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Hello and help please 05 Feb 2014 16:44 #39577

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Ive gone ahead and ordered my MMS from a small store here in Sask. Canada. I need some help in direction etc.
I have yet to be diognosed with anything in 30yrs...yes 30yrs. of going to docs.
My immune system is constantly fighting....something
I am allergic to life. I am what they call a universal reactor
Call it environmental illness...chemical sensativities....Chronic Fatigue syndrome..whatever
In hindsight ...way back in the early 80s, when CFS first outbroke in Incline City NV is when i got sick...but i got sick here in Sask. Canada.
I got sick while living in a motel for 6 months....the motel was out of town on a hyway with well water ...i was trapping mice the night i got sick...coincedence?
I became very sick...very very sick that night...docs found nothing
two weeks later i developed an ulcer and for yrs after something was "growing" in my system and i got worse and worse untill like many with this illness, i had a stressor that tipped my immune system over the edge and my immune system put up one hellova fight until now there is barely no fight left.
In hindsight i believe i have some sort of pathogen that is now stored into my lymph system...lots of lumps under my skin. I was diognosed with lyme but it was a verbal diognosis due to the fact that i was later a taxidermist for many years. Maybe i have lyme...i dont know. I was tested and showed up neg. by Igenix in the USA
I am broke...sick of being sick....desperate to try anything so here i am. I dont want to die.
the night i got sick, my next door neighbour was also trapping mice.....i had a gut feeling for yrs. after to locate this person...and i did....he is also sick with the same/similar issues. teh only other thing i can add is another person..an african..fresh off the plane joined us at school...we all puffed off of the same joint several times and i often wondered if he infected us with something being straight off the plane from africa. We all schooled together and lived in the same motel.

I can tell you that the government here and in USA is for some reason trying to sweep this CFS illness under the carpet. Many years ago the CFS community saved up 12 million dollars and gave it to the CDC for research only to have the $ stolen from us. Since that time the CDC is making this illness sound like nothing but a flu type illness....i can tell you that when i became sick i felt as if i had eboli running through my body...my gums bled...i wanted to dye due to the toxic smell comming from my body...it smelled like burning rubber tires! I tried desperately to tell docs but they just kept telling me its all in my head...i guess the lumps under my skin are also in my head....lol

My question here is ......has anyone been helped with MMS that has CFS, Lyme, or any of these immune illnesses. I am sure i read in one of Jim Humbles articles that lyme could not be cured with MMS? I have an old book of his. thanks so much in advance
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Hello and help please 05 Feb 2014 17:56 #39584

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what an ordeal you have been thru.
AMA CDC US all frauds....
Ignore them
Now you have the potential to heal yourself no matter what they say or don't say you have or don't have.
MMS does not care what the Quacks name for the condition is, MMS just goes straight t work and I have no doubts concerning you, that MMS will help.
So, read up on Protocol 2000. I think based on what you have told us that PC2000 is your ticket to recovery.

Many get ill from mice, bats and other creature droppings.
Weed is known to kill germs so your African friend, may have picked the virus from you guy/s. No matter, would be interesting to know how he is doing. Africa needs lots of MMS teachers so if he got ill, there may be a bigger reason why....

Just as for you. Heal yourself with MMS. BY time you have healed yourself ( sounds like 2-3 months to me) you will have most of the knowledge required to teach MMS healing. by downloading the video home course for $200, one can write the test and become one who teaches, administers/helps others with issues using MMS.

Save yourself grief, put MMS1 in capsules rather than drinking in water. Otherwise the taste may prevent you from staying with MMS long enough to do its job.
I am sure it will.
MMS helps many that doctors are unable to due to their creed to sell drugs and the illness they recognize are not all illness including Lyme in Canada. Still not properly diagnosed or cared for.
But again MMS doesn't care.
Heal, be well and share your experience once healed with the world...they need to know.
FYI I had lyme for 43 years, docs useless to me, MMS saved my life, now I am here to help others.

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Last edit: by Rev Ray.

Hello and help please 05 Feb 2014 19:40 #39592

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Roonie, I would say you have been through hell; I am sure MMS will help you.

The list of Sacraments available to you are listed here:

There is a new version of MMS1 called CDH and you can find info on it under the pull-down Categories menu listed under Technical Talk, CDH - Chlorine Dioxide Holding (Solution).

The protocol list is here:

Wherever you see MMS1 called for, you can use CDH for a more pleasant taste and you can take more of it. No protocol written for CDH yet, so no limit on how much you can take.

Let us know when you have questions and keep us posted on your progress as that info will help others, too.

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Hello and help please 05 Feb 2014 20:27 #39594

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I can't believe I forgot to plug CDH..
As I feel there may be a virus at work here, it is important to recognise that MMS prevents the proteins the virus requires, from forming.
This is why with virus, it is so important to stay with the protocol, to prevent proteins from forming as MMS starves virus. Other microbiology is treated differently than virus.

