding, experience.
It is my thought that whatever is inflaming your intestinal walls will be remedied with MMS.
if you have concerns we ask that you start slowly, with one drop, or less if really concerned.
MMS is a solution that is electrically attracted to the low PH offending pathogen. It strips an electron from the molecule shell collapsing into waste tracks.
This is when people feel ill from MMS, the die off process.
I expect you will experience this BUT you can gauge your own rate of progress by going slow building up speed as you feel and see results.
I have no doubts MMS helps you, but your condition will require (imo) the purging of offenders, and a healing time of regeneration of body flora and balance as well as tissue renewal. And possibly again a purge and renewal process several times over weeks/months, but as your condition is likely rooted in a toxin or microbiology it is likely MMS will clear that for you over time as you purge and rebuild.
I can not advise you, only offer what I know, and you know more about your condition than I ever will so always check in with your group for direction.
I can offer you the thought of Virgin Coconut Oil or Aloe Vera, MSM DMSO as an anti inflammatory but please check with your group for known anti inflamms that are benevolent to your condition.
MMS will help elevate PH as it removes the acidic offender. MMS will take the load off your immune system.
Please, go slowly, build to your comfort, keep us informed and when better, come back and help us sort all this website out...
We are all volunteers so not everything gets done.
Our main intent, is to help others get going, to offer some support and field some questions.
Recently we have had a breakthrough and are a lil euphoric...

Once you have your kit in your hands, please let us know what the activator is and we can help you get started if there are no directions.
One can also find MMS what it is and how to use it thread/s here on Forum
Have a look around.
There is a lot of information and while the intent has been to have it fully and completely organized....
As to who fails with MMS.
Those who start too late, those who do not stay with the protocols or system. HSV2 is difficult but for 95% of all illness MMS works like nothing else. It works!

one more suggestion to help you get started.
MMS2 can be found almost anywhere a pool spa store is.
As you can not get MMS1 for a week or so you might try a small amount of MMS2, in capsules (MMS2 is always in capsules) like 1/8 cap with water and see if that makes any benevolent change. Maybe just a few grains of MMS2 in a cap to start, but MMS2 will certainly kill microtoxins.That said, it is my suggestion only, not a standard at all, just that I offer you the idea in case you want to start sooner.

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Last edit: by Rev Ray.

Hello and help please 06 Feb 2014 15:20 #39625

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just an ordinary gel capsule
drug or health food stores
We are all volunteers here. doing our best to share what we have come to know thru science, understanding, experience.
It is my thought that whatever is inflaming your intestinal walls will be remedied with MMS.
if you have concerns we ask that you start slowly, with one drop, or less if really concerned.
MMS is a solution that is electrically attracted to the low PH offending pathogen. It strips an electron from the molecule shell collapsing into waste tracks.
This is when people feel ill from MMS, the die off process.
I expect you will experience this BUT you can gauge your own rate of progress by going slow building up speed as you feel and see results.
I have no doubts MMS helps you, but your condition will require (imo) the purging of offenders, and a healing time of regeneration of body flora and balance as well as tissue renewal. And possibly again a purge and renewal process several times over weeks/months, but as your condition is likely rooted in a toxin or microbiology it is likely MMS will clear that for you over time as you purge and rebuild.
I can not advise you, only offer what I know, and you know more about your condition than I ever will so always check in with your group for direction.
I can offer you the thought of Virgin Coconut Oil or Aloe Vera, MSM DMSO as an anti inflammatory but please check with your group for known anti inflamms that are benevolent to your condition.
MMS will help elevate PH as it removes the acidic offender. MMS will take the load off your immune system.
Please, go slowly, build to your comfort, keep us informed and when better, come back and help us sort all this website out...
We are all volunteers so not everything gets done.
Our main intent, is to help others get going, to offer some support and field some questions.
Recently we have had a breakthrough and are a lil euphoric...

Once you have your kit in your hands, please let us know what the activator is and we can help you get started if there are no directions.
One can also find MMS what it is and how to use it thread/s here on Forum
Have a look around.
There is a lot of information and while the intent has been to have it fully and completely organized....
As to who fails with MMS.
Those who start too late, those who do not stay with the protocols or system. HSV2 is difficult but for 95% of all illness MMS works like nothing else. It works!

