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Hi all, I was diagnosed with stage 3b colon cancer a few months back... 03 Aug 2013 17:09 #35087

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....and don't get/beleive in the whole chemo/radiation treatments they have me on. Ive gone thru 5 rounds of chemo givin to me every 2 weeks that didnt start out so bad but have been wearing me down quickly, they also recently told me that my white cells are way down but not enough to stop treatments ,so they gave me a shot of something then sent me to the old infusion room for another round. After the 4th round i was suppose to start a radiation/chemo treatment that would include radiation everyday for 6 weeks along with chemo. Well the radioligst explained all the side effects and possible damage and i walked out, I asked my oncoligst what decress percentage of survival rate would it be if i did not due the radiation and he informed me 10 percent. With the potential damage to surrounding organs and the nasty side effects i opted out of radiation. So my doctor made no fuss whatsoever and said lets just continue on with another 9 rounds of chemo :-( Personally I was over it and asked my doctor to show me some proof that this poision was doing any good because i felt great after my surgery to remove the tumor in my colon in which it made it out into my lympyhnoids (6 out of 36 removed had the cancer cell) then the chemo treatments started and down i went. Barely made it thru the 4th round and got a 3 week break to set up the radiation treatments that were not now going to happen. Again i was starting to feel good again. Started surfing again, bike rides, even had sex !!!! So i decieded i was done, I researched a few forums where i learned that if the chemo was going to work, 3 months of it in me should have done the trick? Then came the family with their never been thru it, dont know a thing about it, sheep that will listen to anything a man in a lab coat will say and beleive in it whole hearted got me to say i would finish my treatments because they want me around. I know they mean well but they havnt a clue, I'm not sure i do either. all i know is i dont get how killing your immune system can do any good? Its just like taking away the only protection your body has for 6 months to a year and leave it open for any number of things to do you in while your at your weakest. They say attitude is everything, but how do you have a positive atitude in something you dont believe in, i dont, im pissed off and allmost died last night from a common cold and cough (or at least felt like it) i havnt been sick in 15 years,nothing but getting my kidney stones blasted.Well a good friend who swears by mms turned me on to a bottle along with the 50% citric acid and i took a drop yesterday per instructed and had real bad nausea. My question is should i even be taking mms with chemo? and if so would the nasusea meds they give me for the chemo nausea help with the mms nausea? Any other help would be much appreciated as i would love to quite this chemo and go back to my doctor in a month with no cancer in me and set the sheep in my family straight with how big pharm and the medical feild are not allways looking out for your best intrest, It's all about money!!!

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Hi all, I was diagnosed with stage 3b colon cancer a few months back... 03 Aug 2013 17:35 #35089

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Your first step would be to get Jim Humble's book - look down to the left of this page - even the first 50 pages of it, which are free - but you're in it for the long haul if you do MMS, and it's lots better to understand what MMS is and so on, and why you do certain things and not others.

If you took 1 drop and had nausea, that's a herxheimer reaction and tells me you're really toxic.

Better to do the baby bottle VERY slow step up treatment, where you start at 1/8 of a drop an hour. www.michaelharrah.us/parasite-protocol/protocol/132-baby-bottle-method-adults

There are a lot more things that can be done, but this would be the start.

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Hi all, I was diagnosed with stage 3b colon cancer a few months back... 03 Aug 2013 22:21 #35094

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I thought I'd add a link to the baby bottles at Walmart:
Right now, they are listed for $5.98

These come with the nipple tops and don't come with the flat caps anymore.
I called Evenflo company and the receptionist sold me a 10-pack of flat caps for $2.00.
The shipping was kind of steep and I mentioned that so she shipped it free.
I actually purchased two 10-packs just in case.
I have some extra if you need any. Send me a private message if you can't obtain the caps otherwise.

I hope you recover and we are probably all optimistic that you recover with MMS.
If I could, I would like to offer a personal suggestion or two.

I suggest you follow Jim Humble's protocols precisely. He also says to lower your dose if you get a herx reaction.
There is also CDS which is not mentioned in the book, but you will find info here.
You may benefit from someone who is experienced with helping a patient with cancer. AmandaMary on this site is probably one of the best and I would think there are a few more. Someone who can give you a regimen may have insight and knowledge that is more than you know from reading the books or your personal knowledge. You may be able to contact her (or someone else) using email or other. Posting to the boards here is also probably good. I think Steve may be helpful and also Michael Harrah. There is also a support email from the Genesis II Church, but I am not sure what that is.

I hope the best for you.

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