You might not bother with CDS as CDS does not help malaria, cold flu, may not help so CDH or MMS1 where ever MMS1 is called for and if you decide on tried and true MMS1 activated with citric acid, put it in gel capsules.
When I say may not help what I mean is CDS will help but may not complete the process. It will kill X and Y but not Z. To get Z one might need CDH, MMS1, MMS2 or DMSO added to the equation.
To me, CDS is MMS lite....it always felt "thin" to me and so I did not adopt it nor teach it but now I am interested again.
(JB)Could CDS be made from CDH and if so (yes I suspect) what are the pro's con's.
I read another Poster who made CDS Ice in his freezer.

Oops, rabbit hole....

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Hello and help please 05 Feb 2014 21:12 #39595

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Rev Ray, CDS is made from the same ingredients as MMS1 and CDH. It may be that because there is only CLO2 gas in water with CDS, and it can not increase CLO2 in the body, more needs to be taken. CDH is somewhat similar to CDS in that a lot of CLO2 is generated outside the body whereas with Classic MMS, most of the CLO2 generation seems to be happening inside the body.

CDS has cured breast cancer in a two month period for one lady, but she took high doses of CDS to do that.

CDS may kill malaria if taken in a large dose or doses. Someone should do a field trial to find out!

I like CDS for topical use as I can make it very high in CLO2 content by redoing the process over and over until the CLO2 ppm is very high. Can't do that with Classic MMS or CDH. Also discovered if I can break the skin where there is a problem, the CDS works much better. One annoying hard white "thing" on the back of my left hand would grow and grow and then fall off, repeatedly. One day I "helped" it come off and blood flowed. I used a Q-tip to apply strong CDS to the wound and a few days later I could not find where the "thing" used to live. It has never come back.
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Hello and help please 05 Feb 2014 22:33 #39598

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Thanks JB
I think some did a field test w/CDS and Malaria that did not end well, with near severe ramifications for those who went to help when CDS failed to cure Malaria for those opposed to MMS, is how I understand it went down in South America. (from a newsletter or link to JH)

I'd like to better understand this internal activation.
As I understand internal activation, HCl is being used drawn and produced from zinc and sodium internally, that over 45 years of age we produce less HCl internally due to lower levels of zinc and sodium.

So as the amount of HCl is so miniscule, (a few drops of 4%) I find it interesting that my understanding of this seems like such a small amount of HCl is required I wonder about supplementing zinc and sodium in those older than 45.

I just don't yet fully understand this activation as what I see and now understand suggests what someone long ago brought up, internal activation. Which brings me to, addition of NaClO2 to water systems, drank unactivated, would activate in body due to HCl in digestive track and we would not suffer disease to begin with. The drawback being activated MMS draws electrons from metal. Does unactivated NaClO2 do same?
And draws on HCl in body which I think could be bolstered with zinc and sodium.
Which brings me to can we just intake water with MMSU and achieve results.

Maybe I don't understand the reason for external activation fully.

Topically I mix 10 MMS1 add dmso and rub. Sometimes 20.
There are so many ways to achieve results.

Also, could you help me with a math question. I no longer have my table handy.
I want to make 4Oz of MMS from salt crystal
What is the weight of the salt again to make 4oz , if you have that handy, thanks.

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Hello and help please 05 Feb 2014 23:02 #39600

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A simple formula to make MMS - Just use the number 2.57 Use any unit of measure you want, ounces of weight, grams, etc.

Multiply the amount of Sodium Chlorite you want to use by 2.57 and the answer will be how much water you need. (weight)

(example) 454 x 2.57 = 1166.78 (1167)

Divide the amount of water you want to use by 2.57 and this is how much Sodium Chlorite you need. (weight)

(example) 1167 / 2.57 = 454

Yes, what happens when we ingest just 22.4% SC? I am looking forward to Jim's next MMS book. So many unanswered questions.
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Hello and help please 06 Feb 2014 02:29 #39605

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whoa....you guys have thrown me a curve ball ! What i have purchased is MMS. Its only now that ive read your replies that ive learned about MMS1..CDS...etc. Now im unsure what ive even bought and to tell you the truth , the lady at the wellness center did not seem to know much....maybe she was new behind the desk..not sure. I ordered via mail so was not present to see other products. I am guessing the wellness center may not know of these other products as well. I will call them back in the morning. So....one more time.....which product should i be getting? Ive been sick for more than 30yrs.
Tell me also ...if this turns out to be a genetic defect with my genes, is there hope with MMS or other products? Thanks for all your help

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Hello and help please 06 Feb 2014 02:39 #39606

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If you have MMS and citric acid you are ready to start, though I recommend you get capsules to put active drops in rather than in water.
There are new ways of making MMS, so if you have a new kit with 4% HCl, let us know.
You likely will use MMS in several ways, bath, orally, topically and there are more methods.
But everyone starts on MMS1 which you have.
Feel free to get started and as we go you will learn about the other steps or products MMS is capable of.
As to genes.
I read that genes are malable, change with environment, diet and stress.
So while I am unsure MMS will clear the black spots of your DNA strand, it might, over time contribute in some way.

After being ill 43 years, I noticed a difference in the 1st dose in 20 minutes.
I did 1 drop dose Friday. By Tuesday I as doing 12-15 drops at a time before bed which was a partial Protocol at the time. Every day I woke I felt better. I was amazed, every day.
So I'll let you get started. You have the most powerful tool knwn to man now at your disposal.

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