I have a big bag of gell caps so im good to go.
Sorry if i sound like i was ragging out.
where on this website can i find starting directions for MMS? We....meaning, this website...needs an up front ...in your face...heading on MMS instructions so that newcomers that are sometimes desperate with cancer or other serious illnesses can find MMS instructions and fast!
I am familiar with die off so i will know whats happening....ive taken tons of antibiotics and just recently getting over a bad bout of pnemonia that started before xmas...and i mean bad...still not back to normal...is there anything i need to know about pnemonia and MMS
Ive been on all kinds of "remmedies" for inflammation including aloa vera and coc. oil...while it does help i do believe my acid is pumping overtime. when i had my later immune blow up...i will call it.....my immune system pumped acid out at an allarming rate....at first i did not know what was happening as the fight was so strong but later, when the immune system started getting tired from fighting, i could even tell when the fight would stop and the immune system would begin to save up for the next fight....then unleash a huge fight again.....and rest...and fight...and rest....and fight untill these fights and rests (save ups) got further and further apart ...until finally there was no fight left....that was years ago so now you have an idea of how long this has been going on. The stimulatory phase of my illness ....i call it....began when i got sick in the motel room way back in the early 80s....the complete blow up of my immune system..when the fighting began, started in 1993..so you see we are a long way from a fight. I actually had a complete reversal of the later phaze when i stopped eating for several days.....i fasted twice and it was when i began to eat again, that my body went back to a normal state...not cured...but a state that i first was at. I cannot fast anymore and i believe at this point it is dangerous to fast now as i understand there is no fuel left in the tank. Fasting would only weaken my already weakened state. When i fell apart the last time, that is when the lumps popped up all over my body...its like the system failed so it stored the waste in the backup lymph system as a temporary facility until the body can better deal with it. I have read on lyme forums that lyme will be stored into the lymph and that the lymph is the last organ to clear once a cure is obtained.
I understand this is my journey. I write all of this in hopes that later down the line someone else will read this and find the same issues apply to them as i believe no matter what the disease or "label" that has been put to them, the body works the same in all of us....just either slower or faster when it comes to pathogens. We all have the same organs inside us that god gave us to do a healing job.

Ive been to tons of websites while searching for answers and i can tell you that the best websites are the ones that show simple organized info. The best websites have moderators that keep things in a uncluttered fashion so that the newcomers and others can float through with ease. Many people that have health issues suffer from brain fog and have trouble at the best of times. Im sure we can all relate to that. Pages and pages of info may not be the best for wellness websites but rather a short, clean, to the point instructional system may be best so that the sick person does not have to consume themselves with wading and trying to navagate through a new to them site. For instance....if we look at this website i am on now we first arrive and look to the left and see there is no heading for MMS instructional use. The sole reason i came here , and others is to find out how to use this MMS product. MMS instructions should be front and center. This is why i choose to converge with REV RAY....he helps with to the point short answers and facts...while the other people that commented ended up going way off topic. We need to keep things on track for the sake of getting people well. Hope im not sounding like im ranting here....just sharing what ive learned from being on other sites in hopes of helping this site which ive come to learn is rather new. Am i correct in this assumtion? Rev Ray....you have a new pm
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Hello and help please 06 Feb 2014 15:33 #39626

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MMS remedies pneumonia, you're good to go there.
Here's a link to get you started
from this list here
more later time to recharge

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Hello and help please 06 Feb 2014 15:39 #39628

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thanks Rev Ray

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Hello and help please 06 Feb 2014 19:06 #39635

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the forum is set up so that what comes up is the most recent posts - if you want to see the forum layout, click on
"Public Index" to the left. We are a lot more than the recent topics <G>. YOu may also want to get Jim Humble's book "The Master Mineral of the Third Millennium"

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Hello and help please 18 Jun 2014 21:47 #45619

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Hi,, my name is winston. I'm from Long Island New York, 30 yrs just found out I have lyme. I'm seeing a LLMD doctor in the city right now. I've been so sick where I've just wanted to die. I'm really looking into this to help my health and cure this horrible disease called lyme. If you could help me in any way I would really be thankful, if you don't mind ,, maybe we could speak via phone 5164508969..

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Hello and help please 19 Jun 2014 16:30 #45647

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Winston, I don't work privately - sorry - I admin about 10 forums, so I'm spread out over the day. Plus, I miss the non-verbal cues that I would get with a 1 on 1 -

Lymes seems to be one of the things that a number of people use MMS for - I belong to a group on FB on using MMS and the Doug Coil to heal Lymes. I know 4 people personally who have healed from Lymes -

Please feel free to ask your questions here, though -
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