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4 weeks on and stopping MMS after today... 01 Aug 2013 19:43 #35040

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Hi, I know everyone on here is pro MMS but just wanted to share my disappointing experience. I welcome all comments and feedback. I started on MMS almost 4 weeks ago after a medical intuitive reading in which I was told some symptoms I've been dealing with for decades were caused primarily from a low grade mercury poisoning as a result of amalgams I had since childhood. I've had them all replaced over the years (now 52), but I was told the mercury had leached into my organs due to my slender build. He recommended I try the MMS. I started by using a 1 to 1 mixture twice a day and slowly building up to 15 drops twice a day. No issues except for a raw feeling in my throat that went away after awhile and just dealing with the taste.

My most noticeable symptom is a chronic runny nose which I've tried everything on with limited results including surgery. At first it felt like it was getting better with the MMS but after awhile it just resumed running as usual. Because of the taste factor I knew it would be so hard for me to tolerate 15 drops 3 times a day so after consulting with my supplier I decided to switch to the 3 drops every 1 to 2 hours for 8 doses daily. Today is day 9 on that protocol and the only real change is a growing feeling of constipation which I am managing somewhat with other natural remedies. No change in the runny nose so I started adding colloidal silver drops to my nose and ears, also suggested by the medical intuitive. This has helped a bit. After almost 4 weeks on the MMS I have decided today will be the last day. It just doesn't seem to be doing anything for me. I haven't noticed anything unusual in my bowel movements as some people have indicated or any other real change in the way I am feeling or functioning. I'm wondering if that means I don't have any viruses, bacteria, fungus, parasites, other internal bugs, etc. to clear or what little I had was cleared in the beginning when I had the sore throat. I never had any type of repulsion, nausea or diarrhea the whole time I've been on it. I guess that's good news from what I've read but I'm also wondering if I should even bother with the 6 drops twice a week maintenance dose. If I do my supplier strongly recommended that I order the CDS (18 drops twice a week) to make it more tolerable which I will surely do if I decide to maintain whatever I've accomplished (?).

I guess I feel disappointed that MMS seems to have helped others with some serious conditions but it doesn't seem to have done much for me. I even tried the spray protocol both on a patch of dandruff I have on the left side of my scalp and on a bump on my right arm that never went away after a tetanus shot several years ago but nothing happened. Other symptoms I've been dealing with are chronic low blood platelets and hypoglycemia but without labs I can't tell if those things have improved. I don't really feel much different. I'm hoping that when I go off of the MMS that's when I'll notice the changes. Again, all comments and feedback would be welcomed & appreciated. Thanks.

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4 weeks on and stopping MMS after today... 01 Aug 2013 20:45 #35043

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You are using an outdated protocol. 15 drops twice a day protocol was discontinued about 2 years ago and there are additional protocols available now.


If I had to take 15 drops of MMSA twice a day, I would quit, too!

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4 weeks on and stopping MMS after today... 01 Aug 2013 20:54 #35044

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I switched to the hourly protocol 9 days ago. Also used the spraying protocol topically but still no results.

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4 weeks on and stopping MMS after today... 01 Aug 2013 20:59 #35045

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You might consider moving to Protocol 1000+ or Protocol 2000. Remember to start slow and build up as your body tolerates the increase.

The recommended time period is 3 weeks or until well. If you are dealing with lots of problems or stubborn ones, could take a long time.

I think one has to consider the options.

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4 weeks on and stopping MMS after today... 01 Aug 2013 21:18 #35046

  • dreadwork
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I would not give up so fast if i were you. i do no really understand what exactly is this " runny nose " but i think i have some similar symptoms like " water-like " fluid running from my nose often. i have to sniffle back air through my nose all the time and very often my nose fills like " stuffed " but there is no infection. i have this filling like i have to swallow something but there is nothing there , and there is fluid running down from my (sinuses ? i do not know maybe its nose ) back on my throat. I can easyly take 15 drops of mms once so i do not see the problem of the taste, but i can be a little hardcore if it comes to taste-resistance and i can eat a lot of things that usually people think are yucky ... And i take mms and mms2 for over 3 months and i can definitely say that it is much more better than in the begining. So i do not give up and neither should you i think ... I also have amalgamats and they are still in my teeth i am considering the removal of them, but the doctors and dentists denied that it could be the reason but i do not consider them to be reliable and trustworthy anymore.

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4 weeks on and stopping MMS after today... 01 Aug 2013 21:36 #35047

  • arabesc
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Are you taking antioxidants or vitamins which counteract the mms?

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4 weeks on and stopping MMS after today... 01 Aug 2013 21:59 #35048

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I just read Uninformed Consent by Hal Huggins and am now reading Amalgam Illness by Andrew Cutler. You really should look into this. I think the medical intuitive is on the right track with me as I have literally tried everything under the sun to get my nose to stop running to no avail. My internist told me some people just have a highly sensitive nose and develop chronic rhinitis. His only answer for me was to use some type of nasal spray usually with steroids that only work for short periods of time. The allergy doctor told me I was allergic to something airborne and to stop using all fragrances. Made no difference. The ear, throat, nose doctor told me I needed surgery for a deviated septum. That didn't work. I don't trust doctors anymore either. That's why I am here trying to find my own way to wellness.

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4 weeks on and stopping MMS after today... 01 Aug 2013 22:02 #35049

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I am taking some supplements but I only take vitamin C late at night many hours after my last dose of MMS which I read is what you're supposed to do.

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4 weeks on and stopping MMS after today... 01 Aug 2013 22:09 #35050

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The medical intuitive also told me he was concerned that being on MMS for more than 4 weeks could lead to other complications for me like gallstones. According to him I have issues in the gallbladder, spleen and pancreas due to mercury toxicity. He told me to just try the MMS for 2 to 3 weeks and see how I feel. He is a trained nurse and knows the body well so I do trust him.

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